What would Christian terrorists have to do with the ability of Muslims to live normally in our society? It's not as if this is a simple either/or question. There is a wide and diverse range of different people out there, with nominal religion being just one of countless distinguishing characteristics.
So who did they kill? Neocons, or neoconservatives, are individuals who originally identified as liberals but shifted to a conservative stance, particularly in foreign policy, advocating for the promotion of democracy and a strong military presence globally. This movement gained prominence in the United States during the 1960s and 1970s, especially among those disillusioned with the Democratic Party's pacifism and the counterculture of that era. ?The House of Bishops is the third House in a General Synod of some Anglican churches and the second house in the General Convention of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America?
I am aware that there are peaceful Muslims. My point is that under pressure they will follow radical Muslims.
Germany found out the hard way that being bigoted and failing to focus on dangerous atheists is not a good idea.
Bigot Bigott of God The Bigott family name is thought to be of Norman origins. It comes from an early member of the family who was a Norman or an excessively religious person. Normans were referred to as Bigots by the French, although the meaning of the word is unknown. After the 15th century, a nickname adapted from the phrase (by God,) meaning (of God,) it took on the form Bigot. Gott is a German word that translates to "God" in English. Bi-gott means "of God." The first duke of Normandy, refused to kiss the foot of the French king Charles III, uttering the phrase "not bi got." (Not of God) thinking it was a homosexual act. The Catholic reply was that it was "bi - Gott." (of God)
There are verses in the Koran that the Russian handlers for their Islamic operatives do not want Muslims to know about. I am of the belief that former Atheist and near death experiencer Mellen Thomas Benedict was accurately shown that NDE accounts and an outpouring of the Ruach ha Kodesh... the Holy Spirit..... are leading to a massive Awakening in people from all religious backgrounds. Even Atheists are beginning to ask better questions these past few years. https://near-death.com/mellen-thomas-benedict/
I have noticed that some Atheist are starting to ask serious questions. John 14:6 Yahshua answered, “I am the way to the truth and life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 10:1 “Very truly I tell you Pharisees, anyone who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber.
Those are excellent questions indeed...... and once a significant percentage of Atheists and Agnostics begin to associate The Being of Light of near death experience fame with Messiah Yeshua - Jesus..... such as is explained by near death experience Dr. Kevin Zadai then voila........ very bright Atheists and Agnostics are going to want to go directly to Jesus not merely to some sort of intermediary. Kevin Zadai Died. What Jesus Showed Him Will Amaze You! | Sid Roth's It's Supernatural!
What other religions don't you like? Are Christians asked to proselytize, to save as many souls from hell as they can?
Islam and Christianity both still evolved from Judaism which was created about 3500 years ago. And Muslims believe that Jesus was one of their important prophets, whereas Jews don't. And what's in a name anyway. But have you ever had a face to face discussion with a god and shared a meal together as described in Genesis 18.
Every religion, or any other political or social group, does the same thing. It is human nature. Christianity is no exception, capable of horrible, evil things. An example is the Sabra and shatila Massacre in 1982 where Christian militias slaughtered hundreds to thousands in Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon, mostly women and children. Jesus certainly would not have approved that, but all religions are twisted for earthly gain.
The goals of the Christian militias was to Protect their communities and towns from attacking Muslims. The Muslims are well known for sneak attacks. In Africa the Muslims often have planed attacks against Christians. And if the Christians prevail, the Muslims complain they are being abused.
Wrong name, wrong God. Truth is narrowly defined, it is not broad and all encompassing. God's name is Yawuah in old English and in modern English it is Yahwah; which means "Life Began." Christ's name is Yahshua which means "Yah's helper" or Life's helper." Yah is the short form of God's name. Aramaic form (Ye / shua) (ישוע), for (Joshua / Yahshua,) which means "Yah's Salvation, or Yah's Helper" The single Hebrew letter Yod stands for the short form of God's name Yah. Because Hebrews dropped their 'ayins', to keep from saying God's name, hence we have "y'shua." Also spelled Yeshua, for which we have in Greek, "Iēsous" and "Isus." These are corruptions of the names that begin with "Yah." Allah is not in the bible and Yahwah is not in the Quran. Allah is the name of a Pagan god. Alla is Aramaic. Allah is Arabic. Alilah is English. Al/il/ah means "the god ascends" Referring to the rising sun. Allah, Chemosh, and Nergal were part of a Pagan trinity. They are in relation to the different phases of the sun. If you search the Quran you will find that the Muslims have no covenant with God. Jews and Muslims have no covenant with God https://christianforum.boards.net/thread/314/jews-muslims-covenant-god
Hell is a Pagan belief inserted into the bible by the Catholics. Truth is narrowly defined. Yahwah is the "God of Truth." Satan is the "father of lies."
