Drone Nukes: How a conventional war against Russia and China could still be won

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Mrbsct, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. Mrbsct

    Mrbsct Active Member

    Aug 2, 2013
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    America is thought of to be the most powerful Military in the world..however not quite. Russia and China have their own missiles launched from land, sea as well as cruise missiles launched from bombers that can reach and destroy the United States. Therefore each nation has a Mutually assured destruction policy(MAD) against each other, so no World War could ever happen. That is why no nation is willing to even engage in limited war such as regional wars such as in Syria or Ukraine. Any deescalation or a battle loss will likely cause military planners to use smaller tactical nuclear bombs, once those are used, the other side will respond with more powerful nukes, and this exchange will begin till MAD or one stops and negotiates. Nations are unlikely to go full scale nuclear war, but will likely will use small scale nukes if the are at a disadvantage, causing a exchange not worth it for both sides, therefore war is never declared. If US attacks Russia in Ukraine for example, the Russians will fired one missile at the US, forcing the US to either fire back, or negotiate. Two choices that are bad.

    Ronald Reagan once dreamed of a missile defense system to render Nuclear weapons obsolete. However, even today, missile defense is flawed and still in slow development. Russia is gaining in Ukraine and Syria. China is threatening our allies in the sea. We can't just start a war with them. However, there is far more efficient ways than missile defense.

    Modern sensor technology is really good. Although we haven't reached the technology to intercept Intercontental Ballistic missiles(ICBMs) in any cost effective way, we can make are deterrence so nasty, that even limited nuclear war is impossible.

    Russia is unlikely to fire a world ending salvo of ICBMs at the first sight of war. It will likely fire "warning shots" on American bases killing a bunch of soldiers, to force us to negotiate, we have no choice to negotiate in that regard or go to full scale nuclear war. However, a new automated system that will make the Russians think twice of nuking us can deter us.

    Russia has a system called "Dead Hand", which the slight sense of radiation can cause Russia ICBMs to take off and hit the US. This is to prevent first strikes. However, the US could use a automated nuke system, a Doomsday device, to ensure tactical nuclear warfare is impossible.

    The device is simple. Infrared sattelites will detect launches and explosions, radars detect trajectory, radiation sensors and ground sattelites detect radiation. If all four happen, a signal will send to every US ICBM now automated and unmanned to launch at every enemy causing the complete destruction of the Russia and China. These sattelite will cover all of NATO nations and US bases. So one single ICBM launch on us or our allies one trigger the end of the world. This will not include suitcase bombs*used by terrorists), IRBMs(such as North Korea and Iran which can be dealt by Missile Defense), and cruise missiles(which can be dealt by Fighter jets). The device cannot be turned off in time to ensure destruction on confident levels.

    This will ensure ANY nuclear retaliation is impossible. Tactical conventional limited WWII style wars will now be possible. We can go to Ukraine or the China sea and kick our enemies out. With this device, they won't use tactical nuclear weapons on CONUS or our troops unless they are shoved to desperation(such as we invading them). The fear of Armageddon of their own nation, infrastructure, monuments, and children getting destroyed is too much, preventing them to launch a nuke on our troops tactically. They would have to face us conventionally, a battle we will win.

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