This is a complaint I hear a lot. Not just from moderates, but from almost anyone who thinks for themselves. Does anyone else find it frustratingly impossible to agree with anyone 100%? Perhaps this thread should be titled, “Do you ever get mad at ALL sides?” There are criticisms to be made of the far-left and the far-right, and perhaps even the center. I’m obviously liberal. Yet sometimes I get exhasperated with the so-called “woke” Far left, who often seem to be anti-baby and anti-bath water. Unlike many on the far ends of both spectrums, I tend to read and have confidence in expert opinion- especially where science is concerned. I suppose I’m a bit of a technocrat, despite being pro-democracy. I also believe that while the US is deeply flawed, we and our allies still have a responsibility to uphold on the world stage. A lot of far left people like Jill Stein have an understanding of foreign policy that is clouded by conspiracy theories, seemingly promoted by Russia. Where foreign policy is concerned, I guess I am basically a centrist now. Finally, I actually like having a market economy, provided that it’s properly regulated. You’d be surprised how many other millennials think they want a revolution (Marxist or otherwise.) Then again, I don’t always like centrists either, who can seem overly cozy with the status quo. There are far left ideas like a carbon tax, or even a meat tax, or reparations to people of color that I think are needed, but which they don’t have the stomach for. And as much as I scold nations like Russia or China, I actually hate a lot of our own allies like Israel and Saudi Arabia right now. Something I doubt we’d hear a Clinton say. I don’t equate all of this to my level of disagreement with conservatives, but it is still frustrating. I often feel that nobody else has my exact combination of views. Does anyone else experience this?
My major complaint about the GOP is more tax cuts for the rich. Fortunately this last time around Trump gave tax cuts to the working poor too however. He soaked the middle class and as soon as their get their 2018 tax bills they will vote for Nancy Pelosi instead. My major complaint about the DEMs is their anti gun positions. Everyone needs their own gun. Everyone needs their own assault carbine. Everyone needs their own hi cap mags. The DEMs just need to grow up and get used to this.
Do you get mad at both sides? Absolutely. My main gripes with Republicans are their courting of the Religious Right, their stance on abortion, their stance on same-sex marriage. My main gripes with Democrats are their stance on gun control, their stance on illegal immigration, and their use of identity politics. I know that both sides use identity politics, but to me it seems to be used more by those on the left than the right and that's why I put it in the Democrat column. I'm sure there's more, but that's all I can think of off the top of my head.
I'm a Gen X conservative, and I get mad at both sides. I don't feel conservatism really has a voice these days.
Being on the right, my complaints about Democrats are legion. However I have plenty of gripes about Republicans too. But isn't this normal?