GOP Governor in NC signs law to further restrict voters

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by JimH52, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    Why do you right wingers wallow in ignorance?
    There is the exact same database that would exist if you had a voter ID law.
    You have the list of registered voters and you have the list of which ones voted.
    The list of registered voters can be checked, just like they did in Miami.
    And guess what, it doesn't list citizenship on most picture IDs, the only protection against making sure illegal votes don't occur is checking the voter list.
    If someone impersonates a voter, goes to the polls and gives the name of another voter, one of two things happens, the real voter doesn't vote, and no one finds out or the real voter shows up to vote, in which case there is an investigation, and most of these investigations, it's is the poll worker who crossed off the wrong name, because there are two Jim Smiths that live on main street.
    The Bush administration Justice Department made voter fraud a top priority, they spent hundreds of millions of dollars, investigating, checking voter lists for fraud, and you know what they found?
    About 100 cases where there was enough evidence to get a conviction, that's after an 8 year nationwide investigation.
    And you know what the majority of the cases were?
    People who had a vacation home in Florida, who maintained residency in their home state, but because they were in Florida in November, registered to vote in Florida, that is the number one type of voter fraud.
    They caught Ann Coulter doing exactly that, registered in New York and Florida, but for some reason the Bush Justice Department declined to prosecute her.
  2. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    There is a list of everyone that votes and everyone that is registered to vote, it's been checked, what more would you have?

    And guess what, there's such a thing as fake ID.
    And do you think someone committing a 5 year felony by impersonating a voter is not going to risk using a fake ID?
  3. justoneman

    justoneman New Member

    Jul 1, 2009
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    There are thousands of separate lists from each county not one master list. Those separate lists have only had a very tiny % looked at. It is a broken system it is not working at all. People are registered to vote in more than one place and people who are dead or felons who cannot vote have not been removed from the voting rolls. You are completely uninformed on it.
  4. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    Actually you are misinformed.
    There has been plenty of checking, aimed at those lists where the greatest suspicion of fraud existed, and they found no evidence of substantial voter fraud.
    The FBI checked out the 1960 Cook County election data, the most famous case of voter fraud in GOP mythology, where Kennedy stole the election from Nixon.
    The FBI found no evidence of substantial voter fraud or any irregularities, you are listening to the propaganda, that's why you don't have any evidence you can link to. You can't say this election or that election was altered by voters impersonating other voters, because it never happened in the hundreds of thousands of elections that we have had in the US.
    Election fraud has altered outcomes, voter ID does nothing to deter election fraud.
  5. justoneman

    justoneman New Member

    Jul 1, 2009
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    The FBI checked it? Huh?

    From Wikipedia:,_1960#Controversies
  6. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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  7. Mayor Snorkum

    Mayor Snorkum Banned

    Oct 11, 2012
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    Since we don't vote RAT, we're clearly not ignorant.

    How many non-citizens were turned away from the polls last year because they could not present a valid state-issued ID?


    We must not have the database you're pretending exists, but doesn't.

    How many of those "registered voters" are dead?

    How many of those "registered voters" are illegal alien Invaders?

    How many of those "registered voters" were supporters of King Obama, Racist, Fascist and Traitor, from out of state?

    How many of those "registered voters" where DemocRATS using a false name in more than one precinct?

    Yeah, that "list of registered voters" ain't worth (*)(*)(*)(*) when King Obama's Dick Holder is busy doing everything he can, mostly illegally, to prevent states from updating their lists of eligible voters to exclude groups that vote almost exclusively DemocRAT, like the dead and the illegal alien and the felon.

    Why do you want dead people voting? You'd change your mind real fast if some Right To Life group started registering the millions of babies you people have murdered before 1995 and got them voting for American candidates to depose the DemocRAT candidates you support.

    And there's something wrong with having a check at the point-of-balloting, too?

    No, of course there isn't. But we all know how much effort you DemocRATs put into your ever-present vote fraud schemes.

    1) It should.

    2) Most ID's are ONLY issued to those that can prove their citizenship, so it was never necessary to list citizenship until you fascists started insisting the illegal alien invaders have a "right" to legitimate ID.

    And checking the voters, don't forget that.

    YOU people oppose ANY method of preventing vote fraud, because you vote for traitors and try to protect them.

    It takes a strange kind of mind that can digest the cow manure the DNC puts out to protect it's vested interest in electoral fraud.

    It takes a mind that isn't accustomed to thinking.

    Say a RAT registers as Jose Invader at 223 S. Main Street, and as Joe Hernandez at 223 N. Main Street. Right now he can also be registered at Juan Kowalski at Vacant Lot On The Corner and Adrian Monk at the Clean House on the Left, and then go vote at all four polls, quite illegally, and since there's no ID requirement, cast all four fraudulent ballots in comfort.

    So, how many times did King Obama's vote-fraud gang, ACORN, get indicted and convicted of vote-fraud in the last six years? Hmmm?

    You people LOVE pretending vote fraud doesn't happen. You people even pretend Al Franken is a real Senator, when he clearly isn't, while claiming "Bush stole the election" even though the facts of that case are settled, and Al Hot Gas Gore never got the votes to win.

    Al Franken stole the 2008 election. How did the Bush Administration manage to investigate that?

    And no, the liberal Bush Administration actually left vote fraud alone, because no prosecutions were ever forthcoming from the efforts the RATS made to steal the election in Florida. You people love to pretend people like Bush had an interest in honest elections. Being a RINO, he did not, just like you don't.

