Kanye West suspended from Twitter after posting swastika inside the Star of David

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Andrew Jackson, Dec 2, 2022.

  1. Esau

    Esau Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2015
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    What happened in Germany was no worse than what happened in America. If we are to despise Nazi Germany then naturally we have to despise America's founding fathers for their slavery and genocide.

    So my question is, does yardmeat despise Americas founding fathers?

  2. zalekbloom

    zalekbloom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 27, 2016
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    Yes, it is true that communists after winning the war with Germany had control of most concentration and death camps.
    Yes, it is true that is same German camps them they kept German POW and German civilians. In some cases they even made previous prisoners as managers and guards of these camps. You can imagine what kind of revenge ex-prisoners took on Germans.
    But it does not changes the fact that German created concentrated camps where they innocent prisoners work as slaves and in death camps they gassed Jews and Roma people on arrival.

    What we know that at end on 1944 Himmler issued order (without informing Hitler) to stop killing Jews and to destroy all evidence of the mass murder. There was some confusing about this order, in some places German stopped killing, in some not – it was up to the commanding officer.





    You have right to believe that German and Western academia, thousands of survivors, Jews, German communists, priests, German homosexuals, Roma people and more created criminal conspiracy again German people – I prefer to believe in research done by Western historians.
    The only evidence to your theory are some articles on the internet – the evidence that you are wrong are thousands of documents found in German archives.

    There is evidence and there are documents who created gas chambers and crematoria. It is also in diary of the last Auschwitz commander - Rudolf Hoss, although he wrote his book in Polish jail, so I understand why we don't have to believe every his word.
    It is also simple math - why a camp needed crematories which had capacity to burn few thousands corps a day?
    Here some info:




    https://www.yadvashem.org/odot_pdf/Microsoft Word - 6234.pdf

    Here Red Cross admits how they check death camps:
    Question: – if ICRC was not allowed to go inside Auschwitz, how they knew there were no gas chambers inside the camp? I think I know the answer - to the commander of the camp told so.
    Somehow there are some people who are convinced that death camp commanders never lie.
  3. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    There are so many mistakes in your Post, I'm not sure I can address them all.

    Yes, Germany, like every country had its prison system which were mainly work camps. Germany, also like every country had to have a place to confine its murders, rapists, pedophiles, thieves and other real and perceived threats to society so to assume that everyone in a German run work camp was an innocent victim of racist policy is erroneous.
    Therefore, common sense leads us to conclude that at least some holocaust survivors of Germany's penal system were and are genuine criminals and professional con men who exploit their exalted position for wealth and fame

    There was no order from Hitler to kill off all of Europe's Jews(1) nor does your source produce anything actually written by Himmler.

    It is not just my belief but a confirmed fact that Holocaust hucksters and what Norman Finkelstein calls the Holocaust Industry did, indeed repeatedly engage in a campaign of widespread lying and multi million dollar fraud to extract countless $ Billions from innocent Germans not even alive during WW 2 and anyone else they could swindle:


    EXCERPT "Federal prosecutors said Tuesday they have broken up a long-running scam in which people falsely claimed to be victims of the Nazi persecution so they could get money out of a fund that pays Holocaust reparations."CONTINUED


    EXCERPT "For over a decade, a criminal ring within the organization embezzled tens of millions of dollars through false restitution claims.”CONTINUED

    Furthermore, the multi billion dollar Holocaust Industry destroys the lives and careers of anyone who dares to challenge its official and very profitable narrative.

    "The fastest way to get expelled from a British university is by saying you are looking at chemical evidence for how Zyklon was used in World War II, with a discussion of how delousing technology functioned in the German World War II labour camps "
    — Nicholas Kollerstrom

    I wish that I had a dime for every I'd heard about the "thousands of documents" that allegedly prove the fraudulent Holocaust narrative. Somehow in those "thousands of documents" there is not one document that reveals a genocidal German agenda nor is there a single blueprint, work order or maintenance request for a homicidal German gas chamber

    I assume you mean the Auschwitz - Birkenau - Monowitz facility.
    While there is not a single blueprint, work order or maintenance request for a homicidal gas chamber, those things do exist for the crematoria which were built to save lives, not take lives since the water table at A - B - M was too high to allow for the burial of typhus infected corpses.
    It doesn't really matter how many muffles (ovens) there were because, according captured documents there was only enough coal delivered to A - B - M to cremate 70,000 people. There is, of course, not a trace of the remains of the the remaining 1 million plus inmates. How could the remains of over 1 million people disappear unless they were never killed in the first place?

    I'm surprised that you would even mention the tortured confessions of Rudolf Hoess who in addition to "admitting" to homicidal gas chambers also stated that 3 million people were killed on his watch. In addition to crushing his testicles, he was beaten so badly that it took 3 days before he could recover coherent speech.

    You're right, in addition to thousands of former inmates, Richard Baer, who was not tortured, strongly maintained that there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz.
    It should not surprise anyone else familiar with the post WW 2 War "Trials" that he died mysteriously the night before he was supposed to testify.

