Does Julia Gillard Have a Brain?

Discussion in 'Australia, NZ, Pacific' started by aussiefree2ride, Jun 4, 2013.

  1. aussiefree2ride

    aussiefree2ride New Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Opposition communications spokesman Malcolm Turnbull says a friend across the aisle has confided in him that being a member of the Labor party right now makes a hostile divorce "look like a picnic".

    Mr Turnbull told the ABC on Tuesday that Prime Minister Julia Gillard still carried the "albatross" of having deposed Kevin Rudd in 2010.

    He said polls and common sense suggested the party should return Mr Rudd to the top job but this was unlikely to happen before the September 14 election.

    "I think the tragedy of Labor is that hatreds and animosities run so deep that they have totally overwhelmed their common interest, they have totally overwhelmed even their natural human instinct for survival," he said.

    "One Labor person said to me the other day that in his earlier life he'd been a divorce lawyer, and he gave up being a divorce lawyer because he couldn't handle the bitterness and hatred.

    "... he said to me, `You know, the hatred in our party room makes the most unhappy, bitter divorce look like a picnic'."

    Mr Turnbull's comments came after Ms Gillard was forced to deny in parliament a media report that Foreign Affairs Minister Bob Carr had asked her to quit as Labor leader.

    "That report is entirely untrue," the prime minister said.

    In a statement issued on Tuesday night, Senator Carr said he had never approached Ms Gillard over leadership issues.


    Julia Gillard shows an enormous capacity for self gratification of indulgence in delusional denial. Julia, it`s not enough to constantly repeat "Oi yam proime ministar ov thees kuntroie". You need to actually get something right, actually work toward solutions, not rely on dodgy spin, as a consolation prize for your failures.
  2. slipperyfish

    slipperyfish Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2012
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    Friend of mine in Canberra has said that he heard on the rumour mill that Bob Carr did approach Gillard and it got very heated. He also heard that Rudd was approached to challenge and that he had well and truly secured numbers. He politely told the to go and have intercourse with themselves. Obviously didn't want to try and float a doomed ship.
  3. aussiefree2ride

    aussiefree2ride New Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    I`ve heard the same re, Bob Carr. It`s too late for Rudd now, and he had stood on too many union toes, when the puppet defies the puppeteer, the strings are cut.
  4. slipperyfish

    slipperyfish Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2012
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    He stands to inherit the whole party. He may well become the puppeteer after September.
  5. culldav

    culldav Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    Personally, I am of the understanding that “Ruddy” is quite happy with his $660,000 a year pension, and really couldn’t give a flying toss what happens to the ALP and the backroom union puppeteers anymore.

    Kevin is no longer the gullible man he once was, and with Therese’s guidance & persuasion; both want limited association with the doomed ALP party, that’s going to toil in political obscurity for a generation.

    He knows he was set-up with being given the wrong advise by the ALP heavyweights and faceless union men in relation not to take his ETS mandate to an election.

    The union faceless men and ALP heavyweights wanted a puppet “they” could manipulate and control; giving Kevin false information and guidance gave them the perfect opportunity to replace him with their puppet queen Juliar.

    I suspect Kevin and Therese have a few cards left up their sleeves to play.

    WikiLeaks somehow getting that information on Mark Arbib was a classic game play.

  6. aussiefree2ride

    aussiefree2ride New Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Kevin Rudd wouldn`t be the vengefull type, would he?

    hell hath no fury like a Rudd slimed
  7. culldav

    culldav Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    Definitely not; revenge is dish best served cold. Although, :smile: if I was screwed over as badly as he was, I wouldn't be letting the scum of the hook.
  8. aussiefree2ride

    aussiefree2ride New Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    PMSL. Personally, I wouldn`t p1ss on Rudd if he was on fire, and I really don`t expect him to take the leadership of the ALP at this stage, if ever. It is amusing though, to watch the neurotic acrobatics of the party of envy. CD, you and I don`t speak the ALP slime dialect, but we`ve learnt that when an ALP member pledges loyalty to another by saying something like "I`ll always support that person, and never harm them", it actually means "I`m going to slime Kevin at the first opportunity, in fact, I`m working on it behind closed doors right now".
  9. culldav

    culldav Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    I suppose the scariest thing for any politicians would be to hear a fellow politician state publicly they support you 100%. That would automatically mean they have already sharpened the axe, and the next move is a swing towards your head.

