From The Lips Of Barack Obama: “We Are The Ones We have Been Waiting For”

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by XXJefferson#51, May 28, 2018.

  1. XXJefferson#51

    XXJefferson#51 Banned

    May 29, 2017
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    To think that Americans could hear such narcissist, self-centered nonsense and not laugh the fool making the statement back to his lair in Chicago is a surprise, but the emotional magic of Obama still haunts far too many dedicated, unthinking followers in America.

    Of course, when Obama made the asinine statement he was speaking of himself as being the Messiah that the world had long awaited to bring us to salvation. And the fool man meant his words literally.

    So let’s see how Messianic Obama really was by comparing other statements and positions he made, with reality:

    • We will lower the rising of the oceans
    • You can keep your doctor, period.
    • You can keep your healthcare plan, period.
    • You will save $2500 a year on healthcare, period.
    • America can never again achieve three-percent economic growth.
    • We will contain ISIS.ISIS is a JV team.
    • Mine will be the most transparent administration in history.
    • You didn’t build that!
    • There’s not a smidgen of evidence of Hillary’s guilt or misconduct.
    • Russia is no longer a threat to America.
    • The “red line” in Syria that he failed to enforce.
    • Blaming a photographer for causing the deaths of Americans in Benghazi.
    • It costs less to get a gun in America than to buy a book.
    • Take a gun to a knife fight.
    • Illegal aliens will never get government healthcare.
    • Illegal aliens will never get welfare.
    • Illegal aliens will never get the vote.
    • Obama claimed his White House “didn’t have a scandal”.
    Each item listed above, and many more examples that I can’t recall at this moment, are examples of Obama’s promised “fundamental transformation of America” https://www.conservativedailynews.c...ama-we-are-the-ones-we-have-been-waiting-for/ All hail the messiah, Obama, obama! We humbly discuss our dear leader, lord Barry. We refused to be transformed. We survived Obama.
    Gatewood, Jestsayin and RodB like this.
  2. Texsdrifter

    Texsdrifter Well-Known Member

    Feb 24, 2012
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    He not been president for a good while lol. Holding grudges not healthy for the one that holds on to them. I wasn’t a fan but once he left office I got over it. The individual mandate is gone now, that is what pissed me off the most. I wouldn’t rank him as the worst president of my lifetime. The increased racial divide(not really put that all off on him)that still seems to be getting worse was disappointing to say the least.

    That said I like to make fun of political leaders. Trump gives some damn good material to laugh at. I don’t get called a racist if I make fun of him. If economy stays good and no nuclear winter. I might have to one day admit I was wrong about Trump. Today ain’t that day though lol.
  3. XXJefferson#51

    XXJefferson#51 Banned

    May 29, 2017
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    Trump is a big improvement compared to Obama.
  4. mitchscove

    mitchscove Well-Known Member Donor

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Obama lives in the spy operation he launched against the Trump campaign. He lives in the judges he appointed to protect his shredding of the constitution. Can't say I like Trump as a person, but he has been effective in undoing the 8 year attack on our country. Republicans have yet to figure out that progressives who hijacked the Democratic Party will never like them regardless of what extremist policies Republicans let them impose on the country. That Trump doesn't seek approval from those radicals and knows they will never like him is his major value.
    Gatewood, XXJefferson#51 and Texan like this.
  5. XXJefferson#51

    XXJefferson#51 Banned

    May 29, 2017
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    Well said.
  6. Russ103

    Russ103 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 20, 2014
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    I would add that the typical swamp rat republicans try to get favorable media reaction/attention, and that is something they cannot get through their head, will never ever happen.

    Just imagine how pathetic “Low Energy Jeb” would have been as a president for a second. He (just like his brother George W) would have let the democrats and the news media (same thing I know) walk all over him and done nothing but smile politely at them thinking that the office is above that.

    Trump hits them back, that is the issue that drives them more insane then they already are. They are used to using a tried/true playbook for destroying GOP politicians. Trump isn’t just immune from that, he spins it back into their crooked face. You gotta love that!
    Gatewood, Spooky and XXJefferson#51 like this.
  7. XXJefferson#51

    XXJefferson#51 Banned

    May 29, 2017
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    Yes, I do love that!
  8. Texsdrifter

    Texsdrifter Well-Known Member

    Feb 24, 2012
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    Without Obama would be no Trump as president. He is the anti-Obama that arose saying things about Obama no real politicians would dare say aloud.(Hmm if some consider Obama a messiah would that make Trump the

    Without Obama would have been Hillary elected in 2000. Hell I would have preferred Obama have a 3rd term then her being elected this last time. Who else could it had been in 2000? McCain who republicans now mock on his death bed? Or 2004 Romney with his pick as VP who at the time was poster boy for republicans, that is now considered a RINO?

    We can’t erase the past and when I look at the options that were available in the past. I don’t see blaming Obama for lack of quality candidates that was there as rational. If he did nothing else but prevent a Hillary presidency he deserves my gratitude for that alone. Under his administration the FBI announcement right before the 2016 elections helped Trump win.

    While by default Reagan I have to consider the best president I can remember. He basically won the Cold War. I do have some issues with him though. Bush 2 is hands down the worst of my lifetime IMO. Even though he might had been the most fun to share a drink with and was a nice guy. So at worst to me Obama was a average middle of the pack President. Some could argue he was better then Bush 1, leaving him 2nd best behind Reagan. I would put him 3rd best above Clinton, Carter, and Bush 2.
  9. mitchscove

    mitchscove Well-Known Member Donor

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Politically speaking, it's where I come from. I watched in 1998, 1999, 2000,,,,, as Republicans predicted and tried to prevent the meltdown Democrats created. This, after being an apolitical observer of an attack on Bush. I saw what happened, saw who was responsible, saw who was blamed, and made my choice. My migration from apolitical to the right was based on research and disappointment in the political processes, the media bias, and the corruption on the left wing that I observed. I'm thinking richard baker left politics for the same reason Trey Goudy is leaving and Paul Ryan is leaving. Richard Baker chaired the Capital Markets subcommittee until he retired. Having to deal with the human waste that caused the meltdown and blamed the people who tried to prevent it had to be taxing. Paul Ryan and Trey are dealing with the same human waste. They are too good to deal with Democrats as a profession.
  10. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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