    The answer to your question is simple. The Red Cross and the Vatican interviewed the former inmates immediately after the war:

    "The Vatican and Red Cross interviewed thousands of freed camp inmates at the end of the War about alleged gas chambers. The response was always the same, "The detainees themselves have not spoken of them" (Red Cross document No. 9925, June 1946).

    I'll respond to your previous Post to me as time permits.


    (1) “To the present day a written order by Hitler regarding the destruction of the European Jewish community has not been found, and, in all probability, this order was never given.”

    - Walter Laqueur, Was niemand wissen wollte: Die Unterdruckung der Nachrichten uber Hitlers Endlösung (What Nobody Wanted to Know: The Suppression of News About Hitler’s “Final Solution”), (Berlin-Vienna, 1981), p.190
  4. zalekbloom

    zalekbloom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 27, 2016
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    Yes, Germany, like every country had its prison system and work camps, but unlike other countries for Germans being a Jew or Rome ANY AGE was a crime whose sentence was life sentence in concentration camp or death. And it also included any Jew in all countries occupied by Germany.
    Did you know it? If you want a serious discussion please answer this question.

    True, not order signed by Hitler was found where ordered ordered killing of all Jews, but it is no surprising considering that at the end of the war, in order to save their skin Germans tried destroy all archive. What they didn’t destroy are Hitler speeches.
    During a speech at the Reichstag on 30 January 1939, did Hitler threatened "the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe" in the event of war?

    And the facts:
    All German Jews ANY AGE were expelled from Germany to Poland, the same as West European Jews or Jews from Hungary, Italy, Greece and more. Why? Because the Polish weather is so great? Because there were great work opportunity in Poland?
    Did you know it? If you want a serious discussion please answer this question.

    And what was the purpose of Wannsee Conferences of this conference?

    If you want a serious discussion please answer what was the purpose of Wannsee Conferences.

    In any activity were money is involved there is a fraud. Fraud cases are involved with insurance, religion, medicine and more, but somehow we don’t have Insurance Fraud Industry, Religion Fraud Industry, Medical Fraud Industry – only Holocaust Fraud Industry. Why?
    If there is a fraud involved with insurance – it means all insurance claims are fraudulent?
    If there is a fraud involved with religion – it means all religions fraudulent?
    If there is a fraud involved with medicine – it means all medicine is fraud?
    And the same with Holocaust. Yes, there are fraudulent claims, but it does not mean the Holocaust did not happen.
    If you want a serious discussion please answer if you think Holocaust happened or not.
    I answered this question, so I only repeat:
    There is evidence and there are documents who created gas chambers and crematoria. It is also in diary of the last Auschwitz commander - Rudolf Hoss, although he wrote his book in Polish jail, so I understand why we don't have to believe every his word.
    It is also simple math - why a camp needed crematories which had capacity to burn few thousands corps a day?
    Here some info:
    https://www.yadvashem.org/odot_pdf/Microsoft Word - 6234.pdf

    Ovens did work with coal:
    Also about Red Cross I wrote, to which you didn’t answer, but anyway I will repeat:
    Here Red Cross admits how they check death camps:
    Question: – if ICRC was not allowed to go inside Auschwitz, how they knew there were no gas chambers inside the camp? I think I know the answer - to the commander of the camp told so.
    Somehow there are some people who are convinced that death camp commanders never lie.

    As to Vatican - Vatican the same as red Cross helped Nazi murderers to escape justice:
    So I guess Red Cross and Vatican are as believable as Rudolf Hoss.
  5. zalekbloom

    zalekbloom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 27, 2016
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    I already answered to your post, but recently I was playing with AI program and it looks Jews and Zionist really conquered AI.

    ChatGPT (openai.com)

    My Question: "give me the names of the most important contemporary thinkers"

    Answer: "As with the question of the most important philosophers, it is difficult to say who the most important contemporary thinkers are. The importance of a contemporary thinker's work can be judged differently by different people, and what one person considers to be important may not be considered as such by someone else. Additionally, the importance of a contemporary thinker's work may vary depending on the field or fields in which they are known for their work. With that said, some contemporary thinkers who are widely considered to be important figures in their respective fields include Noam Chomsky, Richard Dawkins, Steven Pinker, Daniel Kahneman, and Naomi Klein. These thinkers are known for their significant contributions to a variety of fields, including linguistics, psychology, biology, and political science."

    4 out of 5 the most important contemporary thinkers are Jews. Coincidence or conspiration?
    Grau likes this.
  6. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    And yet, the Fake News Left assured us that Free Twitter would be a free for all.


    OUR INCESTUOUS ILLEGITIMATE RULING CLASS: Head Of Twitter’s Censorship Operation Was A Former Dirtbag FBI, CIA Operative.

    'According to a now-unavailable LinkedIn profile discovered by journalist Andy Ngo, Jeff Carlton, whose prior work included serving as a federal intelligence officer, became the leading member of Twitter’s Strategic Response Team (SRT) last month. As revealed in a batch of “Twitter Files” released by reporter Bari Weiss on Thursday, SRT is one of the main groups at Twitter tasked with shadowbanning conservative accounts and tweets on the platform.'

