Hezbollah can hit Europe any time, without warning

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Apoc, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. Apoc

    Apoc New Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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    US official says Hezbollah, Iran maintaining high terrorist activity as Washington announces sanctions against Lebanon-based group.

    Hezbollah could attack Europe at any time and with little to no warning, US State Department's counter-terrorism coordinator Daniel Benjamin said Friday according to AFP, shortly after the US Treasury announced a fresh round of economic sanctions against the Lebanon-based terrorist group.

    article continues on--

  2. Mario Milano

    Mario Milano New Member Past Donor

    May 11, 2012
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    Hezbollah can hit Europe any time, without warning

    So can Israel and the difference is Hezbollah hasn't threatened anyone unlike Israel threatening to use their "Samson" option against Europe with their nukes!
  3. Abu Sina

    Abu Sina New Member

    Oct 13, 2010
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    mentally ill retarded Americans and Israelis is all I can say

    Noseferax dislikes this post
  4. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    Somehow for the last century it's been Islamic Jihadists like Hezbollah, not Israel who's been hitting innocent civilians in London, Buenos Aires, Moscow, New York, Beslan, all over India, France, Bali, Madrid and elsewhere. Somehow all these costly security precautions all over the world are taken to prevent Islamic terror, not an Israeli strike. LOL
  5. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    Why would Hezbollah attack Europe? They have no reason to; their argument is with Israel.
  6. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    There are still Jews in Europe, remember? That's why they hit Buenos Aires. Oh and also to intimidate Europeans, terrorists love to target the weakest link which nowadays is most definitely Europe.
  7. Join-The-Dots

    Join-The-Dots New Member

    Aug 7, 2012
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    More rhetoric to scare the senseless public.

    funny how US officials are talking about "high terrorist" activity attributed to Hezbollah. When the US government (CIA) openly run and control Al-Qaeda.

    This coming from a country that is the number 1 facilitator/creator and perpetrator of terrorism in the entire world.
  8. OJLeb

    OJLeb New Member

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Newsflash: Anybody can hit anywhere at any moment.

    And you shouldn't need US officials to tell you that.
  9. Ivor

    Ivor New Member

    Mar 31, 2011
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    Well maybe the Euros should take action in that case.

    No reason for Americans to defend those who are quite capable of defending themselves. At least in theory...
  10. Abu Sina

    Abu Sina New Member

    Oct 13, 2010
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    I'm guessing you never passed math then :mrgreen:

    1982 Hezbullah formed after white Israeli terrorists from Europe started to ethnically cleanse the brown man from his land Palestine
  11. Ivor

    Ivor New Member

    Mar 31, 2011
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    Jordanian and Syrian squatters have no land rights in the Israeli territory of Palestine.
  12. Abu Sina

    Abu Sina New Member

    Oct 13, 2010
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  13. Ivan88

    Ivan88 Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2012
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    These are the kind of "Jews" that the Holocaust was designed for.

    Nazi Germany had a special court,
    "Intended to enable prominent party members to rid themselves of the stigma of Jewish ancestry,"
    Law of April 12, 1938 (Reichsgestzblatt I, 386)
    Encyclopedia Britanica 1953, Page 219C Vol. 10
  14. DonGlock26

    DonGlock26 New Member Past Donor

    Oct 20, 2010
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    Isn't multiculturalism great?

  15. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Said someone in a Jewish media source.:lol:

    Well, that's me convinced.

    I mean, Hezbollah are never done attacking Europe, just the other day, a couple of them were firing rockes here, at two men walking their dog.

    Your hate propaganda doesn't convince me.

    Now, if the headline had read 'Mossad can attack'...I would agree with that, that is more their thing.

    That's what they do, it is their sneaky rat faced way, false flags, and blaming another.

    Spawned by terrorists, 60 yrs on, they remain terrorists.

    Tell you what though, people are not fecking stoopid, chum.

    We know israel do this, they have done it all over, including, I truly believe, in the US.

    They then use their propaganda machine to deflect blame for it, to someone else.

