Is Covid God's punishment for electing trump?

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by HereWeGoAgain, Nov 21, 2020.

  1. Cougarbear

    Cougarbear Banned

    Mar 1, 2019
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    Those who support Trump do not reject science. That is your first error. The COVID19 Task Force are all scientists and Doctors and support Trump. So, I have to assume I can reject any other BS you want to throw out here too. Second, how is Trump evil? Is he more evil than Bill Clinton or Obama who is a known communist? How about John F. Kennedy who had prostitute parties at the White House when Jackie was actually at the White House! And, how pure are you? Take the mote out of your own eye before sticking it someone else's eyes.

    Who says God sent the pandemic specifically to the United States? Not because Trump is President nor that we elected him as President. Not at all, actually. China sent it here. China is to blame. Now, you might ask why God didn't protect the U.S. That is a question worth responding to. And, there is good reason why he isn't supporting the U.S. and why we are losing our liberties, freedoms and the Constitution hangs by a thread. It's because we as a people have slowly forgot God. There are less and less people believing in Jesus Christ or Jehovah if you want. Churches aren't focused on Christ's message to take care of the sick and poor. To love all life and not that which is just born. But, the unborn as well. 60 million children never were born because of the sin of abortion. So, what has happened over the past 90 or so years? The Churches have been under attack and have less money to give to the poor and the needy. To build homes for the homeless. Even without having to pay taxes, the money is drying up for most churches to stay afloat. So, who swoops in to save the day? Government! And it gets bigger and bigger and more socialist as time has gone on. Something had to fill the gap that once was filled by the churches. As socialism takes hold more and more, tyranny begins to strengthen and religion suffers. People lose more faith in God and the pride cycle just gets bigger and bigger. Many of countries and civilizations have fallen because of these things over time. It's not new. But, the final outcome is either complete tyranny or complete anarchy. People gather more into tribes based on the color of their skins and economic status. Internal strife and wars break out as well as pandemics. All because we start losing our faith, stop giving to the churches in order for the Government secularists to step in and enslave us to their welfare socialist desires.

    If we don't turn back to God, there will be more disease not less. There will be more internal strife not less. There will be more welfare and poor not less. There will be more Marxism and Fascism not less. There will be more attacks from our enemies not less. All because we as a country have become more evil by turning away from God and his Commandments. Few pay tithes and offerings anymore. We have robbed God and he is turning his back on us. This allows evil to penetrate once a great nation.

    In comes Trump. What does he do? He tries to shrink the size and influence of Government over the people by lowering taxes and regulations. He uses his learned knowledge of business to figure out how to bring back manufacturing and other corporations once moved overseas, south or north back to the U.S. Increasing the ability to earn and keep more of our properties. But, half of the people do not like the Constitution and liberties and freedoms we the people have because of the God-inspired Constitution. Even with this, churches have not increased their giving and the people are more prideful and less faithful to God. So, why should God help us?
  2. sdelsolray

    sdelsolray Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2016
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    Coincidence is not necessarily causation.
  3. Vailhundt

    Vailhundt Banned

    Dec 2, 2020
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    And gods don't exist, so....

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