Attack Against Christendom

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Kyklos, Sep 14, 2018.

  1. Kyklos

    Kyklos Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2018
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    "The criticism of religion is the premise of all criticism."
    --Hegel, in Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, 1844

    I remember this section quoted below of Hegel’s famous work “The Phenomenology of Spirit,” (1807)”(pdf.) after reading Paul Tillich’s historical tracking Nazi fascism back to an alliance between conservative and revolutionary political romanticism. He traces conservative and political romanticism back to two religions: vegetative and animal religions. Hegel writes of plant and animal religions in ancient times that lead to religious pantheism and cults of origin:

    "b. Plant and animal
    689. Self-conscious Spirit that has withdrawn into itself from the shapeless essence, or has raised its immediacy to self in general, determines its unitary nature as a manifoldness of being -for-self, and is the religion of spiritual perception. In this it falls apart into the numberless multiplicity of weaker and stronger, richer and poorer Spirits. This pantheism which, to begin with, is the passive subsistence of these spiritual atoms develops into a hostile movement within itself. The innocence of the flower religion, which is merely the self-less idea of self, gives place to the earnestness of warring life, to the guilt of animal religions; the passivity and impotence of contemplative individuality pass into destructive being-for-self (Phenomenology of Spirit, trans. A.V. Miller, 1977; p. 420; para. 689; pdf. p. 456; original italics)." (See, Dr. Sadler’s excellent comprehensive lectures on this paragraph; Half Hour Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit (Plant and Animal, 689-690).

    In Tillich’s historical analysis of the cults of origin joining forces to re-establish feudalistic capitalism when the capitalists (bourgeois property class) rejects liberal democracy and seeks instead alliance with prebourgeois feudalism i.e., the revolutionary political romanticism of the cult of blood and soil. And notice that Tillich mentions “inflation” as one of the weapons of the capitalist against the proletarian (property less class) during economic and political crises. I think Tillich’s summary below pretty much describes America’s current political situation as the fascists take control of the Republican, and (to some degree) the Democratic parties:

    "Thus socialism has shifted from the liberal to the democratic element of the bourgeois principle. But now it falls into the same difficulties as did the bourgeoisie when its liberal foundations were shaken. If the liberal element is excluded, democracy is compelled to support itself by reaching back to the prebourgeois feudal powers… The possibility of gaining majority support for socialism is thwarted, however, by the reality of class rule. Bourgeois class rule is based on the alliance of the bourgeoisie with prebourgeois groups. Over against this combination, the numerical limitations of the industrial proletariat make the attainment of a socialist majority to all intents and purposes impossible. The political, financial, and intellectual resources that the powers of capitalism have at their disposal hinder the enlightenment and education of the nonproletarian masses along socialist lines. If the domination of bourgeois society is successfully shaken, however, by virtue of political catastrophes (defeat in war, economic crises), it has other means to counteract the effects of socialist influence: the economic undermining of the power of governments influenced by socialism (inflation); the applying of pressure by other states (capitalistic wars of intervention); the pitting of military against civil authority (the coup de main against Prussia*); the quiet opposition of the middle and lower levels of the civil service (which stem, for the most part, from prebourgeois groups); but above all, the employment of the idea of the nation to strengthen all the powers related to the origin that have been co-opted by the bourgeoisie, even when this tactic results in the support of an apparently antibourgeois, revolutionary movement (National Socialism)[Nazism]. In the face of the split between classes, the democratic belief in harmony as held by the bourgeoisie is shattered; in the face of bourgeois class rule, the democratic belief in harmony as held by socialism collapses (SD, p. 59)."

    So in one way or another it looks like religion is at the core of all these political struggles.
  2. Kyklos

    Kyklos Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2018
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  3. Kyklos

    Kyklos Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Last edited: Aug 23, 2022
  4. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    You have to be careful with that.

    Religion has a habit of being used for political purpose.

    Hitler's use of the Christian majority and Judaism worked brilliantly for him.

    So, now we blame Hitler and Nazis. But, Germany was solidly Christian. And, Hitler did not do it by himself.

    I don't see that as meaning we have to blame the Christians, but it IS a fact that we as humans are far closer to being Nazis than we sometimes think.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2022
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  5. Kyklos

    Kyklos Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Speaking of political purposes and religion, The Prophet David Feldman, began speaking in tongues and gave a message from God! The Spirit moved over David (just like in the Bible!) and give a message from Him to Rick Perry (Fascist-TX) in answer to his prays for rain and all Christian Nationalist! Here is what God said to the little bitch.

    "Pray and curse."--Hegel

    @24:43 seconds
    David Does the NEWS (Episode 1363)
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2022
  6. Kyklos

    Kyklos Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Christian Nationalists crucified Christian Priests of Buchenwald. Don't be fooled!