    It's a low and mudering trick, but you know what, pulling that trick, they are going to be sorry, one day.

    One day, they will find that their operatives pull a false flag, and it doesn't work, and there will be no denial who is behind it.

    Now, if that happened, if they conducted a false flag op here in Europe, or in the US, and it went wrong, to the point that they were caught, and it could be evidenced that it was an israeli plot, how many hours wouldl you give it, before the US and/or the nuclear enabled European nations, would flatten israel.

    This IS what they do, 'by deception we shall wage war', and that means that they create groups, false groups, false fronts, false flags, for their political furtherment.

    Want to get Americans hating on DEM MUSLIMS? Plant bombs, kill some Americans. Job done.

    Did you know that estimate of Americans that do not trust or believe the official story of 911 are between 50-60%?

    It's not because they haven't looked at the picture, it is mostly because they have.

    They don't censor the suggestion, they just use their media to programme people not to accept a false flag as a v real option.

    They programme people not to consider things with logic and reason, but to accept what 'those in authority' have said, and to reject anything to the contrary as being comparable to the Loch Ness Monster.

    I believe they do all those Americans a great disservice, when they do this.


    A Jewish U.S. Marine and a former Director at the U.S. Army War College points his finger with certainty at Israeli and American Zionists for planning and executing the 9/11 crimes.

    Only Israel benefitted.

    He calls for the culprits to be treated like the traitors they are.

    What I say to people is rather than be fobbed off with what 'authority' tells you, rather than be conditioned into reacting to news, how you were meant to react, at least take some time, consider, think for yourself.

    This is 40mins long, it includes the above named man speaking, and one of the survivors of the USS Liberty.

    Are you really going to tell me these men are not qualfied to speak?

    That there is no way they can be right?

    That authority is always right?

  16. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Well, almost, but not quite.

    The Americans are generally in a stupor, I will give you that.

    But there is nothing retarded(sic), about the cunning and deviousness that is behind all of this, that being israel, and their agents.

    They may be some v sick people among them, but they are the most cunning, devious, and untrustworthy bastards, in the world bar none.

    You see, their lack of morals or humanity gives them an edge, against those that have morals and value humanity.

    Yes, I do think nations can be usurped and subverted, made to behave in a manner that they otherwise would not.

    I know they can, it is not even up for denial.

    And I know that there are enough traitors to a given nation who will sell out on their own country, and their own people, to faciitate the usurper, as long as they get material reward.

    But....I do not believe it is possible to deny the truth forever, I do not mistrust the spirit of humanity, in America, that I think they will remain in a stupor forever.

    When about half already (and it would be more if proper debate were allowed), think American and Israeli Zionists did a false flag with 911, then you can see already, that not all of America is falling for the spell, not all of America wants to believe proven liars and deceivers, so that is encouraging.

    These Americans, for having the heart, are my friends, whereever they are, and let them be the friends of truths, for they are resiliant in the face of orchestrated mockery, designed to protect the lie.

    As to the Americans that still believe the laughable offical account, be patient if you can, with them.

    Remember, they have been subjected to...

    The most powerful media in the WORLD EVER, lying to them, and feeding them total propaganda, for at least 30 yrs now.

    In ever form, be that their mainsteam tv, newspapers, etc, etc.

    Conciously or subconciously, they have taken that on, and passed that information, which is lies, on to their friends and family, truly believing what they are told, be to an honest account of matters.

    Every single politician in office, taking every opportunity, to reinforce, and mirror, the media propaganda.

    A decline in standards of their state education, and that is key, also.

    Fed a psyche of false dichotomy. A simple narrative, with A v B. History can be complex, as can complex, so what happens, is that life is made to live at such a super fast pace in the US, that many only take things on, if indeed the narrative is short, and simple.

    Which is perfect if you then want to create fictional groups and threats, then let them they 'you must be against that'.

    They are being made a mockery of, and one day history will record that, I believe.

    I also think that American people are going to get too wise to all of this, it will NOT work forever and ever, they will join the dots, start thinking what they maybe do not feel at ease considering, as they are suffering a psy op of trauma, post 911, but when more do, and many already have, I think they wil realise many things, a true revelation to them, and that this truth shall set them free.