    Surprise! Surprise!

    'In his LinkedIn profile, Carlton states that his role as SRT head involves “resolving the highest-profile Trust & Safety escalations,” as well as managing “crises and non-standard incidents in content moderation and customer support to promote ‘healthy public conversations.’” Before leading the group in his new role, Carlton served as a senior program manager at Twitter, starting in May 2021.'

    'Prior to joining the Big Tech giant, however, Carlton was heavily involved in intelligence-related work within the federal government. In addition to serving as a senior intel officer in the U.S. Marine Corps, he also worked as an intelligence analyst for the FBI and CIA, according to his LinkedIn profile.'

    These vile censoring bastards are everywhere, good for Musk for rooting them out of Twitter. Twitter will not be part of fixing future elections in the United States and man is that fact pissing off way too many Leftists!
  7. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    To answer the question you've asked bolded in blue, yes, I would like to have a serious, civil and factual discussion about the Holocaust even though my time is limited and I have other interests I like to discuss.
    Several questions you ask, I have already answered fully but I will still address them.

    Yes, I do believe that the Holocaust happened in that many Jews had their property stolen, were unjustly sent to work camps, were persecuted and many executed. Post war inspections do not indicate that the inmates were deliberately starved and that the majority of the deaths were from typhus, other diseases and natural causes.

    My primary request is that our discussion remain civil and respectful. If you're OK with this, I'd be happy to proceed.

    This was true primarily for Communist / Bolshevik Jews or other real or perceived threats to Germany but is not for all Jews. Otherwise, there would not have been so many Jews who were high ranking National Socialist (NS) Party members(1) or about 150,000 Jews in Hitler's military with many of them rising to the highest ranks and earning Germany's highest military honors(2).

    I'm familiar with this frequently cited quote that is a prediction, not a declaration of intent. I don't believe that Hitler hated all Jews but since Jews comprised the majority of the early Communist Party(3), he feared that Communist Jews would spread Communism throughout Germany.
    Hitler had several Jewish friends(4) and even had a writing relationship with a young Jewish girl (5), Rosa Nienau
    who shared his birthday.

    Image copyrightGETTY IMAGES

    The Wannsee Conference was a low level meeting to discuss the logistics off Germany's movement to the East. Among the things they discussed was the transporting of Jews to the East.

    EXCERPT "In reality, the Wannsee meeting and its minutes do not contain a master plan to kill Jews;

    – Nowhere in the meeting’s minutes is genocide discussed, planned, proposed, or even suggested;

    – The Wannsee meeting never discussed gas chambers, shootings, or any of the fantasies propagated by the exterminationists;

    – The Wannsee Minutes reported that there were only 4.5 million Jews under German control (yet 4.3 million Jewish compensation claims have been lodged against the postwar German government);

    – The Wannsee meeting was a planning meeting on how Europe’s Jews should be deported, via transit camps, to the East; with able-bodied Jews being forced to build roads and other labor intensive tasks in those regions;

    – The Wannsee Conference also made allowance for specific exceptions to Jewish evacuation, such as Jewish German World War I veterans; ALL Jews over the age of 65; and ALL Jews working in industries vital to the German war effort, to be released from the threat of evacuation and be allowed to stay in Germany.

    There is therefore, no justification for the allegation that the Wannsee Conference was a ‘master plan for mass murder’ and everyone who claims this to be the case, from Netanyahu down, is simply lying."CONTINUED (6)


    I believe I already answered this question in stating that there is not a single blueprint, work order or maintenance request for a homicidal gas chamber. Yes, there were gas chambers for the delousing of old clothes, blankets but no homicidal gas chambers.

    I assume you mean the Auschwitz - Birkenau - Monowitz facility.
    While there is not a single blueprint, work order or maintenance request for a homicidal gas chamber, those things do exist for the crematoria which were built to save lives, not take lives since the water table at A - B - M was too high to allow for the burial of typhus infected corpses.
    It doesn't really matter how many muffles (ovens) there were because, according captured documents there was only enough coal delivered to A - B - M to cremate 70,000 people.

    Additionally, Himmler anticipated that the number of muffles intended to stop the spread of typhus would be used for propaganda purposes:

    "In order to put a stop to the epidemics, we were forced to burn the bodies of incalculable numbers of people who had been destroyed by disease. We were therefore forced to build crematoria, and on this account they are knotting a noose for us."

    Heinrich Himmler
    21 April 1945

    Gerald Reitlinger, The Final Solution, 2nd ed., Vallentine, Mitchell, London, 1968, p. 521. AlsoMoment (Jewish monthly published in Boston), vol. 11, no. 1, Dec. 1985, p. 51.

    Please answer this question: There is, of course, not a trace of the remains of the the remaining 1 million plus inmates. How could the remains of over 1 million people disappear unless they were never killed in the first place?

