How to completely eliminate the ISIS.

Discussion in 'Middle East' started by AboveAlpha, Aug 19, 2014.

  1. Pro-Consul

    Pro-Consul Banned

    Dec 4, 2012
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    So. I predicted how Russia would move on the Crimea but it doesn't mean that I was there.
    Aside from your 'Morsi prediction' what else have you allegedly known about?
  2. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Using Jordan to supply ACTUAL Syrian Rebels with Russian made weapons.

    Obama completely screwing up by going public about it....and stating the U.S. would OVERTLY supply the Rebels with weapons.

    Congress rejecting such a thing.

    A Multitude of issues specific to the NSA recording of Germany's Angie...her phone.

    Putin sending Setsnaz into the Crimea.

    Putin attempting to take a lane of the Ukraine to connect Russia to the Crimea along the Black Sea and how the U.S. and E.U., U.K....and other's would put into effect Sanctions.

    How Putin would ignore first.

    How the Shiite Iraqi Leader would purge Sunni Military Leadership and purge Sunni Local, Regional and Government Leaders.

    How this would result in what is and has happened to far in Iraq.

    I could go on.

  3. Pro-Consul

    Pro-Consul Banned

    Dec 4, 2012
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    That's actually quite obvious
    So you predicted that did you?
    Like what?
    No he didn't. The evidence is clear that it was Russia's MORPEH troops that were deployed and not soldiers from the rest of Russia.
    If there were spetsnaz troops there then that's because they were there already.
    Spetsnaz isn't an individual special forces group like 22 Reg for example but a general term for elite units of particular regiments.
    So for example the VDV have their own Spetsnaz as well as MORPEH e.t.c.
    That's doubtful as there is already a ferry service and not to mention the fact that the borders aren't actually closed
    That's nothing that couldn't be found on the internet
    Not directly as ISIS didn't come from Iraq.
    It would be helpful if you actually linked these threads so I could actually check the times. And then I'll know if you really were making accurate predictions which might go towards proving your credibility as some sort of pseudo James Bond
  4. Imnotreallyhere

    Imnotreallyhere Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 8, 2014
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    I cannot have been proven wrong by you as you haven't addressed any of the problems I've raised. I can't prove that had you been shot by .223 rather that .30 ammunition you would be dead one way or the other as the point is moot. It never happened. I think it unlikely you have been to the Mideast. Certainly you are not involved in special ops. Your lack of knowledge is glaring. Certainly you have never been in command of troops in garrison or in the field. Your lack of knowledge in this area is also glaring. I note you have not addressed any of these points.

    Further, since you fail to answer my question about whether or not you feel it's alright to claim unearned military honors, I'm just going to assume you're okay with it.

    I cannot assassinate your character as your posts prove you have none.

    Getting back to the OP:
    You never did adequately answer my question about why it is incumbent on us to destroy ISIS. It is no threat to the US. Destroying it would simply cause another group to rise in its place, with the same ideology and goals.

    But if it is necessary, IMO cutting off the money stream and careful culling of their most competent operatives is the most effective long term strategy. We do not truly need to destroy ISIS; we need to destroy its offensive power against the US. Let it continue to gather hotheads and fanatics to itself. Without sufficient money they will be ineffective.

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