Yahwah reveals His name to Moses Exodus 3:13-15. 13 And Moses said to Elohiym, “Suppose I go to the siblings of the Israelites and say to them, 'The Elohiym of your forefathers has sent me to you,' and they ask me, 'What is His name?' What shall I say to them?” 14 And Elohiym said to Moses, “The Living that Lives. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: 'The Living has sent me to you.” 15 And Elohiym also said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites, 'Yahwah, the Elohiym of your forefathers; the Elohiym of Abraham, the Elohiym of Isaac and the Elohiym of Jacob has sent me to you.' That’s my name forever, the name by which I’m to be remembered, from generation to generation.” Exodus 6:3 I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob as God Almighty, but by my name Yahwah I did not make myself fully known to them. Yahwah A note on the words hawah and hayah. Quote from pages 217 and 218 of the Brown-Driver-Briggs. Ref # 3068-69 on page 217. Brown-Driver-Briggs on page 218 states that, "Many recent scholars explain יהוה as Hiph. of הוה equals היה " הוה hawah / HWH is hawah. היה hayah / HYH is hayah. Note that the vowels are all " a." יהוה Yahwah The vowels are "a" in the Brown-Driver-Briggs, the NIV Exhaustive Concordance, and the Strong's Exhaustive Concordances. The name Yahwah is from the Aramaic, not the Hebrew. The original spelling of God's name is Yahuah, later changed to Yahwah for modern English.
Lol, everyone ALWAYS thinks they are the ones in the right, whether they are Christians, Jews, Muslims, or whatever. And every religion will do mental gymnastics to say how THEIR particular slaughter of innocents was somehow justified, as you just did with the slaughter in a refugee camp. None of it, from any religion or other group, is justified, and CERTAINLY goes against any of the teachings of Jesus. Show me the passage where it shows Jesus would approve of the slaughter of women and children in a refugee camp. You would have to go back to some Old Testament BS.
Well, you are certainly sticking to your agenda and can't answer questions outside your wheelhouse. Are you really that one dimensional?
The children in Gaza are trained to hate and kill Jews. Apart from that, Hamas uses the people for a shield and that is why others are killed. Matthew 7:21-23 Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will go into the holy nation of heaven. The one who does the things My Father in heaven wants him to do will go into the holy nation of heaven. Many people will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not preach in Your Name? Did we not put out demons in Your Name? Did we not do many powerful works in Your Name?’ Then I will say to them in plain words, ‘I never knew you. Go away from Me, you who do wrong!’ The second death is the final death.
If you take a look at history, it becomes clear that people of any religion can use that religion as a justification for atrocity. Christians and Muslims (and Buddhists and the rest) have shown us the best and worst that humanity has to offer.
I disagree. Islam is unique in that it dictates the form of government and law to be applied. Calls for war to bring it into authority. Islamic Caliphates applying Islamic doctrine as law, as they existed from 632 until 1928, and again briefly with ISIS in just a portion of Syria is the norm and its absence for 90 years the exception. Maqdisi and Qutb, 2 of the most frequently cited by Islamic fundamentalist, have stated it pretty plainly "Islam is not merely a belief, so that it is enough merely to preach it. Islam, which is a way of life, takes practical steps to organize a movement for freeing man. Other societies do not give it any opportunity to organize its followers according to its own method, and hence it is the duty of Islam to annihilate all such systems, as they are obstacles in the way of universal freedom. ... This religion is really a universal declaration of the freedom of man from servitude to other men and from servitude to his own desires, which is also a form of human servitude; it is a declaration that sovereignty belongs to God alone and that He is the Lord of all the worlds. It means a challenge to all kinds and forms of systems which are based on the concept of the sovereignty of man; in other words, where man has usurped the Divine attribute." Qutb "Their fascination was arisen after the defenders of democracy and the defenders of other such false ideologies (who have no religion) defended democracy simply for the sake of it, and they mixed the falsehood with the Truth. ..... They distort the Truth with Falsehood, and mix the Light with the Darkness, and the Polytheism of democracy with the Monotheism of Islam. But we, with the help of Allah, replied to all of these fallacies, and showed that democracy is a religion. But it is not Allahs religion. It is not the religion of monotheism, and its parliamentary councils are just places of polytheism, and safe havens for paganistic beliefs. All of these must be avoided to achieve monotheism, which is Allahs right upon His servants. We must destroy those who follow democracy, and we must take their followers as enemies - hate them and wage a great Jihad against them. Abu Muhammad 'Aasim al-Maqdisi
Just false Zionist propaganda, and why the Zionists have recently demolished most of the homes in Gaza and murdered over 46,000 Palestinians in the genocidal holocaust, in order to re-settle Gaza.