    I'm surprised that you would even mention the tortured confessions of Rudolf Hoess who in addition to "admitting" to homicidal gas chambers also stated that 3 million people were killed on his watch. In addition to crushing his testicles, he was beaten so badly that it took 3 days before he could recover coherent speech.
    The tortured confession would never be accepted in any legitimate court of law.


    I'm sorry, I meant coke which I use for blacksmithing.
    I've heard some outrageous assertions over the decades but in all of my 72 years, I've never heard or read anything credible that claimed that anything other than coal / coke was used to cremate bodies, one at a time at A - B - M.
    Since it takes at least 3 - 4 hours and about 400 pounds of coal/coke to cremate one body, it's not possible to make 1.1 million bodies cremate to bones and teeth.
    To suggest that the human body which is about 75% water would act as fuel is simply not credible. Even after a complete cremation bones and teeth remain. If about 1.1 million people were killed and cremated, where are all the bones and teeth?

    Yes, I did answer this question when I wrote:

    "The answer to your question is simple. The Red Cross and the Vatican interviewed the former inmates immediately after the war:

    "The Vatican and Red Cross interviewed thousands of freed camp inmates at the end of the War about alleged gas chambers. The response was always the same, "The detainees themselves have not spoken of them" (Red Cross document No. 9925, June 1946)."

    I encourage you to Google: Red Cross document No. 9925, June 1946.

    I also wrote the following which I believe addresses your last question:

    You're right, in addition to thousands of former inmates, Richard Baer, who was not tortured, strongly maintained that there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz.
    It should not surprise anyone else familiar with the post WW 2 War "Trials" that he died mysteriously the night before he was supposed to testify.

    As to the Vatican and Red Cross helping some Germans escape Soviet style "Justice", I don't see how that affects their finding no evidence of a genocidal German agenda or homicidal gas chambers.

    I'll do my best to respond to the rest of your questions and Posts but I'm busier than usual trying to get ready for a Christmas Eve dinner for 45 people. About 1/4 of my guests are the same Jewish friends and family members for which my wife and I have hosted Passover Seders.

    Thanks & I hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend,

    (1) “List of Nazis of non-Germanic descent”


    EXCERPT “Notably, there were several high-ranking Nazis of full and partial Jewish descent. “ CONTINUED

    (2) “Hitler’s Jewish Army”

    EXCERPT “Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called ‘full Jews’ served in the German military with Adolf Hitler’s knowledge and approval.

    In approximately 20 cases, Jewish soldiers in the Nazi army were awarded(*)Germany’s highest military honor, the Knight’s Cross.

    Jews also served in the Nazi police and security forces as ghetto police(Ordnungdienst)(*)and concentration camp guards(*)(kapos).

    So what happens to the claim that Hitler sought to exterminate all Jews, when he allowed some of them to join in his struggle against Bolshevism and International finance capitalism?

    “If the Jews were permitted to serve in Hitler’s armed forces then there could not have been a Holocaust.”CONTINUED

    (3) “Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish”

    EXCERPT “Russian President Vladimir Putin said that at least 80 percent of the members of the first Soviet government were Jewish.” CONTINUED

    (4) "5 Jews Hitler Actually Liked"

    EXCERPT "Surprisingly, during this time in his life, Hitler also had extremely good relationships with Jewish people. At his house in Vienna, almost all of his friends were Jewish, with Josef Neumann being the closest.

    And when Hitler took over Germany, he spared some of his old Jewish friends, kept some in his party, and even formed new friendships."CONTINUED

    (5) "Remarkable tale of Hitler's young Jewish friend"

    (6) "The Wannsee Conference: Another Lie Crushed"
  8. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    I don't think that any reasonable person doubts that many of the world's greatest minds have been Jewish individuals who have made significant contributions that have benefited mankind tremendously.

    However, I also think that to suggest that any one ethnic, religious, racial or national group is somehow superior to another is an undertaking that has the potential to do great harm.

    Briefly put, I don't think that you'll find any two people whose list of most important contemporary thinkers is the same.

  9. zalekbloom

    zalekbloom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 27, 2016
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    As you wrote: "– The Wannsee Conference also made allowance for specific exceptions to Jewish evacuation, such as Jewish German World War I veterans; ALL Jews over the age of 65; and ALL Jews working in industries vital to the German war effort, to be released from the threat of evacuation and be allowed to stay in Germany."
    If this is true, it means effectively majority of Jews were deported does not matter if they were Communist or Bolsheviks.
    I don't know how many Jews were high ranking NAZI members, but I know that Hitler and some other high officials could baptize/Natzinize a Jew to became an Arian, and there were some. BTW - the same procedure had Soviets - former capitalist could became high ranking communist party members, like Felix Dzerzhinsky who originally was a Polish noble.

    As to Jews serving in the German army:
    Also according to German law:
    So I don’t know how Germans solved the problem to allow to non Reich citizens to serve in a German army, but Jew had a chance not to serve and to leave Germany?