    Marjorie Taylor Greene is a Christian Nationalists

    The HORRIFIC Executions Of The Priests Of Buchenwald
  7. Kyklos

    Kyklos Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Comedian and social commentator did make a serious point about Gov. Greg Abbott (Fascist-Texas) who suffered a tragic accident when a tree branch fell on him and broke his spine. God sometimes punishes sinners, but I am not going to focus on his whatever sin he commented that God had to drop a tree on him. The Lord did touch my heart, I can only imagine the anger Abbott has toward God and all the women getting pregnant without Brother Greg Abbott. David pointed out (not the David of the Bible) Abbott's persecution of women is because Brother Abbott is unable to get an erection!

    I decided stop being so judgmental of Brothe Abbott, and since I claim to be a "Christian," should start acting like one! I believe that all true Christians that truly love Jesus would be praying for Gov. Abbott. So, I am asking all authentic Christians that love Jesus to start a PRAYER CHAIN asking Jesus to heal Abbott and allow him to have an erection!

    I had a vision last night that, like St. Paul, Jesus strikes down Brother Abbott and give him the BIGGEST MIRACLE he ever had!!!

    Oh! Wait! If God blesses Abbott with a MIRACLE BONER how would we know?
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2022
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  8. Kyklos

    Kyklos Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2018
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    "...if you're a Christian and you're trying to live out your Christian faith, you're going to be attacked for it."
    --Christian Nationalist, Marjorie Taylor Greene.

    Dietrich Bonhoeffer was not a Christian Nationalist, if fact he was executed by the Christian Nationalists (Nazi) for opposing their, Adolph Hitler. Greene is also a Republican party representative in the US Congress for Georgia.

    So let's see what kind of Christian Dietrich Bonhoeffer was and how he resisted the Christian Nationalists. I reviewed a number of documentaries on Bonhoeffer's life and found what I think is the best one for examining the historical context in which Bonhoeffer was tortured and executed along with his brother, and brother-in-law by the crucifix carrying Christian Nationalists. Don't be fooled by demonic forces posing as patriotic Christians:

    "Behind them stand not human beings but rather dark, sub- and superhuman forces by which they are driven. These forces are
    everything that is dark, distorted, and desperate in the German soul and that has embodied itself within them. Look at them, how
    small and hollow they are as people, as personalities, how little they are free of the basest humanity quality! And then see how
    strong they are as impersonal, dark powers driven by a demonic will, destroying whatever steps into their path, and in the end, destroying themselves. They are masks behind which the powers of destruction hide, puppets on which the darkest substrata of life draw and which must, for that reason, turn all others into puppets. Pull off the mask! End the puppet show of darkness that has plunged you and the world into the greatest of all tragedies. Let humanity and freedom triumph over the puppets and masks of darkness. Tear apart the entire nightmare that lies over you, that lies over the German nation. Rise up from the awful dreams of the last ten years! Drive the National Socialist phantoms into the abyss from which they have come (Paul Tillich, VOA Broadcast to Nazi Germany, p.197)."

    Bonhoeffer (2003) | Full Documentary | Martin Doblmeier | Klaus Maria Brandauer | Adele Schmidt

    Jean-Lucere (French pacifist) told Eric Bonhoeffer, "Nothing in scriptures gives a Christian the right to destroy the body of Christ."

    Last edited: Aug 28, 2022
  9. Kyklos

    Kyklos Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2018
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    "Heil Hitler! ...I didn't know what that meant! I'm just waving."

    Marjorie Taylor Greene is a Christian Nationalist

    "Winston had disliked her from the very first moment of seeing her. He knew the reason. It was because of the atmosphere of hockey-fields and cold baths and community hikes and general clean-mindedness which she managed to carry about with her. He disliked nearly all women, and especially the young and pretty ones. It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unorthodoxy (
    Nineteen-Eighty-Four, George. Orwell, p. 12)(pdf.)."

    Hildegard Lächert - Sadistic Nazi Guard in Majdanek & Auschwitz Concentration Camps - Holocaust-WW2
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2022
  10. Kyklos

    Kyklos Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Have a vomit bag handy watching this documentary on American Christianity and more specifically the corrupt Jerry Falwell and his psychopathic son conning the students of Liberty University while living a life of obscene material wealth totally contradicting the Christian values they supposedly represent. This sickening story of the fascist racists hypocritical Falwells is a good analogy to America itself: a people that believe in democracy ruled by a repressive oligarchy that does not share any of the beliefs and values they claim to represent.

    The Scandalous Rise & Fall of Jerry Falwell Jr.
  11. Kyklos

    Kyklos Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Nun gives the Nazi salute during the “Tag der Arbeit” (Labor Day) parade and rally. (Credit: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum / CC)

    Nuns for Trump
    A group of Dominican nuns who supported Donald Trump march in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6, 2021. Gregory Starrett, CC BY-ND

  12. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    I guess you arent up to speed on your ww2 history any more than US history Wil.
    You clearly have no clue what the war was about.

    Wow now Ive seen sucker plays before but that video tops the charts, and I love how he talks about how horribly people were treated when they are fat happy and walking past the camera, not one picture or reference what so ever in the whole psychodrama.

