If government is dumbing down kids in public school they have done a great job. Now we have 2 generations o dumbed down kids and the current set are from dumbed down parents. Let's face it in the USA dumbing down students is the goal, if it was not, this would not be happening. Apply a dose of cultural anthropology, and throw history and media propaganda out the window. Do some logical thinking and factor in politics, economics, and human behavior. If you have the ability to understand and apply all of these factors in your analysis you will see what i'm talking about. Just don't get side tracked and focus on one factor too long. If you are unable to see, analyze, and understand all these factors at one time, you can just give up and forget it. Becuse, you will never be able to see what is realy going on in public schools other than one or tow simple factors at a time. And that will not give you true picture of how screwed up the USA public school system realy is.
It goes back to the early 1900's,the Rockefeller and Carnegie groups decided to take over the educational system.... The real motivation behind the General Education Board, however, was perhaps best expressed in the Board's Occasional Letter No. 1, written by Gates: " In our dreams, we have limitless resources and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding bands. The present education conventions fade from their minds, and unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive rural folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning, or men of science. We have not to raise up from among them authors, editors, poets or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians nor lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of whom we have an ample supply. The task we set before ourselves is very simple as well as a very beautiful one, to train these people as we find them to a perfectly ideal life just where they are. So we will organize our children and teach them to do in a perfect way the things their fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way, in the homes, in the shops and on the farm." The university atmosphere isnt hardcore leftist by some fluke chance,it is designed that way. It is now so ingrained,and it has worked its way even into the grade school levels.
At least part of the trouble is that we almost demand it. When was the last time people stormed a PTO meeting demanding to know why students are falling behind Asia and even South America in some areas? I see movements for inclusion of disabled students in regular classrooms but when was the last time that someone demanded a "gifted" class? When was the last time parents demanded MORE homework instead of less? It doesn't happen that way, ever. If you attend such a meeting, no one is fighting for higher standards. Not the parents, not the teachers, certainly not the school boards. You'll hear more crying about use fees for sport and extra carricular activites like football and basketball than you'll hear about the cutting of an advanced science course, or the adoption of history books that barely mention the good things America has given the world (such as a constitution, the notion of unalienable rights, or Republican democracy), or the forced ADHD drugs. If you want to know why Johnny can't read, it's because we don't care if he can. We don't take any ownership of our kid's education, and we don't demand accountability for those who should be educating our kids but don't. We don't even bother to take our kids to tutoring after public school because it's just too much trouble. So whether or not the government is dumbing things down (and they are) is besides the point. My question is why are we letting them get away with it?
True, but with education systems they have their own tax funded police so there can be no storming into PTA. But the issue of what you mention does arise very often and the educators have no abilty or skill to change any of it. They blame other factors such as immigration, special eds, not enough money, rise of autism, all kinds of excuses. And they allways will conclude to "look into it", but never get any thing done. And you are right. The schools and parents don't care if the kids can't read and write. They just go through the 8 months and wait for another group of kids. After all has anyone held a educator accountable for the education system? NO, that is because no parent wants to spend the money to go up against a Union funded lawyer. So here you have it. The reason people let this happen is: 1) The schools have powerfull unions. 2) The unions grow with more membership. 3) The unions use the media to spin preopaganda for their sutdent opster child. 4) The unions and large voting constituent of public schools (largest in the nation), manipulate politicians for money and no cuts of benifits. 5) As a whole, they cannot be managed or accounted for. Financially or policy wise. 6) The schools have a administration so huge, nothing will ever get done. 7) and the mentality of these educators is, they are in charge and they don't care amout the taxpayer that pays them. If you have seen the Jamie Oliver fast food America on the TV you would have seen just how powerfull the Califrisco School Board is. Even the Aussi could not believe how much power they hold. Their power (public schools), are so vast that no politician will deny any funding, it is political suicide, not to mention if the politician has a vice for the unusual. America has created a monster of a monopoly with the public education in each State. And this is why the USA will fall. Economiclly. Not because they create dropout factories and stupid people. But because they suckup so much tax money to do it. The State debt of CA and FL compined is in the trillions of dollars in municiple bonds and loans from banks. So forget about the national debt, the State debt will impact you first.
Social Justice & Diversity at any cost Liberal Progressivism will regret the Balkanization they have created.
So why does no one even attend the PTA or school board? How many parents have ever attended the school board meeting? When I said "storm the meeting" I wasn't thinking pitchforks, bro. It's simply a matter of getting parents interested enough in the quality of the education to attend a government meeting that is open to the public, and use the "open mike" time to demand such things happen. Even rent-a-cops can't keep the public away from a public meeting. That might be true of teachers, but parents don't just have a new kid next year and hope that that kid learns to read. At least that's not how it works in my family. And therein lies the problem. NO ONE is trying very hard to make needed changes. I've seen entire movements based on the idea of "no homework", which may or may not be a union deal, yet it seems reasonable that another group of parents could just as easily form a group in favor of "more homework". No one organizes, no one attends the meetings, no one runs for school boards, nothing of the sort. It's not difficult for education to be dumbed down when no one is advocating for high standards. I don't think any of this takes a lawsuit either. Just run for the school board on those platforms. Hell you can get free internet space to explain your ideas over and against the union approved members. The trouble is that very few people actually vote for the school board. He was mostly up against the food workers union, not the teachers. And he did sort of get in through a home ec teacher if I remember right. Well, most states have some form of public ed, and really in most of them, the government school is the school of last resort as it is in the US. Parents who can afford it generally choose private schools, not public. So it's not an issue of monopoly, as there is educational choice, just not publicly funded private schools.
Apparently you have never dealt with a School adminstration trying to get things done. Lets understand that this is about the USA not other countries where teachers do more with less for less, and have better resluts. First off let's keep parents and kids off this discussion, as they are not significant to these school educators. And we can't change their kind of behavior. Looking at the Jamie Oliver show; the food union for the school is also part of the teachers union, and Jamie Oliver's major battle was not the food people, it was access to the schools, and he had to appear several times, like a mouse infront of the School District commanders to plead his case and after several months, they allowed limited access. Just like reporters in Syria and N Korea. Monitored. But if you understand the structure and magnitude of the State education system and how huge it is, and how large and powerfull the union is, you will see what I mean when I say Monopoly. People have no clue that this giant entity it there only to create safehaven for adults who set goals to spend more money to work less hours to make more money and gain more in retirement benifits. There is no government entitiy or politician who has the power over the schools. So that is why they are a monopoly, they hold the political power to get what they want without any oversite or regulations, and without accountability. So when you think of the taxpayers obedience to this power, you should be concerned that you and I have no choice but to pay more and more each year they ask for a pay raise. So what I'm saying here is regardless of the failures of these public school systems in the USA. The mentality of financing it is the same as maxing out the credit card, and getting more cards to max out with no end in sight. And letting the taxpayer pay the never ending interest and debt on these cards.