This totally guts me... watching a country slide into anarchy, Alexandra is only one of many protests over squatting, service protests, clean sanitary conditions, lack of water caused by ANC government corruption. We have nothing' - Vredenburg residents demand better service delivery For the record... Africans do not want to live like this...VVV they like clean conditions just as much as you and I do. They have No water, vvvv money for maintenance and new water pipes have been stolen and mismanaged. sewage is contaminating the drinking water as hundreds of thousands of tonnes of raw sewage have been running into the river systems.
I think other Africans are ashamed of South Africans... they were given something good and beautiful and they have soiled and broken it... now we're facing a humanitarian disaster of epic proportions.
This is how Africa has always been though. It's certainly not limited to SA. It's just reverted to it's natural condition. But hey, at least they got rid of the evil white people.
Julius Malema is preparing his supporters for black on white violence... he is conditioning them for hatred towards white South Africans. Barely a speech goes by where he either blames the white for the ANC's failings or talk about genocide or both. If western governments ignore white genocide in South Africa I swear to god I will never forgive them. They know it's coming. Malema on the lives of black South Africans today
Wrong! What is wrong with Africa is the SAME THING that is wrong with Australia and America today. Yes, the ANC did allow and enable GREED and AVARICE to destroy South Africa for EVERYONE. But that GREED came from OUTSIDE of Africa. It was the GUPTA brothers who destroyed the South African economy and credit rating and LOOTED the funds that should have been used to ensure that there were houses with clean running water available to all South Africans. Australia is suffering from the SAME GREED problem today. Average Australians cannot afford to buy houses and WAGES have been DEPRESSED by CORPORATE GREED from OUTSIDE of Australia. Which brings us back to AMERICA where this GREED originates. Hardworking Americans are suffering for the SAME reasons as Australians and South Africans. The CORPORATE GREED is destroying the world in order to ENRICH the wealthy elite. Pointing fingers and making veiled racist slurs ENABLES the GREEDMONGERS because it distracts attention from the ROOT CORE of the problem. Corporations are the MODERN version of COLONIALISTS in Africa. They are only there to STEAL whatever they can make a PROFIT from and then they will leave the IMPOVERISHED people of those nations behind. And yes, it is happening in America too! Just look at the DESTITUTION of the Americans in the Appalachian coal states today. The Fossil Fuel Cartel has taken their PROFITS and ABANDONED the people to live in poverty and despair. Law and Order is breaking down because there are jobs to pay the property taxes that would be used to pay for the police. Drugs are everywhere in those states. So how is what the OP is showing in Africa any different to what is happening in America? The CAUSE is the IDENTICAL and the RESULT is the SAME for the hardworking people who have been ripped off by corporate GREED! This is no longer a problem that just happens in Africa. It is a WORLDWIDE problem and it needs to be STOPPED before it DESTROYS civilization.
Yet Africa was as it was now before the first white man ever went there. Drugs are everywhere in all states. Don't worry about the Appalachian states. Trump has put them back to work.
Needless to say you have ZERO evidence to support your bogus allegation about Africa. And no, your BLOTUS is not going to do anything at all to help the Appalachian states.
Likely scenario would be out of control looting, people dragged into the streets, raped, beaten and burned.. their possessions looted the rest burned. Ramaphosa will shrug his shoulders and say he's doing his best. People will flee the cities... and this scenario is extremely likely if the Eskom power grid collapse, because then there is no power, no water... toilets will overflow... staying in your home will be a deathtrap, leaving it to find food and water suicide. To answer your question with the backdrop of the above, people will flee the cities likely set up camps with a perimeter they can defend. The international community must assist them with food and water, refugee status. Longer term withdraw international investment, send delegations, give asylum to refugees, provide means for people like me to donate. Pressure the terrorist ANC government. Honestly as far as I'm concerned the international community will be responsible for these people being in this position. IT IS THEIR FAULT, THEY DID THIS. I WILL blame them. South Africa was an affluent country, who supplied their neighbours with electricity, water, food, assistance, YOU TOOK THIS AWAY FROM THEM, YOU FORCED THEM INTO THIS POSITION. The least you can do is help them set up refugee camps. And if you don't I will be really pissed. The water in Parys The Mayor of Johannesburg on the state of the bridges
You're kidding right? How is western culture responsible for Africans doing what Africans have always done? They were massacring each other way before white man ever went there. LEFTISTS are the one's who demanded the current changes in Africa by squealing non-stop about the evils of apartheid. Well, this is the result. You know, just like pretty much every country in Africa. We don't make them slaughter each other. They do that all on their own.
No, but the ones at the bottom do. Do you guys do anything besides look at the surface of something? But sure, white people are the reason Africans have been massacring each other since Nataruck.