    Learn more about the real Hitler HERE

    and HERE
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2022
  13. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    If you have an argument, then state it. Better yet, cite it from some reputable source.
  14. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    Wheres yours?
    define reputable? . . .

    Is that reputable enough?

    What could be more reputable than the famous nazi hunter eli weasel?


    How about Yad Vascams website?

    He's still short 2 million jews for his extermination count! Think it has anything to do with there werent that many in Europe? LOL

    Maybe its best if you just give me the reputable source you want me to use.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2022
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  15. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    That proves NOTHING.

    There is no question that Hitler inspired the Christian country of Germany to become so dedicated to racism that they slaughtered millions in concentration camps in one of the modern humanitarian atrocities.

    Whether Christian or whatever else, one of the lessons here is that we as humans are fully susceptible to the calls for racism by our leaders.
  16. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    It proves the most famous jew on the planet is a 2 faced LIAR!

    He lied to you wil! You didnt read enough! (again)

    Zionists wil, Zionists!

    not racism.

    Not to mention the jews boycotted germany by proxy after ww1 into complete starvation, literally the whole country was unemployed and no food.

    We know beter Wil, we have the data from the russian national archives. You seem to have a propensity for wooden nickels.


    4,000,000 exterminated at auschwitz when there were less than 400,000 PEOPLE that ever set foot in the camp wil!

    roll and reel numbers are given, the russian records are available now do your own due diligence.

    Only Millions wil? sure it wasnt billions? all jews too?

    How does that level with the fact that Hitler had over 150,000 jews in his armed forces wil?

    you got some splainin to do wil
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2022
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  17. Kyklos

    Kyklos Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2018
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    The Bitch is Dead!

    Sometimes, this is so fun!
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2022
  18. Pro_Line_FL

    Pro_Line_FL Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Christian nationalism was hip in Europe during the inquisition and later and drove the Pilgrims to the new continent, so its sad to see Christian nationalism being re-invented here.

    As a Christian, it pains me to see Christianity and Jesus Christ being used as a political tool. Those of us who read the Bible know that Jesus had harsh words for the Pharisees who at the time used religion as a political tool.
    WillReadmore likes this.
  19. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    What the heck is your point here?

    The fact that every Jew wasn't found and treated equally doesn't prove anything AT ALL.
    Kyklos likes this.
  20. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    sure it does, like so many other countries that booted jews to the curb thoughout history, close to 200 iirr, it proves that hitler hated jewish politics (specifically zionists) not the race itself, if it were the race itself then there is no way in hell anyone would have so much as 1 jew in his armed forces. and many of those were high ranking officers wil.

    It PROVES you have been LIED TO WIL and you dont care, you pass on false information anyway!


    They ADMIT THEY LIED to you wil and you dont seem to care!


    We have posted PROOF THEY LIED and you simply dont seem to care.


    all you care about is arguing minutia in support of the big lie.



    why do you support and defend such monstrous lies wil?

    Last edited: Sep 10, 2022
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  21. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    No government policy gets carried out to that level of perfection.

    And, Hitler is on record as considering Jews an unacceptable part of the human race. That has nothing to do with politics.

    Jews were rounded up based on race. Period.

    And, the fact that it wasn't perfectly carried out can not POSSIBLY be considered surprising.
  22. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    citation? the only place I can find that is on jewish websites and they already admitted to lying and have been proven liars about the holocaust? Citation?
    Japs were rounded up here in america wil based on race, Period! in the land of the free:eekeyes:!
    the US guv locked them up and left them destitute.
    The US is equally evil and racist using your 'precise' reasoning.
    How do you justify that?

    Therefore if you are consistent (that means not a hypocrite) you have to HATE the evil roosevelt as much as the evil hitler.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2022
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  23. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    Yes, our rounding up of Americans of Japanese descent is a really miserable chapter of our history.

    We were specifically concerned that these Americans were all potentially spies.

    And, yes that was certainly a racist approach to the issue - one that we have apologized for, although we have not compensated all who had their possessions, their businesses, their land from being stolen by the US government.

    And, that does NOT put Roosevelt on Hitler's level. Good lord. You are being just plain ridiculous.
  24. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    and you concluded that how exactly?

    Race is race. PERIOD! you said it yourself!

    So now you want to plead hypocrisy?

    You forgive and apologize for your countries racism while holding a grudge against germany?

    Whats up with that wil?

    You still owe me a citation or am I supposed to forget that?
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2022
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  25. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    No, I'm pointing out that your idea that we have to hate Roosevelt as much as we hate Hitler is absolutely stupid.

    And, I have NEVER suggested we should hold a grudge against Germany. In fact, I've repeatedly stated that the cooperation Hitler got should be a warning to us - a warning that even a good Christian nation can fall to extreme and even lethal racism.

    That is a call for introspection and for making racism intolerable.

    What are you up to?

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