Hidden benefit

Discussion in 'Law & Justice' started by Flanders, Feb 9, 2012.

  1. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Every dark cloud has a silver lining. I do not agree with the enclosed Canada Free Press article, but it should make my opposites suddenly love a source I often cite —— one they usually disparage along with WND.

    I hate to admit it, but CFP’s position is hypocritical. I am pretty sure they will not make the same case for Bobby Jindal whose parents came from India. Rubio supposedly will turn millions of Latinos into conservative Republicans on election day. Yeah! Right! McCain wanted amnesty for illegals. How many Democrat Latinos did that get him?

    Bottom line: Jindal brings few Indians to the table, if any. Championing Rubio smacks of racial politics to me in addition to assuming Latinos are easily led. Don’t get me wrong here. I have nothing against racial politics. It is a fact of life. But if you are going play that game at least make sure you have a winning hand. Helping Hussein abolish the Eligibility Clause is a loser.

    Let’s not forget Rubio is a US Senator. That alone should disqualify him in the eyes of conservatives even if he does talk happy talk for their benefit. Rubio is an establishment politician; a true-blue Republican, ergo, a liar as bad as any Democrat politician. A double liar because he is a senator not because he is ineligible.

    CFP’s position is also short-sighted. Any ineligible individual can wave the flag just to get elected. Look at FORMER SENATOR Hussein if you want proof. He is always whining about how much he loves America while his actions prove the opposite, yet the MSM and his friends in the Senate love him to pieces.

    Question: Does CFP really want someone like George Soros buying the presidency for himself instead of buying it for a ventriloquist dummy?

    Put Rubio on the ticket, and you might as well throw out the line of succession while you’re at it. Characters like Kissinger and Albright would be eligible not to mention the other bureaucrats in the line.

    If you put everything else aside conservatives should be going after the SCOTUS for clarification not strengthening “open borders.” That’s exactly what they are doing when they say anybody can be president.

    I am well-aware of the sales campaign that says: Anybody but Obama. That is nothing but a variation on the Republican party’s long-running scam: Republicans are the lesser of the two evils. I admit that I used to fall for it. Not anymore. That line does not pass the smell test if you start the growth of big government with Eisenhower. I did not start with FDR/Truman because of WWII.

    8 years ---- Eisenhower
    8 years ---- Kennedy/Johnson
    8 years ---- Nixon/Ford
    4 years ---- Carter
    8 years ---- Reagan
    4 years ---- Bush the Elder
    8 years ---- Clinton
    8 years ---- Bush the Younger
    3 years ---- Hussein

    That comes to 36 years of Republican presidents and 23 years of Democrats. Using those numbers as a determining factor look at the current mess in Washington; the growth of government; foreign policy that can only be described as criminal; open borders; debt for as far out as the eye can see; a parasite class that will soon be larger than the producers thanks to socialized medicine, and a war against Islamic fundamentalism no one admits is a war. Now, you tell me that an establishment Republican president like Romney/Gingrich/Santorum is going to be better for the country than would be a second term for Hussein. I’m not buying it for one very good reason. There is one major benefit that nobody talks about should Hussein be reelected.

    That benefit is the contempt Hussein earned in his first term. That contempt will increase from day one of his second term. Elect Romney/Gingrich/Santorum and it will take a year, possibly two, for those Americans who voted for him to realize they screwed themselves by replacing Hussein with another clone. A “Republican” presidency will be no different than Hussein’s in any substantive way. By the time the 2016 campaign crap begins in 2014 the media will have played all of their usual propaganda tricks to justify the new guy’s policies.

    I would cut off my hands before I would pull the lever for a Democrat, but I believe the country is better off if the genuine contempt for Hussein is in play on inauguration day as opposed to “Rah, Rah, for Romney/Gingrich/Santorum.” If nothing else does it —— all of that contempt will at least put Congress on notice. CHANGE DIRECTION.

    Should the RINO win you’ll get the same old “good for the country” crap; give the new president a chance, blah, blah, blah. The only thing big government liars like Hussein and RINO ever think about is finding a good way to screw private sector Americans without them wising up?

    Finally, the CFP piece does not actually say that Rubio is eligible while it appears the authors think Rubio should be on the ticket because:

    “. . . he’s passionately patriotic, pro-America, decent . . .” .​

    After you read the article you decide if CFP thinks Rubio is more important than the Eligibility Clause.

