Anthropogenic Global Warming is a LIE and the Carbon Tax is a SCAM

Discussion in 'Australia, NZ, Pacific' started by dumbanddumber, Mar 8, 2013.

  1. dumbanddumber

    dumbanddumber New Member

    Feb 21, 2011
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    This labor / green government has enslaved us all for EVER to the United Nations to overseas Bankers and to wall street based on a lie, the lie of Antropogenic Global Warming (AGW).

    Are you comfortable with the idea that our standard of living will be decreased because of a LIE.

    Are you comfortable with the idea that our energy bills will keep soaring to new heights because of a LIE.

    Are you comfortable with the idea that an increase in our energy bills will increase all goods and services because of a LIE.

    Are you comfortable with the idea that our government will be sending billions of dollars to overseas foreign corporations because of a Lie.

    This money could have been spent here in Australia on Australians.

    These traitors we call politicians want to send the money overseas filling the pockets of the pigs that want to govern the whole world as one.

    10% of the Australian carbon tax revenue will go to the United Nations Green Fund? every year foe EVER.

    That equates to billions of dollars of Australian taxpayer monies going to the United Nations.

    Its rather unnerving that this Labor / Green government would prefer to send billions of dollars to overseas corporations and instituitions rather than spending it on Australians in Australia.

    Its estimated that after the first year of collecting the carbon tax from various nations including Australia the United nations will gather 100 billion dollars per annum.

    Thats every year, ever asked yourself what the United nations will do with all this money and why they want it?

    In everyday life if someone sells you something that you payed for based on a lie would you not get upset about such a thing?

    Our politicians have sold us a LIE that will place all of us in financial slavery for EVER.

    If you have any feelings what so ever about where we are headed into the future, surely this LIE called AGW that wil fleece us ALL for EVER would be getting under your skin.

    The discovery of fossil fuels heralded the era of cheap energy for the masses not only the rich.

    The rich have now decided that energy for the masses will not come cheap anymore and intend on making us pay through the nose for it.

    But again the really unnerving thing is our politicians are helping these overseas business moguls along the way, at the expense of Australians and Australia.

    Look at Martin Ferguson's white paper on energy use in Australia, he (Ferguson) is advocating peak prices at peak times for all aussies.

    My wife says she will have to become a nocturnal creature to do the washing ironing and general cleaning which involes energy.

    Maybe we should become creatures of the night because our standard of living in the day is being reduced at an alaming rate day by day.

    Why wont our politicians put a stop to these money hungry private energy companies.

    Enough is Enough, how much longer we will sit there and take the electrical companies just increasing their rates whenever they want without any justicifation.

    What doesn't use fossil fuels?

    Take away everything made from fossil fuels in your home and your daily life and what are you left with?

    Everything uses fossil fuels somewhere along the line!

    Chocolate wrappers, plastic bottles, computer hardware etc etc.

    Our standard of living is based around fossil fuels!

    Are they trying to send us back to the stone age? By taxing them?

    Australia sends up 1.5% of all manmade CO2 thats 1.5%.

    Yet we have been given the most expensive carbon tax in the whole world, do you ever stop to think why?

    Maybe these fat overseas pigs have tuned into the notion that Australia is a lucky country and they want us to contribute more since we call our selves a lucky country.

    Maybe its austerity measures incognito, hell they have the whole world at their feet why shouldn't Australia be there also.

    Our carbon tax has a starting price of $23/tonne and will increase 2.5% every year ABOVE inflation, thats 2.5% every year ABOVE inflation.

    So if inflation for the year is 2% at the end of that year our carbon tax will increase by 4.5%.

    This will have a flow on effect every year not only on energy but on all goods and services which will also be affected.

    This is probably the prime reason the government has been so generous and increased the tax free threshold to $18000.

    Its because there will come a day when every penny willl be required to survive.

    At the moment the European Union emitts about 12% of all manmade CO2 emissions.

    At the moment the European Union (EU) has a carbon tax of $8/tonne.

    Can someone explain to me why we have been given such a heavy burden.

    We may be the lucky country but we certainely can't rescue the whole world from CO2 emissions.

    So why is our starting price on carbon $23/tonne when Australia emitts 1.5% of all manmade CO2 emissions.

    Thats one eighth of what the EU emitts yet we are paying four times as much?

    So who is telling us that the world will be destroyed by AGW, well the most prominent organisation is the IPCC.

    An organisation whos humble beggings started when Maggie Thacther in the 80's threw some money at them to find a way to destroy the coal miners union and coal so Britain could turn to nuclear.

