"Fox & Friends" attempt to generate outrages fails miserably-

Discussion in 'Music, TV, Movies & other Media' started by Gorn Captain, Jul 10, 2014.

  1. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Tom Kludt – July 10, 2014, 1:50 PM EDT

    "Fox & Friends" just can't get over a university's decision to re-label campus bathrooms to accommodate transgender students, but apparently "fans" of the conservative outlet don't share the morning program's outrage.

    Steve Doocy discovered that in a hilariously awkward piece of live television on Thursday. The co-host ventured outside the midtown-Manhattan studios to round up a handful of people on the street — identified by Doocy as "Fox fans" — to get their reactions to the new bathroom signage at Illinois State University.

    The school announced earlier this month that it will replace the "family" signs adorned outside single-stall restrooms and replace them with "all-gender" signs.

    The updated signage will include a symbol of a half-man and half-woman, which has Doocy and company pretty confused and unsettled. The hand-picked crew of "Fox fans"? Not so much.

    When Doocy asked a boy if he "would have any idea" what the symbol meant, the youngster suggested it might indicate a "family restroom."

    An older man next to the boy agreed.

    "I could see that," he said.

    At that point, confident that he had planted the seeds for some righteous indignation, Doocy explained the moral deterioration at Illinois State University.

    "See, they were designated as 'family restrooms' in the past and now, apparently, they're going to be known as 'all-gender' restrooms," Doocy explained.

    "Does that make sense?" he asked a woman.

    It did make sense.

    "Restrooms for both genders," she said cheerily.

    Doocy was persistent.

    "That's right. Bathrooms for both genders, or transgenders," he said, turning to a man in a Pittsburgh Pirates T-shirt. Surely, he shares Doocy's mixture of confusion and anxiety!

    "Transgender, that's right," the man replied dully.

    Ultimately, a dismayed Doocy kicked it back to the studio, where co-host Brian Kilmeade offered a response that really said it all.

    "Well, they're better people than us," Kilmeade said.


    It's always been a close call for me....who is the stupidest person on Fox? Steve Doocy? Brian Kilmeade? Or Sean Hannity?

    All have their examples. Hannity atleast has brains enough to spot a "trouble spot" and quickly try to excise it....noting his pro-immigration reform/pro-Marco Rubio position after the 2012 Election, that he quickly abandoned and reversed course on when the GOP Base turned on Rubio and immmigration reform. Or seeing he needed to quickly distance himself from Cliven Bundy.

    So that left Doocy and Kilmeade. But I think Kilmeade wins it for this quote-

    "I mean there's vacuums now, right now, cleaning my area rug in my house. A robot, right now ... a Roomba --right now. ... And at first we were holding back; we were not willing to turn over the vacuum duties to a robot, but we have." -----April 15th, 2011

    Kilmeade was making a suggestion that we replace air traffic controllers ....with robots..... because robots can vacuum his house.


  2. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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  3. Oldyoungin

    Oldyoungin Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2013
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    Gonna go a little outside the box here, and to answer your question I am going to say none. I am going to say the "stupidest" is the people who give them free advertising over and over and make the pockets of the people they hate swell up.
  4. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    OY, not on topic...as usual....and I'd say it's another example of where you agree with the premise, that there are morons on Fox....

    but you are scared to say so openly because you re SCARED to offend your political allies here who love and trust Fox.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Brewskier ....no surprise from you.

    Of ALL the MSNBC hosts...I KNEW you'd pick Al Sharpton or maybe Melissa Harris-Perry.

    Over Maddow or Matthews or Lawrence O'Donnell or Alex Witt or Chris Hayes, etc.

    And we both know why. :)
  5. Oldyoungin

    Oldyoungin Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2013
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    Actually gorny, its directly on topic. You personal address and comments to me is the actual off topic part of your own thread. Gorny, one thing you need to learn is that not every opinion that doesnt agree with your ...mindset is off topic. You got an answer, deal with it. :321:
  6. Raised Right

    Raised Right Member

    May 30, 2014
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    I think both parties would agree that Al Sharpton is an ignorant, uninformed cretin with absolutely no business being on television.

    This is not the "conservative inside of me" talking, but Sean Hannity, Megyn Kelly, Greta Van Susteren, and Bill O'Reilly are extremely intelligent; personally, Hannity and Van Susteren stand out to me. While I do like O'Reilly's background and education, he excessively advertises himself throughout his show. Kelly is also very intelligent, but she is not exactly a veteran; I will have to see more of her.

    Matthews and O'Donnel have been annihilated in debates on multiple occasions; however, I don't know much about Alex Witt. By the way, what's up with Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow? Honestly, they look and speak EXACTLY THE SAME. Admittedly, I sometimes can't tell which is which. Anyway, they are outshined by the Fox shows; not to mention, they are significantly less popular (for good reason).
  7. NightSwimmer

    NightSwimmer New Member

    Mar 11, 2013
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    Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. ;)

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