Conspiracy Theorists ALWAYS HAVE SUBSTANCE. But they write their own paths.

Discussion in 'Conspiracy Theories' started by Divergent, Sep 30, 2015.

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  1. Divergent

    Divergent Banned

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Every Conspiracy Theory in History is so because there are facts. The problem is the only people who follow those facts end up sounding like camping bigfoot spotters who video themselves hearing bigfoot after using their mating call and the other bigfoot spotter outpost hears it and uses the bigfoot mating call back. Solid proof....:thumbsdown:

    Let's start recent, Benghazi. Is Hillary really covering up Benghazi? Yep. Wanna know why? The CIA was running weapons through the Benghazi station to the rebels in Libya. So was the CIA covering up an operation, YES. You aren't smart for exposing it. A politician COVERING UP and operation that is UNDER COVER is what we all saw. Foreign Media brought this issue to light days after it happened and some still cant catch up. Need more?; <--2012

    Let's get into NWO. "New World Order" Just use internet search to see how many Presidents and/or running used that phrase. The world would be so EZ if we control the Planet. Need more?;

    Let's talk Moon Landing. We use to be able to do it, now we can't? Are you sure this wasn't a "flexing" of technology for the Russians to see filmed in America? That's the Conspiracy. In fact one of the Astronauts was a "wild card" and burned to death in a CONTROLLED NASA test. It's 2015, we know it was Cold War Scare Tactics. And we know the person that was going to breach that information got killed to suppress information. No one goes to the Moon today even though we are discussing investing in Mars? Smart?

    NASA transitions well to "Aliens". After WW2 we "detained" German Scientists who worked for Tyrants. The first spotting of US Military Flares turned into an "alien" event.
    "The Flying Saucer" turned into an "Alien Event" . It was documented on film;
    The German Scientists "detained" that produced the tech failed when the saucer killed 3 when it got over 15 feet high. Basically nearly everything determined "alien" ever was our Government testing new weapons and the uninformed Citizens discussing it.

    Then let's get down to JFK, 9/11 and NWO. These topics are too current for me to elaborate on. JFK got shot for attempting to expose them. But they are easy and all related. Discussing modern topics is as useless as discussing aliens back when the first military flares were spotted and deemed "aliens". It's basically big money Corps CONTROLLING America. It helped a lot when we got them out of the Federal Reserve.

    Technology from 10 years ago is cheap as hell today. So let's go to the moon again :alcoholic::eyepopping:
  2. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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  3. Validation Boy

    Validation Boy Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2012
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    You forgot the big one. The earth is a flat plane, with the north pole at its center. No one, and I mean no one is allowed to go to the north pole. The south pole doesn't exist, and that's why there is a multinational defense force surrounding "Antarctica". In reality Antarctica is a ring surrounding the flat disc. Law of perspective demonstrates the sun's path. Think of railroad tracks running into the distance from ones observation point to understand how the sun travels.

    The UN flag IS the flat earth map.

    That news story a few weeks ago concerning the asian flight to Chicago which had to stop in Alaska instead of the obvious stop which would've been Hawaii, so a passenger could give birth... Take a look at the flat earth map and you'll see EXACTLY why they stopped in Alaska instead. The map I refer to is also known as the Azimuthal Equidistant map, and has been used for centuries accurately.

    All airplanes and all submarines have something called a gyro, which keeps them LEVEL, and is set to a flat plane. Research that if you'd like.

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