I have been told that Punjabi is the second most common knowledge here in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada and I am wondering if something could perhaps be accomplished toward ending the epidemic of suicides in India among the poor..... from here in Canada???? Obviously poverty... is a huge part of the reason for the suicides...... and in our world with the astonishing technology that we have now..... poverty is no longer a necessary part of life... not even in India where the population is so huge. There are aspects of the history of Canada that could perhaps be used to shift the economies of both Canada and India! 154 farmers, daily wagers die by suicide daily: NCRB report Overall suicide rate in 2022 up by around 4% Written by Mahender Singh Manral , Jignasa Sinha New Delhi | Updated: December 5, 2023 09:39 IST I believe that the rather brilliant Bank of Canada policy that was used from 1938 to 1974 gives us a possible key to improving the situation for farmers in Canada... and in India... and beyond! Best Idea for a Better Canada Contest I actually got into this topic in my own 2006 and 2004 campaign writings. www.BAnkingSystemFlaws.blogspot.com/
It sounds like they need to outlaw dangerous assault rope and poverty. It's not like so-called first world countries are much different with our wage slavery existence.
Poverty is rife in India. Bear in mind their population, so that suicide numbers per capita would be more useful.
Yes.... I still do agree with a rather shocking quotation that I gave in my 2004 campaign writing..... in theory..... poverty can indeed be turned into merely a dark part of our history! www.BankingSystemFlaws.blogspot.com/ I do believe that elitist and diabolical English aristocrats with last names a lot like my own...... have influenced the most influential economists and elected officials into a Neo-Malthusian Economic Philosophy that.... is no longer necessary.... and actually dangerous considering what must take place over the coming two decades! My 2006, 2008, 2016 and 2004 campaign writings as ART. ? Is the world economy being deliberately dampened, perhaps to save the environment? * Yes 3 vote(s) 75.0% No 0 vote(s) 0.0% Maybe????? 1 vote(s) 25.0% Change Your Vote https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malthusianism In my honest opinion... the Bill Gates "Innovation to zero" lecture can be compared with Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler on so many levels!!!!!! Gates is the poster boy for Neo Malthusianism Economic Theory..... Here is how I believe the economies of India and Canada and the USA can all cooperate on getting turned around... because a one meter rise in ocean level could create twenty million to eighty million climate change refugees in Bangladesh.... most of who would FLEE TO INDIA!!!!!! I put a critical number in front of Ms. Bonnie Crombie..... who was the former Mayor for here in Mississauga. I am convinced that the colossal amount of H2O BEING ADDED to Antarctica proves that the Al Gore Carbon Tax WILL DO NOTHING TO PREVENT OCEAN LEVELS FROM RISING IN THE NOT TOO DISTANT FUTURE!!!!!!!!!!! Mayor Bonnie Crombie becomes new leader of Ontario Liberal Party. INSTEAD.... WE NEED TO DELIBERATELY INVEST IN TURNING DESERTS GREEN... in order to put desalinated water into the water tables of nations with lots of desert.... and in order to do that.... we do need to look at MONEY very differently!!!!!!!!! The people of India are highly motivated to convince Israelis and all their neighbours to have a higher level of Shalom.... and economic cooperation to deliberately turn deserts green would be an obviously great place to begin! I did try to explain that in my 2008 campaign writing..... www.BankingSystemsFlaws.blogspot.ca/
Yes... and I must admit that perhaps my motives were not entirely perfect when I went searching for some data because I had heard that Bill Gates' attempts to shift India over to his GMO seeds... led to an epidemic of suicides.... until finally he and his technology was basically kicked out by the government of India????? I have to admit.... that I am not a fan of Bill Gates at all... but I do believe that the man can have a massive and rapid change of direction.... as the information comes out about all the errors that he has been making! I am guessing that a huge percentage of his most important workers are living in India!!!??? Yes.. exactly... if a high percentage of the people working around Bill Gates... knows about how the Dannion Brinkley near death experience... and the Mellen Thomas Benedict near death experience could well give details relevant for their boss...... then eventually somebody could get this information to him... and he could have one of those radical transformations like former Satanist John Ramirez?????????