    We all have our personal family and business political intrigues, but these reprobates play too rough for me.

    Running around in dark alleys like rats trying to get the goods on each other for one-upmanship, is just way beyond what I call good gamesmanship and class.

    I understand some people like to play in the garbage to succeed in life, but thankfully I have never played in garbage, nor will I ever reduce myself to playing in garbage to succeed.


    The media would have us believe that Kevin was a megalomaniac and an out of control “control-freak”. This speculation was supported by some of the rats that abandoned the Rudd sinking ship like Wong, and a few others. The only honourable person; Lindsay Tanner, resigned out of disgrace and contempt over what transpired.

    There is no disputing that Kevin’s ETS, and to umbrella the States tragic and failing Health system under Federal control were extremely good policies. For some unknown reasons he completely lost his way on delivering these initiative policies.

    It was well documented he wanted Australia and China to become much closer than they were, and I personally believe this frightened the hell out of the US, and their control over Australia.

    I believe the ALP/unions were told to get rid of Rudd, and replace him with someone who could be controlled, and who’s sympathies favoured the US over China.

    With this said, I believe the indecisions regarding his major policies were a result of misinformation given to him by senior Ministers, which eventually saw him replaced as Prime Minister, who couldn’t follow through on decisions.

    Whether Rudd has the right to cause turmoil within his own party after being politically back-stabbed and publicly humiliated on two separate occasions, is the moral and ethical prerogative of the individual to decide.

    Gillard could have dismissed Rudd at any time, if his behaviour was so disruptive and inappropriate. Rudd was Gillard’s responsibility, and instead of dismissing Rudd if he was causing trouble and disruption, she made the conscious decision to keep her own job over the wellbeing of her political party, but try to place all the blame on Kevin for being a disruptive factor.

    The ALP/unions want to put all the blame on Kevin for everything, but they were the ones who elected to keep him, to save their own miserable jobs and keep government.
  10. gobsmacked

    gobsmacked New Member

    Jul 8, 2012
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    Its quite informative that these same names with such contempt for all things labor should spend so much time defending him in this confected version of his demise, over three years ago now. You seem angry? Not quite in context with your many many other threads criticizing labor at every turn. I guess any negative beat up is preferable to honest scrutiny of the LNP isn't it.
  11. gobsmacked

    gobsmacked New Member

    Jul 8, 2012
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    Union faceless men and ALP heavyweights huh? Lets examine Queensland's Premier Newman's selloff to his LNP backers of everything including the kitchen sink? Perhaps a look at the nepotism exposed daily in the LNP ranks despite the medias desperation to ignore such Newsworthy stuff to focus on ?? Oh yeh "Leader(*)(*)(*)(*)". The desperation of Abbott to bring down an elected government by any means he can before an election can prove just how irrelevant he and the LNP really are.
  12. gobsmacked

    gobsmacked New Member

    Jul 8, 2012
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    mod edit>>>stop the flame bait>>> . As for Turnbull's comment which you quote as if it in some way is a judgement on labor, I say it applies completely and accurately to the LNP but then that's why they keep saying it of labor isn't it?
  13. aussiefree2ride

    aussiefree2ride New Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    mod edit>>>stop the flame bait>>> The Julia Strapon Gillard government, have been the equivilent of a Mummy and Daddy, who have trebble mortgaged their inherited, unencumbered house, and spent the money on buying icecream, toys and lollies, for the slowest of their children. :roflol:

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