    I think they will realise that they have been made fools of, and that instead of making America truly great, for all the right reasons, bastards that really cannot stand 95% of Americans, have used that money, and they have spent it on propping up 'israel', and funding wars, that the US did not need to start or get in to.

    So, I tend to support those Americans who, against all the odds, can see they have been had, done, it is a shakedown.

    Some are well known, and well positioned to speak, and I salute them, because doing so often comes at price for them, but in my eyes, these are true Americans, and good men, as are those not known to us, but who maybe post here, and who know what the score is.

    Look what these Americans are up against though? Do you realise how hard it must be, psychologically and socially, to see the truth there, and speak it?

    They may not be thrown in prison, to cover the offical story, but there are other measures that can be used against them.

    I get called an anti semite, big deal, I am in good company, truly, when Hajo Meyer and Norman Finkelstein have been called it, you know you are in good company.

    The more they use it, the more it means you are telling truth that they hate.

    Look, facts are facts, the US used to have, up until about 1980, a truly diverse and indie media industry.

    Not since then. Bottom line? It's not been American media for about 30 yrs, it IS Jewish media, specifically but not exclusively Zionist Jew media, and plutocratic media.

    And, my god, how it has lied to them, over and over, programme by programm, presenter by presenter.

    It is happening in the Jew media there now, similar sort of crap as WMD's, this time, nukes, this time, Iran.

    And who really wants war with Iran? Jews in Israel. And who doesn't want to fight it? Jews in Israel.

    So.....they SELL the idea, just like a PRODUCT, to Americans, used to responding to that sort of sell.

    As much as many Americans frustrate me, and the Zionist one's are traitors, I feel sorry actually, for an entire generation that have been brought up, fed these lies, having their money creamed off from them, by a parasite state.

    I think that is a terrible thing to pull on an entire nation.

    A great evil.

    Even al qaeda was and is a lot of gibberish.

    Invented, again, just like a brand, and SOLD to Americans.

    Again, a wicked thing to do to Americans, create a brand enemy, in this way, it is psychological experimentation in essence, it is thought control and social engineering, for bad ends.

    Salute those Americans who have and do see through this, not morons like Alex Jones, but men like Dr Sabrosky.

    Men like the eye witness accounts of the USS Liberty.

    Salute them, I do, those are my friends, and they are true men in my eyes.

    Don't be too harsh on those that are just not sure what to think.

    They have every right to be confused......by deception we shall wage war.

    They are meant to be confused, so that they either just take the story authority gives, or they don't get into it.

    If they ask a genuine but naive question, have patience, explain it slowly, use previous examples, quote good Americans that they may not have heard speak, show them the false flags, get them thinking, who really benefits from these op's and who really suffers.

    israelis' biggest fear, albeit not a single one will admit it in public, is not just even more Americans joining the dots, but them demanding that totally diff Gov, with a v diff slant to israel emerges.

    Why do you think they spend such vast amounts of (Americans) money, creating so many tiers in the US, that are there to quieten any dissent, and give undue platforms to ANYONE wishing to suck the blood money, and perpetuate the lies.

    They are THAT paranoid that their mind games and propaganda stops working, and that the climate changes, this is why.

    Again, that is all the more reason to salute those Americans who know that this is truth, and who knew it before me.

    Regimes use propaganda for one reason. It works.

    That is what they have had to overcome, on a scale never before seen, so don't forget that.

  17. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    I 100% agree.

    Again, why do you think there is never a true and proper debate about that, well, because, they are terrified that the Big Lie, is exposed.

    Not the lie of Jewish deaths, at that time, or there ill treatment, because that happened, I believe.

    But the sub text to it.

    The narrative that no one ever really feels at ease considering.

    But humans are often not at ease with their fixed worldview being challenged, esp if it has been passed down for decades.

    I do believe that many Jews left Europe, in the early part of the 30's.