The people and the government of India also did far, far, far, far, far better against the hairball methods used against Covid 19 .... especially compared to the mess here in Canada!!!! Indian State Will Offer Ivermectin To Entire Adult Population — Even As WHO Warns Against Its Use As Covid-19 Treatment
I met a man this week who gave me the impression that twenty to forty years ago he had quite a career going in India's film industry....... I plan to send him the exact link to this discussion..... and I will suggest to him that he join political forum .com and begin to expand his English language vocabulary here on PF. I believe that India... Israel..... and Canada.... and the USA can come together in a whole new level of cooperation that will shift the entire world economy.......... Step 1. The people of India are in a special position to assist Canada, the USA, Israel and the whole world to break away from the Al Gore Carbon Tax Theory because a Carbon Tax will DO ESSENTIALLY NOTHING to prevent ocean levels from rising whereas deliberate investment in large scale sea water desalination technology is good news for all nations vulnerable to the threat of rising ocean levels......... Every cubic meter of ocean water that is desalinated and added to the water table of a nation with lots of desert is great news for the residents of Bangladesh... New Orleans...... The Netherlands..... The Maldive Islands and all island nations in all of this world's oceans. If.. average ocean levels were to rise by about one meter.... there could be somewhere between twenty million to eighty million Climate Change Refugees created in Bangladesh who would likely flee to India...... and then from India on to other parts of the world. Here are some number for residents of India that will give them something to work with to break people out from under the Carbon Tax Spell..... which will tend to free them from the Bill Gates "Innovating to zero" theory....... Al Gore and Bill Gates do not want these numbers to become public knowledge..... Does the growth of ice on Antarctica explain why sea level have been stable?
Although I agree with you that there is something wrong with this...... scholars from India and computer experts from India perform at a level that can be compared with USA and Canadian and European workers so...... .... I personally prefer to see companies in India benefit from outsourcing than to see the benefits go to China....... ... because China is clearly out to destroy the USA and Canada..... Here are some numbers that I believe writers in India could use to defeat China... Al Gore and Bill Gates..... and the wealthiest of the wealthy who seem to be in basic agreement with China in the plans to destroy America. THE GROWTH OF THE ANTARCTICA ICE SHEET EXPLAINS WHY OCEAN LEVELS HAVE BEEN RELATIVELY STABLE FOR CENTURIES..... .... All of the H2O that has been cracking and sliding into the ocean off the LAND BASED Greenland Ice Sheet... and the world's glaciers...... has been BALANCED the the growth of the massive ANTARCTIC ICE SHEET! I do not believe that Mr. Al Gore and Bill Gates want YOU to know these statistics! If you knew you might think something like.... www.BankingSystemsFlaws.blogspot.ca/ ... ... This is kind of shocking..... thank you immensely for telling us about this!? This reminds me of a series of lectures by a former Atheist who had a near death experience and since that time has studied to become an Orthodox Jewish Rabbi....... Rabbi Alon Anava is a major leader in the fight against what Sir Winston Churchill termed "The High Cabal." Rabbi Alon Anava adds the Hebrew name for the same thing...... .... It is my opinion that the leaders of that "High Cabal" or Eruv Rav..... are terrified of President Donald J. Trump and have been using BigMedia that they own against him....... .... and they have been using their people in high places in the CIA and FBI as well. In the following documentary you will find out that Mr. Al Gore's professor.... was a part of a group who wanted to link the price and supply of oil to the fiat currencies of the world....... a Carbon Tax accomplishes exactly that......... and gives bureaucrats in the USA and Canada and all the world the control that they need to accomplish the specifics of the Bill Gates lecture..... "Innovating to zero." It is my opinion that the leaders of that "High Cabal" or Eruv Rav..... are terrified of President Donald J. Trump and have been using BigMedia that they own against him....... .... and they have been using their people in high places in the CIA and FBI as well. In the following documentary you will find out that Mr. Al Gore's professor.... was a part of a group who wanted to link the price and supply of oil to the fiat currencies of the world....... a Carbon Tax accomplishes exactly that......... and gives bureaucrats in the USA and Canada and all the world the control that they need to accomplish the specifics of the Bill Gates lecture..... "Innovating to zero." http://www.politicalforum.com/index.php?threads/religious-politics.618616/#post-1074804815 Religious Politics ?