    I don't care about Hitler feelings, I care what happened. BTW - the same happened in Soviet Union. I read some diaries of gulag prisoners - they describe some prisoners, true communist, who believed that Stalin is not aware of gulags. They believed gulags were created by Stain enemies, because Stalin was a good and decent man.
    Let me quote what answer I got from https://chat.openai.com/chat

    Q: did Hitler hate jews
    A: It is widely believed that Adolf Hitler, the leader of Nazi Germany during World War II, held strong anti-Semitic beliefs and was responsible for the Holocaust, in which six million Jews were systematically murdered. Hitler's hatred of Jews was a central part of his ideology and played a major role in the policies and actions of the Nazi regime.

    Q: What Hitler wrote about Jews in Mein Kampf
    A: In his book Mein Kampf ("My Struggle"), Adolf Hitler outlined his beliefs and ideas, including his hatred of Jews. Hitler claimed that Jews were responsible for many of the problems facing Germany and Europe, and he called for their exclusion from society. He also claimed that Jews were a "racial plague" and a "cancer" on the body of the German people. Hitler's ideas and rhetoric in Mein Kampf laid the groundwork for the atrocities of the Holocaust.

    I tend to believe it, you don't have to.

    UUps - too many characters, I have to split it. Next is part 2
  10. zalekbloom

    zalekbloom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 27, 2016
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    Part 2

    I am not sure about which Netaniahu you are talking - Bibi Netaniahu was a member of Israeli commando, his father Benzion Netanyahu was history professor. I am sure if professor Netanyahu wrote something about Wannsee Conference, if he wrote for sure he based it on some evidence. I tend more to believe to university professors, and not to members of commando teams (even if this commando member took part in pretty amazing operations).
    I didn't read Wannsee meeting minutes, but this site is not contradict books I read about the Holocaust:

    You have the right to believe the gas chambers were not created to gas people and thousands of people who were release from concertation camps, German personnel who served in these camps and professional people who investigated these camps are lying.
    Not you and not me were there during the war and the question is to who we believe. I believe to academia and to thousands of people who lived there, you don't have to believe to the same sources.

    I read few diaries of survivors of the death camps. Everyone was lying? You can think they lie - on this group the are people who are trying to convince us that in Russia there were no gulags, no Hlodomor and whoever writes about is a liar.

    I remember reading some time ago about investigators who found near a death camp ashes of killed people - looked for it, and this is what I found:

    As I said - Red Cross admitted it was not allowed to visit Auswitz and issue report about Auschitz - for me is not believable;

    I looked to person Richard Baer and this is what I found:
    I googled for "Red Cross document No. 9925, June 1946" and didn't find this document. What I found there are many sites (which appear to be Holocaust deniers) which say:
    that according to IRC document #9925, June, 1946 no prisoner acknowledged existence of gas chambers.
    Can you post a link to this document?

    Well, to me it very simple - if Red Cross and Vatican tried to hide Nazi murders, of course they would try their crime too.

    As I said - for unknown reason Jews are over represented in science, art, politics and more, but according to our believes today, this is not a good reason to persecute all Jews.
    There were some Jews who enjoyed to live in Nazi Germany? For sure there were, as for there were some Germans prisoners of war who enjoyed to live in Soviet Union prisons.

    I looked on
    (6) "The Wannsee Conference: Another Lie Crushed"

    I don't speak German, but I am not sure how come 16 pages are minutes of a conference which continued for at least few hours.
    Anyway, I cannot read it. Do you have an English translation?

    This is what I found from this site:
    If you have an English translation of Wannsee Conference minutes, I would like to read, otherwise I will continue to believe to academia and you to will believe to academia conspiracy against Hitler and Germany.[/quote][/quote]
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2022
  11. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    I'm not ignoring your extensive and thoughtful comments and am working on responses.
    I'm just very busy now and want to give your thoughts the attention they deserve.

  12. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    I want to thank you for keeping our extensive discussion civil and respectful. I hope you will at least agree that it is possible to have great fondness and respect for the Jewish people and their many contributions to mankind but still question the veracity of the standard holocaust narrative and reject those things that defy common sense and are physically impossible.

    I think that our beliefs are founded on the people and experiences that have made impressions on us over the decades.

    Even though I am over 70 years old, lived, studied and worked in Germany and over my lifetime, have experienced the horrors of war, known dozens of holocaust survivors, WW 2 era military Veterans and civilian eyewitnesses to WW 2's many atrocities, I still try to be objective, remain open minded and use what critical thinking skills I have.

    About 50 years ago when I was fluent in High German, Middle German and several dialects, I read the Wannsee Minutes in the original German and noticed no indication of a genocidal German agenda. Since then I have read several deliberate and / or accidental mistranslations of that and other documents that misuse the word "exterminate".

    When you read translations that use the verb "exterminate", it really means to remove or place far away, not to kill:

    *exterminate (v.)

    1540s, "drive away," from Latin exterminatus, past participle of exterminare "drive out, expel, put aside, drive beyond boundaries," also, in Late Latin "destroy," from phrase ex termine "beyond the boundary," from ex "out of" (see ex-) + termine, ablative of termen "boundary, limit, end" (see terminus).