It’s interesting how this failure to see South Africa as anything other than third world is at the heart of the problem. When I say 902 bridges are in bad condition what you see is But what it really means is South Africa is a highly industrialised, sophisticated economy. The reason Apartheid even lasting 40 years was the fact that South Africans knew the ANC were not ready to govern and handing this sophisticated highly industrialised economy that feeds 60 million plus people over to someone who have no idea what to do with it, will lead to the suffering of millions. The international community enforced sanctions and pressured South Africa in allowing everyone to vote…. But ironically by helping all South Africans to attain the right to vote they took from them their right to drink clean water, have sanitary living conditions and to be safe… and eventually they will have no food…. The only people who think the right to vote is more important than food, water and security are those who have abundance of it. Your typical privileged westerner who has never gone a day without a full belly. And your George Soros pro Democracy funded rebellion groups banging their drum without a single thought what would happen when the system is changed. There is nothing right about Apartheid, but the sudden handover of the South African economy have placed millions at risk, and yes I do blame the west for this because they would not listen, the ANC was not ready to govern and to prepare them, Apartheid should have been dismantled over a minimum of 2 decades, preferably 60 years to 100 years to ensure the survival of all. ps... I'll add this quote about the creator of the left, George Soros... do they even know who their god is
Nelson Mandela understood this, and that was his plan. It's why he stressed Desmond Tutu's concept of SA as a "rainbow nation". He's knew that putting blacks in power, while alienating and demonizing whites, was a formula for disaster. Mandela managed to hold it together for a good long while after Apartheid ended, but, as he got older and his power and influence waned, exactly what he feared started happening. And here we are today with the black leaders of the dumpster fire that is the ANC pandering to their black base, and threatening to seize white-owned farms, and SA's downward slide towards a Zimbabwesque fate is all but sealed.
Yes what you say is true, however the black on white issue is not the biggest threat to South Africa, it's the collapsing infrastructure, a threat to all South Africans. If you have ever wondered what would happen to a first world city... for example Melbourne (although Melbourne only has 4 million people - much smaller than Gauteng - Johannesburg area) if zero maintenance is carried out for 20 years. The current state of Gauteng and the rest of South Africa is your answer... we now have an actual case study for 100% neglect of a city. And if you know anything about running a city you would understand the pending disaster they are facing. Also it's going to be much worse than Zimbabwe, Zimbabweans could run to south Africa, the South African economy and infrastructure is also much much bigger and there are almost 10 times more people.
Here's what's killing South Africa. A hundred years ago, there were around 4 million black people in SA. One hundred years later, and there are around 50 million black people in SA, and that population is rapidly growing Wow. Those blacks sure do breed like flies, huh? No, that's not a matter of breeding. What you're seeing is blacks from the northern crapholes of Africa flocking south in their droves, and into SA. Why? Because that's where the farms, and food, and jobs, and peace and prosperity that Apartheid built happens to be. The end of Apartheid was the ringing of a dinner bell, and way too many showed up demanding their free meal. 10s of millions, who had absolutely no valid claim on any sort of "ancestral land" rights, flocked to SA and demanded they be given a share of the bounty the Afrikaners had built and created over hundreds of years, and it was, and is, being handed right over. Because white guilt is a powerful poison, and it's killing South Africa.
SA was a sophisticated economy, but it was racist so now it will revert to what the rest of sub-Saharan Africa looks like. Surely you're not arguing apartheid should have remained for another 100 years. Why would it take adults in SA 100 years to learn how to govern? They've been there thousands of years.
I'm not arguing for it to remain as is for 100 years, I'm arguing for slow change over a period even up to 100 years. My argument stems from my belief that sudden changes to a society causes it to fail. In the past 25 years we've seen more democracies than ever before, yet corruption is higher than it has ever been before as well as inequality. Democracies are suppose to be a safeguard against corruption but this is not what is happening. These changes have been too swift. Too much too fast too quick. Forced. Americans look at their own country then say "you should be more like us" without a moment's consideration of centuries of tensions between tribes and ethnic groups, or where these countries are in their own evolution or growth towards free societies. Pushing them forward... forcing change when they are not ready is causing them to fail. South Africa was 100 maybe even 200 years behind the US, even though they had a first world economy. Forcing the leap is dooming them to failure Democracy in Crisis
The only "sudden change" would be the race of the people in charge. Please explain how that has a negative impact. We didn't create centuries of tribal and ethnic tensions, nor are we responsible for solving that problem. Sounds like what you're saying is that black south africans are incapable of helping themselves. Here's what I do know. The people who are currently wailing about "western" culture to "help" SA would be the same one's screaming "racist" and "imperialist" inside of 6 months.
South Africa is a resource rich country and that first world economy have been built partially on the income from these resources. Mining companies have long exploited African labour and black South Africans were very much exploited to build the South African economy even though it was engineered by privileged and educated whites. The disappointing part is that even after Apartheid exploitation did not end, when workers demanded better conditions mining bosses would simply shut the mines for a month then bring in more workers from elsewhere. And when Unions did achieve better conditions for platinum mine workers foreign investment trickled to an all time low as a result. Mining companies are now going elsewhere to invest in mining, South Africa is described as being "simply too hard" due to Union demands and there are plenty other countries where workers can still be exploited such as the Congo where Cobalt and Copper is mined... you don't see any leftwingers demanding the closure of these mines because that would shut down their mobile phones and lap top battery supplies. Is your phone tainted by the misery of the 35,000 children in Congo's mines? Western civilisation have built great economies and infrastructure that supports millions and millions of people, but often at the expense of other cultures such as in the Congo and in South Africa's past and recent past. However we must pace ourselves, if we force change too quickly it will and have caused more damage than good at the expense of the very people we are trying to help.
And now SA has reclaimed their mines and have all that infrastructure. Now they can run their mines the way they want. What's the problem? Are they incapable of running the mines they've been given?