The nation of India has an exceptionally close alliance with England, Canada and the United States and even with Israel. I believe that film producers originally from India could really do something with an idea that I have been promoting since August 22, 2021. Sometimes taking a side in a conflict is important and it has been said that "a film devoid of conflict is boring!" Perhaps film producers from India could get this going IN LANGUAGES FROM INDIA... because Bill Gate's little buddy Mark Zuckerberg does a pretty effective job of making sure that certain ideas don't spread too quickly if they are written or spoken in English. Should Israelis begin discussion of a Class Action Lawsuit against Bill Gates? ? Should Israelis be discussing a Class Action Lawsuit against Bill Gates? * Perhaps... depending on what information comes out over the coming weeks and months? 4 vote(s) 23.5% No... his investments almost certainly saved lives and did far, far, far more good than harm. 0 vote(s) 0.0% Yes....... Israelis in a sense have been experimented on 1 vote(s) 5.9% Yes 1 vote(s) 5.9% No 11 vote(s) 64.7% Change Your Vote
And film producers and aspiring film producers in India or from India..... might just be able to use the following theory to teach English......... AND to begin to bring Shalom to the Middle East???????????????? .... .... True..... no Islamic nation wants the Palestinians........... In Iraq for example they were regarded as being too OBEDIENT TO SADDAM........... too hard working....... too industrious.......... and too intelligent and too creative.............. Native born Iraqis could NOT COMPETE WITH PALESTINIANS!!!!!!!!!???????? Most native citizens of truly Arab nations REGARD PALESTINIANS AS BEING TOO "JEWISH????!!!!" .... " Yes.... and there is another fascinating aspect of this entire situation. Mr. Tsvi Misinai heads up an organization that has evidence that the bulk of the Palestinians may well be descended from Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, James, and the one hundred and twenty who met together that famous Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was poured out. You see........ the Messianic Jews of the second century DID NOT join in the Bar Kochba Revolt and thus....... WERE NOT expelled from the Holy Land when the Bar Kochba Revolt was crushed. Their great, great, great, great grandchildren were given the choice to either become Muslims.... or die..... so they became Muslims. Now they are being pressured to shoot rockets at the Rabbinic Jewish community..... due to a misunderstanding from way back in the first century.. .... You may find this to be rather astonishing....... but the Rabbi's who rejected John the Baptist and Rabbi Yeshua - Jesus taught that any husband could divorce his wife for many, many, many reasons....... whereas both John the Baptist and Rabbi Yeshua - Jesus had rather tough teachings on divorce......... This was a major reason as to why the Messianic Jewish community eventually separated from the Rabbinic Jewish community................... Things really came to a head during the time of Rabbi Akiva and the Bar Kochba Revolt!!!!! " [me. Dennis Tate] .... .... http://www.politicalforum.com/index...rael-and-palestine-be.617119/#post-1074814240
And.... teaching real English as a Second Language...... is the sort of job that can potentially be sourced back to America.... or Canada... or England.... or Australia.... or New Zealand???????? .... http://www.politicalforum.com/index...py-on-political-forum.618862/#post-1074814345
It wouldn't surprise me that the Palestinians are more industrious than the average Arab. They almost overthrew the Jordanian government, for instance, when they were invited to hang there for a while. If only more of them could turn that passion to something productive and constructive.
Exactly.......... I have a theory on how an influential segment of the population of Palestinians might just get inspired toward bringing their people out of relative darkness toward light....... but..... my theory involves their reading a book......... which I am not willing to hold my breath waiting for many people to do this but........ .... I do know that the most sales of this book online have gone to India.... and to Israel...... http://www.politicalforum.com/index...l-prize-in-literature.542590/#post-1069675155 Your nomination for Nobel Prize in Literature? There is a pretty amazing amount of literature that goes into details on the case that can be presented that before His ministry in the Roman Province of Judaea.... Rabbi Yeshua - Jesus travelled to India.... Tibet and even Nepal......... In my opinion... this particular book is far more impressive even than The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Levi Dowling! https://reluctant-messenger.com/aquarian_gospel_001_007.htm .... .... So... why didn't Rabbi Yeshua - Jesus teach in Tibet?????? Could it be that to some degree He believed in the modern saying..... "if it ain't broke.... .don't fix it???'