Iran sanctions are working, economy, moral collapsing

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Borat, Mar 22, 2012.

  1. atabitaraf

    atabitaraf New Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    No man. It is not like stone age. Because nowadays newspapers and other media worldwide spread the news and in Iran probably more than your country so the government has to consider even more advantage for them not to be critized. The news won the day today.
    All you need to know: Jews, ask themselves in Iran, live in peace. You like to imagine there is gun over their head! ask their families in Israel. You like to imagine there is a gun on their family in Israel too, ask the tourist came to Iran. You imagine there is gun over the tourist's head too, most respectfully as a friend accept my invitation and come here ask yourself while living with them. Ok? You come? You'll make me happy if you accept.
    I think you are not a bad man because you came here and share your opinion and you are a tenacious negotiator and this is good. We have a lot of people in Iran too, any bad action they see, they extends it for ever and talk about it everywhere. It is the difficulty of democracy and we chosen it after the Revolution.
    For the third time THERE IS NO EXODUS it was during shah's dynasty and the other one and the beginning of the revolution in which the country was not generally safe for every one and not only the jews so they accepted Israeli's invitaions.
    Now Jews from Iran and Israel come and go to the both countries freely and if that would be something rather than this then you can find it in the media. There are references linked previously ....
    Muslims are banned from voting for Jews? What? What Jews man? There is no Jews! I have not heard the rule so far except from you. Let me ask some experts. But if that's right it is not a big deal because Jew have their representative in the parliament and they can disagree in the parliament freely. The Jew's representative is the responsible. I am not a lawman but everyone has one and only one vote, Muslim Christian or Jew, and in Muslim territory we may? not vote to Jew's territory. As you cannot vote to NY's in Colorado. And I talked about it previously.
    Why do not you accept?
  2. Oddquine

    Oddquine Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2009
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    We make God too small when we declare that only people like us can know God.....Tom Elrich

    Not a lot of people I have read on here are true Christians either, however much they shout to the world they are. A Christian does not just believe in Jesus Christ, a Christian follows the path laid out by Jesus Christ as in the New Testament...and lamentably few on here do. I believe with your Islam is a false religion founded by a liar and an immoral, violent man. you are an intolerant person who does not live up to any idea of Christianity........and your kind of attitude is why I became an atheist/agnostic......because I couldn't and can't reconcile that kind of attitude with You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.

    All US foreign affairs decisions are almost totally predicated on religion (and money) a country dominated by AIPAC and the Christian Right, (maybe not in numbers, but certainly in influence), with the Republicans and Democrats chasing for their votes and a share in the spoils they provide to ensure election/re-election, and maybe a wee boost to their personal finances into the bargain.

    Afraid I just see those who use their faith to promote love and those who use their faith to promote war....and while no religion in this 21st century is free of the taint of is the Christian West which is promoting wholesale war, encouraged by Israel and led by the USA. The West after the World Wars set up the world we have today, and must take responsibility for it.
  3. free man

    free man Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Like Mubarak was elected with 88% of the votes.
    Kadafi with 97.5% and Asad with 99.3%.
    Shell I go on, or can you get the message ?
    When you live in a repressive state, you say what the rulers want to hear.
    The ones that were able to say otherwise are no longer with us, nor are their families.
  4. OJLeb

    OJLeb New Member

    Sep 8, 2011
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    What do those elections have to do with Iranian Jews being interviewed by Cohen?

    Do you know any who have "dissapeared" for this reason?

    Neither you, nor Borat, live in Iran to verify this. atabitaraf lives in Iran. Those Iranian Kews, being interviewed - they could of rejected the offer - live in Iran. Yet you two think you know what Iran is all about, without living there?

    Doesn't work like that.

    Now they have a gun to their head because their words disagree with yours. If they said what you want to hear, you would be praising them and condemning Iran anyway.

    Why do you want to believe Iran is so hostile to your Jewish brethren? Are you angry because they would rather live in Iran than "Israel"?
  5. atabitaraf

    atabitaraf New Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    Dear Free Man!

    And Ahmadinejad with ~60%
    You know in some dispotism they pretend to have a democracy but you may see only one candidate attends or you can see there is not a real debate or free meetings or the press and media are banned, etc.
    With the exception of few countries, you mentioned but intentionally and deliberately wise:) and not completely+Saudi Arabia+Bahrain+etc, the majority of the countries worlwide have a kind of democracy and not any of them an ideal one.
    Frankly speaking and honestly speaking and neutrally speaking and of course friendly speaking, Israel and Iran both have democracy and not any of them a good one. You say in Iran the little minorities because of being minority never win the day and they don't have media, etc and in Israel the army control foreign journalists and in a lot of cases prevent them from broadcasting their murders and by the force of their nukes they even threaten European capitals, etc. Althogh I don't know why the score of this minority in Iran is worth by far much more than that of nukes in Israel in international criteria! So you see Israel higher, based on them, above Iran but even upon them Israel is not among the democratic countries.
    However to short the story both the countries have democratic problem as every other country worldwide. People's local criteria are different but they believe in their own people and nowhere on earth they permit the other countries to take a role and interfere. Personally I have a lot of democratic issues inside the borders and I discuss them with the people in or related to the authority and with my friends but it is a business of and only of ours. As that in Israel is of yours and you don't like an Iranian guy to bother you interfering in your inner democratic problems.

    Best wishes,
  6. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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