    There are others ofcourse who are funded by bankers, bankers gave $50 billion dollars towards AGW, and as we all know bankers dont give away one cent without a reason.

    The bankers are gearing up and writing the laws that will govern carbon derivatives on the stock exchange.

    They (bankers) are writting the laws (what happened to governments writing the law) and then they will demand that the US congress and the rest of world except them.

    The person who wrote the laws on credit default swaps (CDS) is also writting the laws that will govern carbon derivatives.

    Her name is Blythe Masters and just in case you dont know CDS are responsible for the global financial crisis of 2008 and the position the EU and other find themsleves in today

    The bankers will be able to create booms and busts with the farming and selling of carbon credits just like they do with any other commodity on the market.

    Every thought to yourself if we are indeed at the tipping point of no return with AGW, and if nothing is done now we will all be doomed.

    Why then is this Gillard/Milne government putting our future in the hands of the people that have destroyed capatalism and are now demanding to take over countries in Europe and the rest of the world and maybe pretty soon Australia.

    If it was so urgent to stop manmade CO2 pollution before we go over the edge or the point of no return.

    I think putting this responsibility in the hands of the people that keep presenting us with booms and bust is the worse possible decision ever.

    - - - Updated - - -

    So who is telling us that the world be destroyed by AGW?

    The most prominent organisation is the IPCC ofcourse.

    Where is their proof that the world is being affected by manmade CO2.

    But before we look at that lets see some facts about CO2.

    The eco systems (sea, land, plants & animals) throw up about 720 gigtonnes of CO2 every year and have the potential if the earth heats up to throw up even more.

    Millions of years ago their was 20 times the amount of CO2 we have in our atmosphere today, and it was all due to the ecosystems, man wasn't even around back then.


    So the big question is how much CO2 does man send up into the atmosphere per annum.

    The answer is about 6.5 gigatonnes.

    Whats the percentage terms 6.5 / 720 = 0.00903%

    So the ecosystems send up 720 gigatonnes of CO2 per annum and man sends up 6.5 gigatonnes per annum, and AL Gore is telling us that the 6.5 gigatonnes from man will destroy us.

    Hey Al what about the other 720 gigatonnes from nature?

    Ok so the IPCC tells us that manmade Co2 is going to destroy us all so where is their evidence?

    Well its in their parametric computer generated forecasts.

    So how will man be destroyed in accordance with the IPCC compuetr generated forecasts?

    Well the computer modellers are saying that due to all this MANMADE CO2, thats all 6.5 gigatonnes per annum or 0.00903% of the total amount of CO2 in our atmosphere.

    The tropopause (about 10 to 12 kilometres above sea level) above the equator will heat up due to MANMADE CO2 emissions.

    A bit worrying when they only take into acount 0.00903% of all CO2 in our atmosphere dont you think?

    Heavens what would happen if they took into account natures contribution of 720 gigatonnes per annum or the rest 99.097%.

    Ok back to the tropopause 10 to 12 kilometres above sea level at the equator.

    Apparently according to these computer modellers all the manmade CO2 has accumulated there at the tropopause 10 to 12 kilometres above the equator.

    What about the natural Co2 from the ecosystems, where does that go in the computer models, maybe out the window?

    Anyhow these models are saying that due to an increase in Co2 atrributed to man, that this extra Co2 is trapping infrared sun waves at the equator.

    This causes the temperature to rise at the equator and produces a never ending cycle of more heat more CO2 more water vapour over and over again.

    The computers are saying that 10 to 12 kilometres above the equator their is a hot spot that could trigger a runaway green house effect.

    But hold on a minute millions of years ago when we had 20 times the CO2 we have today did this phenomenon happen?

    No it didn't even though we had 20 times the amount of CO2 that we have today.

    This is what the parametric computer generated models are telling us that the computers are showing a hot spot in the Earth's atmosphere.

    These so called banker funded climatolgists who then in turn tell governments the world will end because of this phenomenon that shows up on their computer model.

    This is their proof their signature their footprint that the world will end due to manmade CO2 emissions, this is their evidence.

    Well guess what empirical data gathered from weather baloons and more recently satellites has failed to detect this hot spot.

    Their one and only proof (this hot spot) that the planet will end due to manmade CO2 emissions, cannot be found by empirical methods like weather ballons and satellites.

    So then how can the science be settled?????????

    When their most important piece of evidence (this hot spot) that the computer models are showing,

    IS MISSING???????!!!! in the real world????????????

    Again its unnerving that Gillard and Milne have committed every man woman and child to financial slavery through the carbon tax / ETS based on a LIE!

    Thats why these two have to go!!!!!!!!!

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