    Good for Anne. You should read up on RINO's. They're not anywhere near as extinct as they should be.

    Meanwhile what your anecdote's don't prove is that Voter ID would not impede voter fraud.

    Because it clearly would, or people like yourself wouldn't oppose it.
  8. Mayor Snorkum

    Mayor Snorkum Banned

    Oct 11, 2012
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    Even Turd World countries require voter ID or some other means of preventing voter fraud.

    ONLY the DemocRATs in the US want no security restrictions whatsoever placed on voting....they campaign by lying, it's only natural that they also seek to steal the elections, too. Socialists, of course, have no decency or morality. The rank and file that vote DemocRAT are just stupid ignorant mind numbed robots, or traitors, and the candidates are mostly just traitors...and racists.
  9. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    Why is it that extremist fringe can think up all these scenarios, but when people actually take a voter list and check it they don't find any of this stuff?
    You are sure that there was all kinds of fraud, but you just can't seem to find it, because everyone involved can keep their mouth shut.
    There were 13 guys on the Brinks Robbery and one of them ratted out the others.
    But 7,000,000 fraudulent voters can put Obama over the top, and every one of them is quiet as a church mouse.
  10. justoneman

    justoneman New Member

    Jul 1, 2009
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    So when I go and vote for your 90 year old bed ridden uncle in the retirement home, tell me how looking at the voter rolls finds this fraud?
  11. bwk

    bwk Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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  12. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    How many times have you done that?
  13. justoneman

    justoneman New Member

    Jul 1, 2009
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    For all anybody knows I could have done it 20 times, since nobody has to show positive ID that they are who they are voting for.
  14. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    Seriously, how many times have you done that, done the research, found the person who wasn't going to vote, not even by absentee ballot, and gone into a polling place, and lied to poll workers (felony) to get one more vote for your side, if only you had been able to do it a few million times last November, Romney might be president today.....
  15. justoneman

    justoneman New Member

    Jul 1, 2009
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    Yes if only it happened a few thousand more times in key voting districts in each swing state, it may have been so.
  16. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    And that could be organized and no one would say a word, just a few hundred thousand people with a secret......
  17. justoneman

    justoneman New Member

    Jul 1, 2009
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    Some of it organized and some of it not. Sure of course. You think certain groups have not been doing this for years and years? Do you have any idea of how Unions operate at all?
  18. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    Wow, well you would think that if you knew who was doing it, you could expose it, for real, not just a whack job accusation based on nothing, why do you think that knowing exactly where all this supposed fraud is, it's never been exposed.....
    Clinton got a blowjob, one person besides him knew about it, and she couldn't keep her lips sealed (I know, bad choice of words).
    But thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes were cast, and no one said a word, and knowing exactly where it was going down, no one could find a trace....
  19. Mayor Snorkum

    Mayor Snorkum Banned

    Oct 11, 2012
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    No, that's not what the Mayor said.

    The Mayor said that YOU can't produce statistics supporting YOUR case because you oppose the one thing that would provide the statistics needed.

    The Mayor doesn't need to provide that kind of information. The Mayor merely has to point out that your typical specimen of rattus rattus can squeeze it's entire body through a hole the size of a quarter, and will, if there's something for it on the other side. The larger version of RAT, the DemoRAT, has no problem cheating on elections when there's an opportunity, and YOUR opposition to Voter ID is solely for the purpose of keeping that particular hole open.

    Because that's what ALL RATs do.
  20. Mayor Snorkum

    Mayor Snorkum Banned

    Oct 11, 2012
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    Is there any particular reason people should pay attention to your posts after you just explained that you don't care that the Rapist President you supported committed several felonies and trampled the rights of citizens in an orgy of abusive power that is still cascading through American society today?
  21. justoneman

    justoneman New Member

    Jul 1, 2009
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    That's the point. We don't know who is voting fraudulently because no identification is required at all. All other countries in the world have the good sense to require positive identification of who is doing the voting, but us.
  22. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    It's funny how the leadership of the Republican party sees these laws as useful to suppress minority voting and give them an edge and the rank and file sheep are told it's to prevent "voter fraud" which actually isn't a problem in the US.
    And all the loyal sheep keep repeating the voter fraud meme, and it still hasn't dawned on them that they are being used, even though they themselves can't find any evidence of the in person voter fraud they are "sure" is happening in large numbers.....
  23. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    Why is it that the leadership of the party doesn't see this as preventing voter fraud? Why is it that they see it as a useful tool to suppress minority voting?

    Right now there are lists of everyone who was registered to vote in previous elections, and lists of who actually voted, with names and addresses and dates of birth.
    These lists can be checked, and it can be determined if there is a problem with voter fraud, and if there was a problem, those investigations would be publicized, but there isn't a problem.

    Why is it that you can't address the real reason for these laws?
  24. Steady Pie

    Steady Pie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 15, 2012
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    The problem with democracy is that it places significant power in the hands of a lot of stupid people, thinking that the ability to make decisions should be placed with everyone equally. What they don't realize is that this takes decision making away from individuals, and places it with the mob.

    In reality, democracy is antithetical to equality, and I will not participate in it. Instead, I try my best to respect the will of the individual.
  25. justoneman

    justoneman New Member

    Jul 1, 2009
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    If you are talking about Republican leaders they do not think it is about minority vote suppression at all because it is not about it. They know it is about making clean elections.

    There are lists of voters who may or may not be eligible to vote and there is a list of names that votes were cast under but not a list of who actually voted. You are just plain wrong here.

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