    I think that most if not all would have been early Zionist Jews. Politcal Zionism would have been around 40 yrs old then, so fresh and radical, so yes, the Jews that left are most likely to have been those among the European Jews that had decided to actually sell their own religion down the river, with this 'Zionism'. And, even worse, their own supposed people.

    But you see, there is a gentile myth that Jews always work together, and of course,that is not true.

    On the contrary, there has been fierce in fighting among Jews, and there was social in fighting over this political Zionism, among Jews of Europe.

    Anyone can go look this up, it is not a matter of belief.

    There was a genuine rift between this political Zionism and mainstream European Jews.

    Make NO mistake, Zionist have always been nuts, they always were, and they are today, and they know no limit to get their own way, they will do ANYTHING, even if it means murder or creating the conditions for death, even of Jews if it suits.

    I truly and honestly believe, based on many years of reading about this, and thinking about it, that the Jews that were left in Europe, were set up.

    I don't think the NA liked Jews, and wanted them deported en masse, from Germany.

    If you watch a lot of real footage, of Jews being processed, they do not appear alarmed, or afraid.

    It did not begin the the intern camps for Jews, it began with smashing up their businesses and homes, a bit like what Zionist do now, FUNNILY ENOUGH.

    So, having seen that happen to them, or heard about it, did they really trust the word of the NA? I have seen even mainstream footage, and many of those Jews do not look at all alarmed, in their body language, it is 100% like they believe that they are getting deported.

    They were deceived, but by whom? The NA? Well, knowing what I said before, I doubt they would trust the word of the NA.

    Who calmed them?

    That's a good way of framing the question?

    Someone must have calmed them, and that someone would have to be trusted, by Jews.

    Who do Jews trust first?

    Other Jews, therefore, I think those that calmed them, made them almost happily compliant, were probably other Jews, Zionist Jews, those that wanted to facilitate Jewish death, so that they could further their aims on the back of it,which they did and have.

    Many organised Zionists were even supporters of NS and Fascism, even during war time, and all to do with THEIR nationalistic ideas.

    They literally NEEDED Hitler.

    And they needed those intern camps.

    And they most surely needed a good % of European Jews to be calmed enough, to comply with their own demise.

    And they 100% did not want to see mass Jewish migration out of Europe, even though it was known that anti Jewish feeling had now gotten violent, even though all could have been given refugee status, in the US, even. It was NOT a secret what was going on.

    If the charge of being complicit can be fairly laid at the door of the NS high command, for the death of Jews in that period, then so too can it be laid at the door of Zionists, at that time.

    People won't accept it, either because they have been conditioned to know only one angle, but I truly believe that if you could take Zionists of that day to court, you will find they were v much complicit and enablers, and finally, profiteers, from the misery of non Zionist, and mainly working and lower middle class Jews.

    Werner Goldberg (October 3, 1919 – September 28, 2004) was a German who was of part Jewish ancestry, or Mischling in Nazi terminology, who served briefly as a soldier during World War II and whose image appeared in a German newspaper as "The Ideal German Soldier".

    Paul Ascher (18 December 1899 – 27 May 1941) was the artillery officer aboard the Panzerschiff Admiral Graf Spee during her cruise in the South Atlantic. He was later interned in Argentina in December 1939 after the scuttling of the ship, but escaped back to Germany.

    Paul Ascher was Fregattenkapitän aboard the Bismarck at the time of its sinking. Prior to the war, he was labeled as a Mischling, as being a "half-Jew".

    Bernhard Rogge (4 November 1899 – 29 June 1982) was a Captain (German: Kapitän zur See) of the German Navy (Kriegsmarine) who, during World War II, commanded a merchant raider.

    Born in Schleswig, he was one of many German officers who were forced to apply for a German Blood Certificate, that would allow their racial background to be overlooked (he had a Jewish grandparent).

    He was awarded a Japanese ornate Samurai sword and the Oak Leaves to the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross for his actions as the commander of the Hilfskreuzer (auxiliary cruiser) Atlantis.

    There are LOTS of these, and this is just the TIP of it.


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