    I don't know how many high ranking Jews there were in the NS Party either but according to historian, Bryan Rigg, there were about 150,000 Jews in the WW 2 German military and in WW 1, about 110,000 Jews served in the German military.

    The reason that this is important is that what Norman Finkelstein calls the Holocaust Industry is attempting to deceive people and especially impressionable young students that the German people attempted to kill all Jews simply because they were Jewish when this is simply not true.
    Most Jews who were persecuted were persecuted because of their association and high positions in Russia's Communist Party(1). The German leadership remembered the brutality and chaos brought to Russia by Russia's Jewish Communists
    and feared that Jewish led Communism would be spread throughout Germany by Jewish Communists in Germany.
    I don't think that "racial purity" played as big of a part in the persecution of Jews as fear of Communism.

    MSM sources avoid depicting Jews as anything but persecuted victims of the Germans or, at best, as reluctant conscripts in Germany's WW 2 military.
    However, one does not rise to the highest ranks and receive Germany's highest honors without fully participating in the overall mission.

    I don't quite understand your question. Please clarify.


    I already cited sources that showed that Hitler did have Jewish friends so I don't think that he hated Jews for racial reasons. I simply feel that Hitler feared and hated Communism and associated most Jews with the spread of Communism


    It's been a while since I read "Mein Kampf" in the original German and the English translations I've skimmed grossly distort the original work. Even English reviews of the work are distorting and misleading.
    Hitler's being conflicted about Jews, fear of Communism and plans to restore Germany were the primary things Hitler addressed in his book. While he complains about Jewish influence in banking, the publishing industry and even the art world, nowhere does he lay out a plan to destroy Europe's Jewish community.

    I'll start on my response to your Part 2 ASAP.


    (1) “Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish”


    EXCERPT “Russian President Vladimir Putin said that at least 80 percent of the members of the first Soviet government were Jewish.” CONTINUED
  13. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    First, I didn't write the text to which you are referring but as I mentioned earlier Wikipedia is little more than a mouthpiece for the dishonest Holocaust Industry and you're not getting accurate information by relying on Wikipedia so heavily.

    Even Yehuda Bauer, a historian and professor of Holocaust studies confirms that the notion that the Wannsee Conference was about killing Jews is just a "silly story":

    EXCERPT: "
    That the Wannsee Conference never discussed killing Jews in any way, has actually been confirmed in public by Yehuda Bauer, professor of Holocaust Studies at the Avraham Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

    Bauer is also the founding editor of the journal Holocaust and Genocide Studies, and a member of the editorial board of the Encyclopaedia of the Holocaust, published by Yad Vashem in 1990.

    He is not, therefore, as some Holocaust storytellers claim, some obscure figure, but a leading and major—in fact, one of the most senior—Jews promoting the Holocaust fable.

    As long ago as 1992(!), Bauer, speaking at a conference held in London to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the Wannsee meeting, told the audience that the claim that Wannsee was a “master plan” to kill Jews was nothing a but a “silly story.”

    There are at least as many if not more Holocaust survivors who deny the existence of homicidal gas chambers only because their observations are inconsistent with the profitable, mainstream Holocaust narrative they are shunned, condemned and rejected.

    Here are two such examples out of thousands:

    - EXCERPT " An Austrian woman, Maria Vanherwaarden, testified about her camp experiences in a Toronto District Court in March 1988. She was interned in Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1942 for having sexual relations with a Polish forced laborer. On the train journey to the camp, a Gypsy woman told her and the others that they would all be gassed at Auschwitz. Upon arrival, Maria and the other women were ordered to undress and go into a large concrete room without windows to take a shower. The terrified women were sure that they were about to die. But then, instead of gas, water came out of the shower heads." CONTINUED (2)

    EXCERPT " A Jewish woman named Marika Frank arrived at Auschwitz-Birkenau from Hungary in July 1944, when 25,000 Jews were supposedly gassed and cremated daily. She likewise testified after the war that she heard and saw nothing of gas chambers during the time she was interned there. She heard the gassing stories only later." CONTINUED(2)

    So far, you have been unable to produce even one blueprint, work order or maintenance request for a homicidal gas chamber. If millions of people were murdered via gassing, the Germans would have needed hundreds or even thousands of them and far too much paperwork about them to destroy.
    The homicidal gas chamber myth is just as fictitious as the homicidal steam and homicidal electrocution chambers(3)

    Please remember the earlier hoaxes such as the "human skin lampshades", "human fat soap", shrunken head and "human skin pocketbook". They are irrefutable proof that the Holocaust Industry will knowingly lie in order to make the Germans seem more cruel and murderous.

    I am far from alone in believing that many of people claiming to be Holocaust survivors are lying about homicidal gas chambers, deliberate starvation and a genocidal German agenda.

    For example:
    - "Could there be anything more twisted than these Holocaust fantasists? How more and more people are making up memoirs about witnessing Nazi crimes"


    EXCERPT "Unfortunately, despite all these examples, publishers are still wilfully selling suspect memoirs based on the Holocaust and the war.

