Carter’s ED

Discussion in 'Education' started by Flanders, Sep 8, 2012.

  1. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    There is so much wrong with the debate about education in this campaign cycle both candidates should be arrested. Both candidates are lying sneaks when it comes to education. The major divide is Hussein’s opposition to Romney’s support of vouchers. A trivial split if ever there was one since they both spend, and increase, tax dollars going to education. You can get some basic facts in this article:

    Every American knows that Hussein would never shutdown the Department of Education, while “cuts” is the best Romney has to offer:

    Incidentally, Jimmy Carter was the biggest failure to occupy the White House before Hussein moved in. A strong case can be made for Carter keeping the title. Nothing Carter did was any good; so it’s fair to say the Department of Education Organization Act (1979) was his crowning failure. So where in hell is Romney’s justification for keeping Carter’s Department of Education open?

    NOTE: Michele Bachmann said she would turn out the lights over at the ED. That one statement sealed her fate in media circles. The current candidates engage in doublespeak when they talk about the Department of Education as did every presidential candidate since 1979 except Ronald Reagan.

    Language is the first problem

    The federal government has no business in education, nor does it have the constitutional authority to fund education at any level. You’ll never hear a Republican candidate say it, nor does a Democrat have to defend it. They all simply talk about the federal government’s involvement as though it is only a matter of spending the money wisely.

    If you truly want to get a handle on the education fraud in this country these two articles will do the trick:

    As good as those articles are they fall short of dealing with the fundamental issues. One such issue is distinguishing between primary education and higher education. Indeed, everything written and said about education combines the economic and philosophical differences as though they are one.

    NOTE: Education industry suppliers obscure the difference between primary education and higher education because they are all part of one industry the same way your local auto repair shop is part of the auto industry. When was the last time you heard the owner of a repair shop criticize an auto manufacturer? It’s the same in education. Nobody in either industry attacks the fountainhead, while the parasites on their way to the bank talk about the “children” blah, blah, blah.

    Romney will not stop the yearly flow of tax dollars going to the parasites who supply education institutions, while Hussein wants to increase the flow. In that sense it’s fair to say that Romney is slightly better than Hussein. A cynic might say it’s a choice between a paralyzing brain tumor and a fatal heart attack.

    Even if a well-intentioned candidate dealt with education as two separate issues he or she would suffer the same media fate Michele Bachmann suffered. In addition, no elected official is going to antagonize the economic forces feeding on education on either level.

    Public schools

    Recently, state governors faced with budget problems took on teachers’ union, but there were no fundamental curricula changes enacted after the dust settled. In short: Until you hear a politician confront Socialist brainwashing being done to America’s public school children in the form of collectivist, multicultural, environmental garbage, it is foolish to believe anything they say.

    Primary education is controlled by the ED whose first loyalty is to the teachers’ union even in those Right-to Work states. Teachers’ unions, in turn, are loyal to worldwide socialism administered by a global government.

    Higher education

    Among other issues, Daniel Greenfield’s piece cover’s the high cost of higher education:

    Greenfield does not address the parasite class’ control. In practice, parasites will feed on student loans long after the borrowers graduate. You can bet that it is only going to get worse until the usury aspect of higher education is addressed. Notice that usury is rampant in the credit card industry in spite of the noise one hears from Congress every so often. So what odds would you give on reining in usurious TAX DOLLAR student loans? I make it a million to one against because the parasites in the education industry are growing stronger with every Congress and every president.

    Student loans are inherently destructive to education and to society. Student loans destroyed the concept of working one’s way through college as well as encouraging everyone to go to collage even though most do not belong there.

    Finally, Hussein was protecting higher education’s customer base when he pretended he was helping students. Ultimately, he helped the parasites who lend tax dollars not the students who borrow. Here’s an audio link on the topic:

  2. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Teachers’ unions and the ED hate and fear homeschooling because public education is about brainwashing much more than it is about teaching the three R’s. You cannot indoctrinate children if you can’t get your hands on them. Homeschooling is alive and well in this country although it is under constant attack. Homeschooling is not faring well in Germany where it is still illegal and:

    There is a good reason Socialists are heating up the fight against homeschooling:

    Homeschoolers say treatment 'inhuman, cold, brutal'
    In that atmosphere, global conference scheduled to be held
    Published: 16 hours ago
    by BOB UNRUH

    Parents and organizations fighting for the Right to homeschool children should never trust the United Nations; so I looked up:

    Read it carefully and you’ll see that education is not a Right, but an entitlement that must be paid for by others. Note that in 26:1 the door is wide open for funding higher education with tax dollars. I wonder how much input teachers’ unions had in 1948 when the Declaration of Human Rights was adopted?

    In 26:2 you find unadulterated, touchy-feely, Socialist global government ideology. Naturally, the UN’s attempt to legislate love requires funding no different than the Democrat party’s method of governing.

    In 26:3 I’m pretty sure the UN does not mean parents have the Right to homeschool. I’m pretty sure 26:3 means parents can choose from a UN-approved menu that does not include homeschooling.

    Finally, if you don’t read Bob Unruh’s piece, you might want to watch the 2:37 video included in the article. I know it’s a plea for donations. I can’t say if any contributions are tax deductible, but I do know that the ED uses tax dollars to promote it’s anti-homeschooling agenda.

  3. Clint Torres

    Clint Torres New Member

    May 1, 2011
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    Very insigtfull post. And very good insight. I agree, the Taxpayers do have some obligation to pay for public education, but up to a limit. And that limit is determined by performance. If it does not work with the current funding, than the whole system needs to be changed or disgarded and destroyed. And there needs to be a whole new system to replace it.

    The reality is in most US States, the cost of public welfare education system K-12 cost more than 65% of the tax base. And that is for only 30% of the population.

    What I have observed over the decades is the USA public school system to become a welfare system for the unskilled adults who have no ability to make it in the real world of employment. And most will never make it in private shcool employment.
  4. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    To Clint Torres: A little praise from someone who usually disagrees with my messages is a wondrous thing.
  5. Clint Torres

    Clint Torres New Member

    May 1, 2011
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    I agree to disagree most times. But with the state of public school education system in the USA, the politicians are only coddeling the unions to get their money and votes. And to me that is only making the public school unions more powerfull, which is not what a democracy is about. When you have an entity as pwoerfull as the public school unions, you have a huge imbalance of power among voters. And this is where the USA will continue to fail.

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