Headline Of The Year (so far)

Discussion in 'Humor & Satire' started by InWalkedBud, Mar 19, 2024.

  1. InWalkedBud

    InWalkedBud Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2022
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    Link: Instant karma: Vandal rampaging through Buddhist temple dies after slipping and impaling himself on a statue of Buddha

    Stop giggling. It's unseemly.

    The slant-eyed half of my family is from Hawaii, and most of our homes are furnished with small Buddhist shrines in our living rooms. I was 10 or 11 when we were visiting one year, and answered the door to a Jehovah's Witness while my grandmother was doing her daily prayers. I told him we're not interested. He was turning to leave when grandma hit the little gong on her shrine, & the Wit went off. Ripped into us as idolators, you're jeopardizing your souls blah blah blah. I told him again we're not interested. He wasn't having any.

    A Samoan friend of the family (Manu - 6'4", 240#) came to the door & said "hey brah, little man say go so go." The Wit ignored him and doubled down on his rant. Like many Hawaiian homes, grandma's was on stilts about 10 feet off the ground (flood precaution). Manu stepped out onto the deck, grabbed the Wit by the collar & the belt, and pitched him off the landing. The Wit let out a little shriek when it hit the ground, picked himself up and limped off.

    Entertainment. It's all around us; you just have to keep your eyes open.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2024

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