    No doubt there will be more books of this type. With publishers fighting it out to sell the latest tale of World War II derring-do, or Holocaust misery, it seems unlikely this is a genre that will die out.

    Anybody reading these books should stop and ask themselves whether what they hold in their hands is, in fact, true." CONTINUED


    - "Auschwitz Was NOT a 'Death Camp' - Holocaust Survivor Testimony"

    You mentioned that some people reject the Holodomor. The difference between the Holocaust and the Holodomor, the mass murders of Mao, Pol Pot is that there are far more physical remains that support the narrative. With the Holocaust, there are far fewer mass graves and in some cases, none. For example two teams of experts searched the areas claimed to be the mass graves and found only a few remains of the 850,000 - 1 million allegedly killed at Treblinka:

    - “Treblinka: Revealing the hidden graves of the Holocaust”

    EXCERPT “Despite this, in a later statement they said they had discovered no mass graves.” CONTINUED

    - “Treblinka Ground Radar Examination Finds No Trace of Mass Graves”

    EXCERPT “A detailed forensic examination of the site of the wartime Treblinka camp, using sophisticated electronic ground radar, has found no evidence of mass graves there.” CONTINUED

    Re: "Red Cross document No. 9925, June 1946"

    I'm afraid not. I lost a lot of information as well as photos of wrought iron gates, sculpture, wrought iron wine racks with w.i. grape vines, w.i. African Animals, w.i. Elizabethan andirons etc that I made that were on an old hard drive that I lost.

    To suggest that the Red Cross conspired with Germany's NS Party to destroy all of Europe's Jews is, to me, absurd.
    The post WW 2, Soviet style War "Trials" were, according to US Supreme Court Chief Justice Harlan Fiske Stone, no more than a "high grade lynching party" and a "...sanctimonious fraud". Eisenhower's more ethical brother regarded them as so vindictive and unjust as to be a "...black page in the history of the world" (4).

    If the Vatican and Red Cross helped some Germans escape tortured confessions to crimes that they didn't commit that doesn't mean that they would lie about the absence of homicidal gas chambers etc.

    Thousands of innocent Germans were being murdered for things as ridiculous as the homicidal Vaporizer (5)


    I believe that I already mentioned the tremendous contributions made by Jewish individuals to medicine, science, the arts and more. About 1/4 of the 42 people coming to our Christmas Eve dinner are dear Jewish friends and relatives for whom my wife & I have also gladly hosted Passover Seders.

    I don't think that's a valid comparison since many Jewish NS Party members and members of Germany's WW 2 military rose to high ranks and received Germany's highest honors with the full knowledge of Hitler and the German High Command. Such was not the case with Soviet held German POWs. One former Wehrmacht soldier I knew had his fingers broken as just part of his torture once the Soviets found that he played the violin.

    I'm afraid not but it's a fairly routine document that does not indicate a genocidal agenda.

    I hope I have answered your most compelling questions and look forward to your response.


    (1) "The Wannsee Conference: Another Lie Crushed"

    (2) "Auschwitz: Myths and Facts"

    (3) "Auschwitz Electrical Conveyor belt of Death"

    EXCERPT "It’s a little known fact that running alongside the scientifically implausible gas chambers at Auschwitz ran the electrified conveyor belts of death. These industrialised slaughter belts, we can assume took the passive cargo directly from the “cattle cars” and electrocuted the hapless victims without struggle then disposed of the evidence in Nazi furnaces. One can only guess at the “special devices” for killing children. Somehow visions of Willy Wonka’s Chocolate/extermination factory spring to mind."CONTINUED

    (4) "President Eisenhower’s Brother, An Attorney, Condemned The Nuremberg & Eichmann Trials"
    "I think the Nuremberg trials are a black page in the history of the world…I discussed the legality of these trials with some of the lawyers and some of the judges who participated therein. They did not attempt to justify their action on any legal ground, but rested their position on the fact that in their opinion, the parties convicted were guilty…"

    Edgar N. Eisenhower, American attorney: Brother of President Dwight D. Eisenhower

    (5) "Auschwitz: Myths and Facts"

    EXCERPT "At the Nuremberg Tribunal, chief US prosecutor Robert Jackson charged that the Germans had used a "newly invented" device to instantaneously "vaporize" 20,000 Jews near Auschwitz "in such a way that there was no trace left of them." [8] No reputable historian now accepts either of these fanciful tales."CONTINUED

  14. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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  15. zalekbloom

    zalekbloom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 27, 2016
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    Last edited: Dec 16, 2022
  16. zalekbloom

    zalekbloom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 27, 2016
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    Sorry for late responses, I remember I own you an answer, but I am busy person too. I am not forgetting your posts, I really enjoy reading it, it forces me to check your sources and verify my.
    Anyway, let me just put few things strait – I am not a historian, when I cannot check the information sources, I trust the consensus of academia. I don’t believe in the wide spread conspiracy of universities to lie about a specific subject, but I know, sometimes even the universities consensus was wrong,
    As to Wannsee Conference – now I am not sure that this was the moment Germans decided to murder all Jews, quite possible Yehuda Bauer was right when he said:
    “The public still repeats, time after time, the silly story that at Wannsee the extermination of the Jews was arrived at, Wannsee was but a stage in the unfolding of the process of mass murder”.

