Are Conservatives self defeatist?

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by whatukno, Mar 29, 2015.

  1. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I'm just going by Saturday Night Live, I'm going by the polling that showed McCain going up in the polls after picking Palin, then declining after he suspended his campaign.

    Why would I provide examples for thing I never said? I never said he was endorsing it as a national model (at least during the election). But he did defend it during the election.

    Mitt Romney Says He's 'Proud' Of Romneycare, Two Weeks After His Campaign Got Shredded For Doing It
  2. After Hours

    After Hours Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2013
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    Destroying the country? America has never been a conservative run country. Never Mike. There's not one single example of anything you guys ever won. In fact there's not one single example of any successful first world country that's conservative in any way shape or form. Why you guys are determined to try and force a proven failed ideology which doesn't work on Americans is beyond me. Conservatism just flat out sucks.

    And I think the "liberal media" mantra is just an excuse GOP politicians use to tell rubes when they sell them out. That's why Scott Walker can easily support amnesty, knowing he can tell his low information supporters that it's the fault of the "librul media". Heck, your messiah Reagan was an open borders amnesty supporter. And yet he's "Mr. Conservative" in every right wingers mind. Amusing indeed.
  3. whatukno

    whatukno New Member

    Mar 2, 2015
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    This is true, America is a liberal concept, (at the time) instead of a monarchy, we went with the very liberal idea that the citizenry should elect their own leaders to power, and then have the power to replace them every few years.

    But actually, fiscal conservatism has it's place too, and America needs to reign in it's spending, primarily it's military spending. That's our largest expenditure in this country, and it's outrageous.

    Conservatives, did you know that the US isn't supposed to have a standing army when not actively at war? It's true, look it up in the Constitution, that's why military spending has to be done every two years, our military (except for the navy) is supposed to be disbanded unless we need to raise an army for a war. The individual states are supposed to have a militia made up of the people that own firearms, and that they were to be armed, trained, and disciplined according to the rules set forth by congress. Basically, if you wanted a gun, you better be there to defend the nation when the nation called for you.

    Conservatives don't get this idea, and we lost this concept pretty quickly early on in our history.
  4. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Palin did cause a short term bump but once the electorate became familiar with her it disappeared very rapidly.
  5. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    Translation: The alarmed left-aligned propaganda arm of the Democratic Party (The bulk of the nation's Mainstream Media) went into anti-ethical overdrive with their misogynistic (and oh the irony in that!) attacks against Palin and in their blatant efforts to outright destroy her they also coordinated simultaneously-launched attacks against her family and against her governorship. It . . . was . . . awesome!
  6. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I wish we had better terms than liberal and conservative to use, since your argument that "America has never been a conservative run country" is true, if you define conservatism in it's broadest terms, and totally separate it from policies that modern day conservatives favor versus policies that modern day liberals favor. But yes, America has never been a monarchy. We've never had a peerage system or a feudal system, so yes, America is liberal from that. But that's really a silly, and irrelevant point. I wonder why you even use that unless you want to keep throwing stop sticks in arguments. You don't even understand your "Reagan open borders" argument, and considering how often that's been used, and countered on this forum, I have a hard time believing that you are arguing that open borders is a Reagan policy. Your entire post is a stop stick and distraction. I must have hit on something.
  7. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Coincidentally, after McCain suspended his campaign?

    I realize this is an article of faith with you guys rather than a matter of evidence. Believe what you want.
  8. whatukno

    whatukno New Member

    Mar 2, 2015
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    Well, then there was her 501C paid for personal family vacation. I'm sure she thanks every donor from the bottom of her heart for that.
  9. reallybigjohnson

    reallybigjohnson Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    Which conservatives? Social conservatism is on the wane and has been relegated to fringe Tea Party groups and the GOP is being taken over by Libertarian minded people and fiscal conservatives. The second type of conservative is on the rise. The number of states with GOP governors and assemblies has been increasing over the last several years. The GOP has increased their numbers in the House 5 or 6 elections in a row if not more and they just had a bloody coup in the Senate where the Dems were slaughtered. From my vantage point it looks great to me. The two groups I despise the most, liberals and social conservatives, (in that order) are on the wane and Libertarianism and fiscal conservatism are growing. Most college students tend to have Libertarian tendencies as they reject both the religious lunacy of the social conservatives and the infantile, uneducated and illiterate economic policies of the left.
  10. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    McCain suspending his campaign was just a poorly timed stunt to rescue an already faltering effort. The only article of faith is your belief in Palin.
  11. After Hours

    After Hours Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2013
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    This entire post was a nice attempt at dodging some uncomfortable realities regarding your ideology and your messiah, eh Mike?
  12. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    This has really nothing to do with Palin and everything with your inability to follow polling over time. The data is the data.
  13. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    The irony. You accuse me of dodging by ...dodging everything I wrote!

    I went back to your post to try to figure out what you thought I was dodging, and I'm guessing here, but does it have to do something with Scott Walker supporting amnesty? I've addressed that so often on this forum I'm not even sure you mean anything serious about it. You may not really understand Republicans, but of course Walker supports amnesty. That's true whether the Republican candidate is "moderate" or "conservative." All of the Republican candidates for 2012 except for Romney supported some version of amnesty, and so far, from all I've seen, all of the 2016 Republican candidates do as well. So why do you think that no one knows that? On this forum, I've only come across one right leaning person who thought that Walker didn't support amnesty. No one else made that claim, so I'm unclear why you think that's some sort of secret.

    Now, do you want to go back and address my reply to your "America has never been a conservative run country" nonsense?
  14. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Characters like Carnival Cruz are provided as entertainment for the crackpot fringe. The party bosses will pick an Establishmentista like Willard who will pander to the fat cats by furthering their acquisitive agenda.

    If Bush's brother wins, they'll be happy. If Bill's wife wins, they'll be almost as happy, because, either way, the oligarchical elite will enjoy the ongoing government redistribution of wealth that increasingly concentrates it in their insatiable pockets.

    Second only to satisfying their greed will be a willingness to grovel before Netanyahu and allow him to determine US foreign policy. The duopoly will eagerly satisfy that requirement as well.

    Follow the money - even when they try to hide.
  15. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Thank you, proud to have helped save America from a catastrophic lowering of the average IQ of our elected politicians.
  16. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Spot on.

    Lately, the rightist mindset thrives in the realm of media entertainment. It does not adapt to the disparate world of political reality. The extremists do not look to the Party's actual power-wielding politicians such as McConnell and Boehner to satisfy their ideological cravings, but to blustering radio blowhards.

    A headline on one of their leading dogmatic mouthpieces on the eve of the last presidential election actually proclaimed, "Romney Landslide: Here Are the Biggest Names Predicting It & How It Will Happen."

    Given that all the established, proven prognosticators such as Nate Silver were consistently anticipating a second term for President Obama based upon sound empirical data, such sensationalistic headlines as The Blaze provided to it's American Wishful Thinkers was nothing short of delusional.

    Such folks seem blissfully righteous as they wallow in their alternate reality. They should not expect this one to mimic it.


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