Could a Utah State Dollar be used to expose cures to cancer?

Discussion in 'Viral/Biological' started by DennisTate, Jan 22, 2024.

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Could a Utah State Dollar be used to finance finding a cure for cancer?

  1. No

    0 vote(s)
  2. Yes

    1 vote(s)
  3. I sure do hope so!!!!!

    0 vote(s)
  1. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Doing research on drugs or even on natural remedies to medical conditions costs money...... and time..... and effort....... and I believe that the State of Utah and the Canadian Province of Alberta have residents willing and able to do the research that will lead to proving that cancer could have been cured decades ago......
    ... but there was too much money to be made in keeping people sick and dependent on BigPharma.

    I can give you two names that if you will do your research you will know about a cocktail of natural remedies that I feel will be astonishingly successful against cancer... but many other conditions as well.

    Rayburn Goen M. D.
    Stanley Jacob M. D.
    Dr. Stanislav Burzynski

    I do have more names in mind.....
    but this is enough to get you started.

    Here where I live in Mississauga I believe that there needs to be a Mississauga Dollar that should be focused on efforts to produce film projects that expose some of the simple things that BigPharma companies have conspired for decades to do to keep people sick.... so that their revenue stream did not decrease.

    A Mississauga Dollar could be used as a prop in a series of films centered around a Class Action Lawsuit against the CBC and specifically efforts by the highest managers in the CBC to suppress the truth especially over these past five years so that less than ethical bureaucrats and political leaders could legislate paying BigPharma for treatments that violated the Nuremberg Codes....... and any sensible understanding of the Hippocratic Oath.

    Now a prediction from the gifted Prophet Kim Clement is beginning to make more sense to me:

    Two President, dealt with by Spring and CANCER DEFEATED within two years.

    Last edited: Jan 22, 2024
  2. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    This will give you a good idea as to why I mention the name Stanley Jacob M. D.

    And Calgary Dollars are a good way for you to get an idea of what a Utah State Dollar would be like but.... if a State created a Dollar it would be more powerful by far than Calgary Dollars.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2024
  3. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Even during the Great Depression rather small scale local currencies in small towns and cities played a significant role in putting pressure on F.D.R. to initiate The New Deal.

    More and more communities have been discussing this option.

    I put this general idea out there back on April 5, 2014.

    Could a Utah State Dollar save the USA Dollar?

    Using alternative currencies to assist in the partial financing of research related to beating cancer and other major illnesses is an angle on this topic that has enormous potential.

    The Muddy Water Experiment film production cooperative proposed.....
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2024
  4. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Why would Messiah Yeshua - Jesus want USA Jews to go up to Canada first????????? Could it be that He wants them to experience a truly terrible climate so that they are more THANKFUL for the climate in Israel.... once they do make Aliyah?????????

    Jeremiah 16:14¶
    Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that it shall no more be said, The LORD liveth, that brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt;

    But, The LORD liveth, that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north, and from all the lands whither he had driven them: and I will bring them again into their land that I gave unto their fathers."

    Obviously...... the Exodus of Jews out of Russia......
    has already significantly taken place but it seems that more..... much more...... is planned by G-d / HaShem / YHWH.

    Some gifted people have been shown that G-d plans to take Jews.... who are now living in the USA......
    up to Canada......
    and then many of them move on to Israel.

    An exceptionally interesting statements by Mr. David Herzog is that they will be assisted by First Nations peoples of Canada and the USA.

    Brigham Young University in Jerusalem and peace in the Middle East

    Last Sunday.... December 21, 2024 I made it out to the local Ward of the Latter day Saints at 770 Dundas and I must admit that I was really BEYOND BEING MERELY impressed.
    I have met with about a dozen or more LDS Elders and / or Sisters over these past six years....
    and I made it out four times to the nearest ward back in Nova Scotia four times in 2018, four times in 2019, four times in 2020, and four times in 2021 but.....

    after moving to Mississauga I did NOT make it out to the local ward at all in 2022 or 2023, [but I did drive to the local ward and to the temple in Brampton so that I would know where they were for when I would get an opportunity to attend].

    I have been praying a lot this week about what exactly I am supposed to do now because technically.....
    I don't feel that I am exactly a member of any specific church....... I have been church hopping since 1991 when I suggested to the local pastor of the Worldwide Church of God that he should probably disfellowship me because I no longer believed what the WWCG believed on the State of the Dead.... and..... I am not very good at keeping quiet!

    The local pastor agreed with me that I may as well be disfellowshipped....
    and so I soon began church hopping and studying near death experience accounts rather voraciously.

