If a bear takes a dump in the woods and Google declare for four years the results are still changing, then did it really ever take a dump? We need big tech to stop manipulating their search results and public discourse on them. This is another form of election interference. Just remember if you haven't heard about it in this day and age that doesn't mean it hasn't happened. You might need to work a little harder when your smartphone and smart searches want to make sure you are not smart of well informed.
Google Shoos You Away From The Biden Family Biz Easy fix. Do what I do. Choose another search engine. There are several that are better.
There were 2,840 results back then August 22nd. Now there are 9,340 Not that I don't think Google tries to filter stories that disfavor Biden/Dems/Left/Progs/LGBDORJD/BLM etc etc etc.
If you are using Google as your search engine or primary source of information, you are on the spectrum...
Anyone who has any experience with SEO, either working with others or on their own sites, knows how ridiculous this whining is. We've all heard it from our clients, no matter what the search terms. Looking at it from one very, very long tail key phrase tells you absolutely nothing. These rankings, even when non-political, change rapidly. And NOT EVERYONE GETS THE SAME RESULTS ANYWAY. It's complete nonsense. And the author claims this is being hidden . . . and search result #1 from HIS OWN SEARCH proves he's lying.
google defending Trump too, search "Trump meme", used to work? would expect many results, but what do you get.... I do think google is missing with people, even keto youtubers are complaining as you search for keto and stuff doesn't come up India runs our IT, they decide what you get to view is seems