    Marco Rubio replacing Obama as ‘Ineligibility Guy’?
    Judi McLeod & Doug Hagmann Wednesday, February 8, 2012

    Sean Hannity should be feeling mighty miffed today for being Joseph Farah punked.

    Republican Senator Marco Rubio was just dumped as the fresh red meat in the ineligibility ring, and the Hannity Show was used for the dumping.

    “The new controversy over Rubio’s eligibility hit critical mass a week ago when WND Editor Joseph Farah dropped the bombshell observation that the Florida senator was not eligible to be vice president on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity” during a segment of Florida primary election analysis.” (Fritz Wenzel, WorldNetDaily (WND), Feb. 8, 2012).

    “Some Republicans have already put him on the short list for vice president in the 2012 election. Given the already large and growing political influence of Florida in presidential politics, this makes sense. But it turns out he has an eligibility problem not unlike that of Barack Obama.”

    How do we know?

    “The latest WND/Wenzel poll” shows it.

    You read that right. A WND/Wenzell poll. According to an italicized ‘Disclosure’ at the end of today’s WND banner story “Fritz Wenzel is the official pollster for candidate Ron Paul.”

    So now even without a GOP chosen presidential candidate to run against the most anti-American President ever elected, whose stated mission is the Fundamental Transformation of America, not yet chosen; without Marco Rubio having agreed to be on the short list for vice president in the 2012 election, we have WND and a Ron Paul pollster trying to figuratively kill off Rubio.

    Anyone on the Web could have seen this story coming.

    In addition to the story of WND seeming to morph from Conservative to Libertarian, the other story that might be going over Patriot heads is that it is not just the sparring Republicans duking it out on a tabloid trashy presidential campaign trail, but an über tug of war rumbling within the Tea Party. Since the 2010 midterm Democrat shellacking, Rubio and Rand Paul have been the top two Tea Party darlings.

    Someone is trying really hard to make sure that Rubio is dead at the starting gate. Canada Free Press (CFP) would never say who.

    Why is Rubio seen as a clear and present danger to the political scene? In a world of lousy politicians, he’s passionately patriotic, pro-America, decent and, God forbid, a Hispanic with legions of Hispanic voters out there yearning to feel part of the American political system.

    Surely another facet of this new story is that after almost four years, the focus of the most ineligible president in history is coming off Obama and landing plop right on Marco Rubio, who might be in line for vice president calling.

    ‘The Rubio is Ineligible Story’ has been out looking for legs on the Web for months. Even CFP doing its thing in Canada has been hit with the anti-Rubio smear campaign, having spiked three columns attacking the senator over the past several months.

    Meanwhile, next time the popular and admittedly lovable Sean Hannity asks Joe Farah on his show, maybe he should ask him which topic he intends to broach.

    Douglas Hagmann, founder & director of the Northeast Intelligence Network, and a multi-state licensed private investigative agency. Doug began using his investigative skills and training to fight terrorism and increase public awareness through his website.

    Doug can be reached at: director@homelandsecurityus.com

  2. rahl

    rahl Banned

    May 31, 2010
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    Epic fail. Rubio is of course eligible
  3. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    If you do not get many replies, it is because your original post is not very coherent, to the point, or immediately easy to understand.

    Next time if you have a really long post, you might want to have a little paragraph at the top summarising what the thread is about. Having everything in bold also makes it harder to read.
  4. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    And so is Jindall.. Anybody that believes WND should have their head examined.

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Much ado about nothing.
  6. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    I do not believe a thing top Democrats are saying to keep Marco Rubio off the ticket:

    Democrats target likely veep pick Sen. Rubio
    By Alexander Bolton - 02/28/12 05:00 AM ET


    Democrats and their media stooges would kill to see Rubio as a VP candidate for reasons I covered extensively in this thread:


    If Romney cannot live without Rubio he should get Rubio to take himself out of the line of succession. That’s the only way I can see Romney having his cake and eating it, too. Better yet, such an announcement would shove it up the rear ends of every Democrat and media mouth who is picking the Republican party’s nominee.
  7. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    I don't understand the accusations in this thread at all.

    Both Rubio and Jindal are natural born US citizens and as such are eligable to run for POTUS or VP.

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