Critique of a Single Tax System: LVT

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by dnsmith, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. Roy L

    Roy L Banned

    Feb 19, 2009
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    You know that is false. I annihilated Rothbard, and you did not even attempt to rescue anything he said, but instead ran to the mods to have my humiliation of your hero deleted.
    I have refuted and humliated you on every substantive economic claim you have made. Every single one. And you know it.
    Again, you offer no facts, no logic, no economics, merely denial and hatred of the truth you cannot dispute.
  2. Roy L

    Roy L Banned

    Feb 19, 2009
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    We both comprehend it completely. It is idiotic and grotesquely dishonest trash.
    All I learned was that Murray Rothbard was a lying apologist for privilege and injustice who didn't care what hilariously idiotic lies he had to tell, or how much of his own mind he had to sacrifice, in order to rationalize privilege and justify injustice.
    Oh? Would those be the writings where he explains how a tax that requires payment of so much land rent that land value falls to zero won't raise any revenue?

    It's not irrelevant. It proves that any claim LVT is Marxist is a flat-out lie.
    I am betting you have never picked up a book by Aristotle.
    No. You have merely undergone brainwashing to make you UNlearn the facts of economics the physiocrats had already established 250 years ago.
  3. Roy L

    Roy L Banned

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Actually, that's already been proved false by historical fact. Meiji Japan used LVT to fund 60%-80% of its entire budget for a generation without even recovering half the rent (as proved by the fact that LAND PRICES STILL ROSE), including large infrastructure projects, a massive investment in public education, and a rapid miiltary build-up that enabled it to defeat Russia, a major world power.

    You just keep finding more and more ways to be objectively wrong.
  4. Roy L

    Roy L Banned

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Meaning, by "ruin the discussion," that we refute your claims with fact and logic, you know it, and you have no answers.
    That's perhaps theoretically possible; but in practice, replacing unjust and destructive taxes with higher land rent recovery is the best tax reform every jurisdiction on earth could implement.
    Already refuted, as it has in fact done so historically. The Henry George Theorem provides additional proof: all government spending on desired services and infrastructure that is not wasted or stolen goes to landowners, so LVT can fund itself and all other government spending that isn't wasted (it might not fund debt service, foreign military adventures, etc., as they are wasted and do not flow through to landowners).
    Again, that's nothing but a bald falsehood.
    <yawn> Is that what they do now with property taxes? It's true that property tax assessments are wildly inaccurate in many jurisdictions, but that is a policy imposed by the local government at the behest of landowners, not the assessors. In other jurisdictions where landowners have not been able to corrupt the process so much, the assessments are very accurate. Your claim is without basis in fact, logic, or economics.
    Nope. The instructive example of LVT, which is NOT arbitrary, will make it much more difficult for politicians to tack on additional taxes arbitrarily: when people get used to paying the market price for the benefits they want from government, they won't stand for arbitrary taxes.
    I've already addressed that issue: a framed picture of a guillotine to remind them of how leniently they have been treated.

    More seriously, though, it would probably be wise to extend an exemption to recent land purchasers as a transition measure. I've proposed a declining exemption based on the land's purchase value and number of years since it was purchased. The exemption would attach to the land parcel, and be extinguished 20 years after the final purchase before LVT implementation, with no reset of the exemption for land purchased after LVT implementation.
    Nonsense. It is landowners who are ALREADY stealing by fiat. Do you really claim that governments who have issued licenses to steal, land titles, or taxi medallions must buy them back from their owners at current prices, rather than abolish them? REALLY??!?
    There was nothing arbitrary about my demolition of Rothbard's stupid, evil lies. But you are right that there is no point even trying: you would merely join him in his humiliation for the irrationality and dishonesty of his grotesque spew of filth.
    More accurately, he can't be defended, and you know it, which is why you have not even tried.
    ??? ROTFL!!!

    No, I have already proved that they are grotesquely irrational and dishonest.
    I have demolished and humiliated both you and Rothbard, you know it, and you have no answers. Simple.
    LOL! The irony of that claim is that until about 20 years ago, I thought pretty much as you do. But I WAS willing to consider alternate opinions. And facts. And to learn. Which you all too obviously are not.

    And now, having learned, it is a trivial -- though distasteful and time-consuming -- matter for me to pulverize the likes of you and Murray Rothbard.
  5. Roy L

    Roy L Banned

    Feb 19, 2009
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    And here's a portion of my exhaustive demolition thereof:!msg/sci.econ/S02SxuLuwPY/fOMVGWEMK3gJ
    Two more absurd fabrications from you...
    LOL! The propertarian feudalists' fantasy...

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