    Online I meet a lot of Latter day Saints and here is an example of me attempting to set LDS Elders and active members up to potentially get a good discussion going with somebody.

    I posted the following message to a Facebook group entitled "Somewhat Civil Christian Debates."

    On Monday December 22 I went through some pretty serious cognitive dissonance because I could see myself in the future.....
    explaining the Book of Mormon in the way that the Sister explained a parable in I Nephi six to ten and.....
    ..... I could see myself actually acting as an LDS missionary and explaining the Bible and the Book of Mormon the way that the two Elders did last Sunday so.....
    what do I do now????????????

    I kept on praying and I believe the Holy Spirit showed me that....
    if my calling is to act as an ambassador between Latter day Saints and Jews.... and between Latter day Saints and other Christian denominations..... and between Latter day Saints and Muslims.....
    and other groups of people THEN......
    .... if I got baptized as a Latter day Saints i would tend to lose credibility as an ambassador.... .so..... I am conflicted???????????

    This is a good place to be in though.....
    I am actually enjoying the questions that I am facing this week!

    What I have been given though is a plan to present a friendly challenge to Latter day Saints on HOW you will play a critical role in The Restoration of all things...... over the coming months and years and decades!

    My friendly challenge to Latter day Saints in a way... can be reduced to three words...... "Theoretically Infinite Financing!"

    And.... I want to challenge Latter day Saints to create a "Exodus USA Film Production Cooperative" and / or an "Exodus USA Film Production Kibbutz" and.......
    I believe that you should research the information regarding a predicted Exodus of USA Jews... up to Canada.... before they make full fledged Aliyah to Israel......

    I have actually dug up quite a bit of information on this prediction that is over in this discussion......

    Exodus USA
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2024
  5. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Here is another discussion that I got going on the Facebook group..... "Somewhat Civil Christian Debates."

    Kevin Hart vs Joe Rogan....... in a political arena????????????????????? ........ "One of the roles in life that I feel that I must accomplish is to try my best to assist Latter day Saints to cooperate more and more and more and more with Pentecostals and Charismatic Catholics like my wife....... (as well as with Jews and Muslims living in Israel through Brigham Young University in Jerusalem)...... Over these past couple of weeks I found myself listening to the gifted

    Last edited: Jan 26, 2024
  6. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    In my opinion Latter day Saints, specifically the students and faculty at Brigham Young University in Jerusalem are in a position to bring a massive shift to the entire Middle East...... and divert the economy of the Middle East away from warfare and in a direction that will be win - win - win - win - win - win - win for Israel, Jordan, The Palestinians, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and all Middle Eastern nations........ I believe that Latter day Saints will catch onto how most of us Christians have refused to obey this admonition from Jesus..... "Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver theeto the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, andthou be cast into prison." (Matthew 5:25) This tendency to agree with our adversaries can begin with agreement on one topic... .one subject that we can find common ground on.... .but then Jesus can help that agreement to increase and increase and increase...... Here is the ancient Islamic prediction that I feel Latter day Saints WILL BE WILLING TO AGREE WITH and I believe that research on the advantages to this will happen from B.Y.U. in Jerusalem...... Book 005, Number 2208: "Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (way peace be upon him) as saying: The Last Hour will not come before wealth becomes abundant and overflowing, so much so that a man takes Zakat out of his property and cannot find anyone to accept it from him and till the land of Arabia becomes meadows and rivers."SAHIH MUSLIM, BOOK 25: The Book on General Behaviour (Kitab Al-Adab) New Mexico biologist and Coach Carl Cantrell has written this up in a manner that can help Christians, Jews and Muslims to take a whole new look at the wisdom hidden in Isaiah chapter thirty five.

    New Mexico biologist and coach Carl Cantrell.....

    Brigham Young University in Jerusalem and peace in the Middle East

    This is too funny.....
    but I just got back from the City Hall for Mississauga......
    and apparently I may already have disqualified myself from campaigning for the office of Mayor of Mississauga by creating a group on Facebook..... by the same title as:

    Dennis Tait or Tate for Mayor of Mississauga?

    A Mississauaga Dollar alternative currency note could potentially be useful in turning some legal cases into reality film projects so that more attention could be focused on .

    Should this father win this lawsuit?

    As more information comes out related to the upcoming Mayoral election for the office of Mayor of Mississauga... I plan to attempt to contact all qualified candidates for Mayor and ask them if they would be willing to sign some sort of waiver.... that would allow me, Dennis Tate or Tait.... to campaign for the office of Mayor?????????

    Considering that I have merely forty one votes total in all four of my previous campaigns..... they might just be tempted to do this???????
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2024
  7. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    A friend of mine who lives in Israel, near Jerusalem just sent me the link to the following video.....

