I used to be a social justice warrior

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Ibn.Al.Muqafaa, Mar 22, 2017.

  1. Ibn.Al.Muqafaa

    Ibn.Al.Muqafaa New Member

    Mar 22, 2017
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    I am an Arab from Lebanon, and we the Lebanese are lacking our basic human rights like electricity blackouts, water shortage, high unemployment, a garbage crisis, inflation, nepotism and corruption, a Syrian refugee crisis, and Hezbollah are stronger than our Armed Forces.
    By 2012 I left Islam to become an atheist, because Islam is at first very unscientific and unethical and contradicts itself, so I started becoming supportive to women’s rights, LGBT issues, the secularization of Lebanon, freedom of expression, egalitarianism, free market capitalism or in other words a classical liberal.
    By 2014 to mid-2015 I became more interested in video games, I heard about the gamer-gate controversy and Anita Sarkeesian’s scandal, I knew that her claim is bullshit and so are her arguments, but I continued playing games and not following up with this trend.
    By 17 July 2015, the Naameh landfill was closed, and the garbage crisis began with rotting trash everywhere smelling like a corpse and increased black outs hindering me from my gaming hobby. After a few days a grass root civil uprising that grew significantly, I have joined the movement that organized the uprising called #YouStink most of them are classical liberals. The main reason I joined was for myself to play video games without any interrupting black outs.
    But then I met some chick who is a communist radical feminist and during our conversation I criticized my movement for not defending themselves from Amal & Hezbollah thugs by saying that they are being “*******” and she got extremely triggered replying “THAT’S SEXIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” and she told me that the Lebanese National anthem is sexist because one of it’s lines is “A nation for the men”, I asked her about the female leaders of #YouStink and she said that their speeches are written by a man, and all the women in the #YouStink movement are fake feminists and are suffering from internalized misogyny, and far left radical feminists hate us #YouStink activists because we support capitalism or hybrid economies.
    Then the movement had started being plagued by the politically correct fascists, we had a slogan chanted “ Ya dawle lao fiki rjel, jibi l Askar min ersel” which means “Oh you state , if u are manly , rescue the soldiers from Ersel” which is telling the government to stop the police brutality and rescue our troops captured by Daesh & Al Qaeda, the sjws banned this slogan from being chanted because it is misogynistic. But I was a communist at that time.
    Last year , on women’s day rad-feminists organized a march and at first made it was supposed to be a woman only march, then they declared to allow men to join in but can only be in the back and not chant.
    By Fall 2016 I had to take a gender studies course, so they first taught us that gender is a social construct I believed it , because I trust academic personnel. And became kind of an SJW, but I had my doubts , I worked for HELEM the LGBTQ community of Lebanon, and I mentioned the word “hermaphrodite” and told me to never use this word because I am a cishet male. I refrained from using the term and used intersex instead.
    Eventhough I was an SJW, I wasn’t very concerned about identity politics, I was busy with the economic social justice (A communist). I still loved video games I did not consider them sexist, or homophobic, or racist, applies to porn, ads, language.
    By December 2016, the Intersectional Feminist club at the Lebanese American University was recruiting pupils to their club, they had Q & A with the President of the club, and she told me that I can only be an ally , not allowed to have an opinion , and must speak last because I need to check “ my Lebanese straight cis male privilege” (Lebanese people are the whites of Lebanon, Palestinians are the native Americans of Lebanon , Migrant workers are the Mexicans of Lebanon, Syrians are the blacks of Lebannon). Here I got fed up with their bullshit and started dissociating myself from cultural Marxists because of their Authoritarian fascism, and racism and sexism and heterophobia. I started watching The Amazing Atheist’s videos criticizing religion in 2012, but lost interest in his videos, but I started watching them again in 2016, I then watched his videos criticizing feminist ideology.
    And what also pissed me off when I wrote a post on reddit on subreddit r/ socialism (This is not complaining about being banned from this subreddit it was the straw that broke the camel’s back) about men’s issues in the west called the feminists not true feminist because they mock men’s issues and should be called “feminazis”, the mods of r/ socialism immediately banned me and accuesed me of being a neo-reactionary neo-Nazi,some called a brocialist. I still preferred Trump over Hillary I was happy that he won, and If I were an American I would have voted for Trump even during my communist phase. The mods accused me of being a Trump supporter, I subscribed to their subreddit and they are open to civil discussions, gave me a warm welcome and we had a lot in common.
    I started watching other anti-feminist youtubers like prince of queens, Jaclyn Glenn, Blair White, Tree of Logic, Naked Ape, Julie Borowski, Milo Yinnopoulus MrRepzion , thunderf00t,Hunter Avallone, Cerera Mcord, Alex Jones, Lauren Southern, Christina Sommers, Karen Straughn, Press for Truth, Rebel Media, Info Wars and Paul Joseph Watson, Sargon of Akkad and many others.
    I quit communism seeing how it is a failed system, after watching a debate between Peter Schiff and occupy socialist protesters.
    So this is how I became an anti-sjw anti-communist classical liberal supporting individualism and free market capitalism.
    I forgot to mention that It makes me feel sad that SJWs have ruined the Reason Rally ( A rally for secualrists and atheists) which was really about individuality , skepticism , rationalism,When the Reason Rally was about reason, and anti dogma And don't get started on rational wiki, they should be called irrational wiki.
    Share your personal experience on how you became anti-sjw
    PS: Excuse my English as I learn it as a 2nd language.
  2. TCassa89

    TCassa89 Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2013
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    That's quite a story, and props to you for being willing to change your political positions. In my opinion, if you can't change any of your political positions, then you can't learn and improve your politics

    I'm not too fond of the SJWs either, and the reason I don't like them is they seem more interested in their own outrage over inconsequential things than actual social justice. Social justice is a very good thing in my opinion, but the internet liberals don't know how to get their priorities straight. For example, every now and then I'll come across a news report about an animals rights group complaining about the treatment of animals in a video game... now I am not against animal rights activism in itself, I do think we should treat animals well.. but complaining about the treatment of animals in a video game is not real activism, because the animals in video games are not real.. obviously.

    It's almost as if these people care more about symbolic progress over actual progress, and I feel like that sums up the SJW's overall behavior, they seem to care less about the things that actually effect people, and more about the things that don't matter. Again, social justice is a good thing, the term "Social Justice Warrior" is used more in an ironic way.

    If they are looking to actually improve the living conditions of people at home and abroad, then I am with them, and I would urge them to start a conversation on what the best methods are of accomplishing this.. but when their movement gets caught up on what was depicted in a video game, or what someone said on twitter, then I simply cannot take them seriously anymore.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2017

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