GA man accused of leaving grandmother in freezer to die

Discussion in 'Human Rights' started by MJ Davies, Apr 17, 2022.

  1. MJ Davies

    MJ Davies Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    Full title: Georgia man accused of leaving grandmother in freezer to die

    I suppose if one has to die by murder and/or at the hands of their own grandson, freezing to death is probably the most humane. At least the body just shuts down and the person falls asleep until the brain slows down and shuts off the organs.

    The current plan in which people need to seek help before they kill somebody is clearly not working. Anybody familiar with the law and mental health services knows there is nothing anyone can do if a person is not a ward of the state in which they live or not under another adult's guardianship. But, there *has* to be something between "I'm stressed out" and "stuffing an elderly person, a relative on top of that, in a freezer".

    What can we do? How do we reach these people that aren't going to be forthcoming with these kind of inner thoughts because saying them aloud gets one locked up in a psychiatric hospital and that doesn't typically address any of the issues.

    Let's talk about it. Why do we only care about lives connected to umbilical cords? We have to figure out something.
  2. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    You don't really provide enough information to have the discussion your asking. What is the suspects criminal and mental health history? Is he "in the system" or did this come out of nowhere?
  3. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    One big problem is that if someone is struggling and thinking about doing bad things, they won't talk about it to a qualified counselor because that counselor is required by law to notify law enforcement.

    So the law prevents these people from being able to get help.

    Of course, that probably would not have made a difference in this story.

    The reason he probably offed his grandmother was to take over the house, because many young people are struggling these days and unable to afford to move into a place of their own due to the skyrocketing cost of rent in many areas.

    Are we going to talk about immigration, or is that subject off the table?
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2022
    Jarlaxle likes this.

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