    I am listening to this right now so I hardly know how to comment yet but.......

    I did wake up this Sabbath morning with a plan that will make it possible for Latter day Saints to essentially take over in Hollywood......

    take over in Hollywood North, [the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area Film Industry], and.......
    soon you will be able to be astonishingly influential over the Tel Aviv and Jerusalem film industries as well.......

    anyway..... here is the video that I was sent......

    "R&B Amalek and Erev Rav #68 — Is Israel Stupid and Crazy?"


    I would suggest that a really good background to this video would be the one done by Rabbi Alon Anava on The Eruv Rav as well as his near death experience video..... and especially his second NDE video link........

    I have absolutely no idea what Rabbi Alon Anava would himself think about the theories put forward by this other Rabbi about The Eruv Rav?????????

    Who is The Erev Rav? Do they 'run' the world? Are they an evil regime with a lot of power? - Part 1

    Rabbi Alon Anava's near death experience account.....


    "Is there life after death? Is G-od real? Jewish NDE (Near Death Experience) Rabbi Alon Anava"
    The Concept that I believe can catapult Latter day Saints into a position of GREAT INFLUENCE IN HOLLYWOOD AND HOLLYWOOD NORTH..... AND HOLLYWOOD MIDDLE EAST..... AND BOLLYWOOD..... AND THE NIGERIA FILM INDUSTRY.......... has all been written out for you several years ago......

    Basically it is a Semi-Reality plus Reality film series set in an alternative Universe 1939..... .where The Holocaust is prevented from occurring......
    and I believe..... the Ezekiel chapter forty to forty eight temple complex is constructed for the Jewish people....... by LATTER DAY SAINTS...... PERHAPS IN OR JUST AFTER AN ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE 1967?????????!!!!!!!

    CanSo Dollars... could finance a Unified Theory of Modern World Problems?!

    MAY 28, 2016.......

    I have just this morning announced my plans to campaign for the office of Municipal Councillor,
    in the St. Mary's District in Guysborough County, Nova Scotia.

    But I am going to propose the printing up of a local currency in the nearby area of
    the economically depressed town of Canso, Nova Scotia due to the fact that
    they were at the centre of a movement began by Dr. Moses Coady and Fr. Jimmy Thompkins
    during the era of our history portrayed in Sherbrooke Historic Village.

    So many young people have moved away from the town of CanSo that they lost town status
    back in 2012.

    .......Canada's Worst Politician, the film series concept?!
    November 29, 2012 at 8:14am
    I live about one hundred miles from an area of the world that I strongly suspect is in the position of the proverbial "canary in a coal mine" as far as the danger of rising ocean levels is concerned.

    In my part of Nova Scotia, the difference between high tide and low tide will be as little as one meter but in parts of the Bay of Fundy the difference can be between 52 to 56 feet. The Bay of Fundy has a funneling effect on tidal waters.

    There are 143,000 acres of productive farmland in that area that have been taken back from the ocean by dikes. I am worried that if ocean levels rose by as little as thirty centimeters that part of the Bay of Fundy could be hit by high tides that could perhaps be close to five meters higher than normal.

    I am willing to go all out and make a fool of myself on a totally voluntary basis to attempt to soothe my conscience that I tried my best to do what needs to be done at this time to set in motion a series of events that could actually prevent ocean levels from rising at all?!?!

    You can see one of my films that I will give you legal rights to use for one dollar if you will follow down in the comments in this note....and I will sure try to do more for you if you are willing and able to do something with this film concept.
    Basically the concept for the film series that I have in mind involves a major star, such as Jim Carrey, playing the role of my grandfather, George Malloy. Johnny Galecki, (Leonard on Big Bang Theory), would be ideal to play the role of my Uncle William Malloy who was killed in Italy on January 2, 1945.

    The film takes place in 1938 and 1939 and postulates an entirely different ending to the M. S. St. Louis saga that, as you can guess alters the future so that Uncle Bill not only is not killed in Italy but the holocaust is prevented from occurring.

    I love the idea of 28 BILLION George Malloy/Jim Carrey Dollars being printed up, that work much like


    . ca/

    except that they are in a sense props in a series of films designed to inspire several companies and nations to get working on a plan to turn deserts green, combat malnutrition worldwide, stabilize the climate all at the same time that we stimulate organized barter and create some jobs in the Nova Scotia, Montreal, USA and Israeli film market!Proposal for the creation of a Quebec provincial currency unit to save coastal communities from threat of rising ocean levels.

    "Brigham Young University in Jerusalem and peace in the Middle East"

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