    According to Yehuda Bauer:
    From what I read about the Holocaust, Germans started to murder Jews before the Wannsee Conference, so maybe Yehuda Bauer is right- anyway thank you for this information.

    I didn’t find any information about testimony of Maria Vanherwaarden. Anyway Maria Vanherwaarden was not Jewish, she committed ‘crime’ for having sexual relations with Polish slave laborer – so she wasn’t destined to be gassed.
    About Marika Frank – Jews who are where able to work were not gassed – the German policy was to keep them indefinitely in a camp, working until they death.
    Family of my friend lived in Hungary, were sent to Auschwitz, from Auschwitz they were sent to different camps in Germany, but the old grand parents didn’t return. The assumption was they were gassed.
    Auschwitz covered an area of 40 hectares (1 hectare = 100mX 100m), and there was no freedom of movement in the camp, also the Auschwitz concentration camp was a complex of three main camps and 45 satellite camp, so it is logical that not everyone who was in Auschwitz saw the gas chambers. It is also logical that Germans tried to keep it secret,
    As I said – there are historians who check all these details, each research is peer reviewed and I don’t see any reason not to trust academia. Many false information was discovered by historians who research the Holocaust and corrected. I didn’t read any information written by researches who claim that in Auschwitz Germans didn’t gassed people.

    As far as I know Norman Finkelstein never claimed that the Holocaust Industry is attempting to deceive people and especially impressionable young students that the German people attempted to kill all Jews simply because they were Jewish when this is simply not true. If you have the evidence, please show me.
    As far as I know – Germans decided to murder all Jews – men, women and children without regard to their political views. After attacking Soviet Union Germans committed mass murder of thousands of Jews – men, women and children – the most infamous are the Einsatzgruppen, but not only.
    As far as I know, this is the view of Western (including German) academia. This is also opinion of Yehuda Bauer,

    According to German law:

    So it is not clear to me, if German Jews who lost Reich Citizenship were obligated to serve in the German army.

    I don’t trust Putin not as historian and not as democratic leader, but from I know Jews indeed were overrepresented in early government in Soviet Union, although I would like to add that Stalin was not a Jew, Lenin was nit a Jew, Beria was not a Jew and Dzierzinsky was not a Jew.
    Also – this is totally irrelevant. In the US Blacks are overrepresented in crime but it does not mean we need to arrest every Black person. Irish are overrepresented in alcohol abuse, but it does not mean every Irish person suffer from alcoholism. Jews are overrepresented in Nobel prize winner, but it does not mean I deserve a Nobel prize (but I would happily accept it),
    As to Bibi Nataniahu – he is a politician, so I don’t take seriously his ideas about history, not about the Holocaust and even not about Israel history.
    I think we agreed: people will lie to receive free money, does not matter if they are lying about the Holocausts, medical insurance or car accidence.
    Were German civilian persecuted, killed and expelled from East European countries after WWII? Yes, it is true, but it does not make German war crimes smaller. Again – this is opinion of Western academia, by people whose job is to investigate history,

    Agree, it is absurd, but I never said it. I only pointed out that Red Cross and Vatican helped convicted Nazi murders to escape justice,
    Anyway, I searched for "Red Cross document No. 9925, June 1946" and could not find it – the only thing I found that this document is quoted by many sited as the proof that in Auschwitz there were no gas chambers.
    When I don’t see an evidence – I don’t trust it and I hope you doing the same. I am an anonymous individual and I can say one day one thing and next day something totally opposite, so if I don’t show you evidence – in our case a link to a believable source - don’t trust me.

    First of all my point was that if some Jew/German is happy in specific circumstances, it does not mean every Jew/German is happy in the same situation – this was my point. For example German general Friedrich Paulus had easy life as POW in Soviet Union, after the war he returned to East Germany, but majority of German POWs died in Soviet Union.
    Second - I don’t know even one Jew who was defined by German law as a Jew who was high member Nazi party. If you know some, let me know. The fact is that Germans not always knew who is a Jew, for example:
    I think this site explain correctly what is was to be a Jew in German army:
    Uff – enough is enough,
    PS – there is a limit of text we can post, so I deleted most of you text. I I forgot to answer something, please me know.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2022
  17. Aquarius

    Aquarius Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2011
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    Ye will never be president and will be put in the trash ️ of history.

    Tupac is rolling in his grave for being photographed with Ye.
  18. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Obviously apologies for "late" responses are not necessary since we're both busy with life and should be grateful for being able to stay active.
    I, too, am not a historian nor do I claim to be an expert on this topic. I simply feel that much of the mainstream information is just residual Allied propaganda made up during the war to demonize Germans and lower their morale. Once a propaganda lie is put into circulation, it must be maintained regardless of its truthfulness.
    I assume that you realize that propaganda is not just something that the "other" side uses

    Nicholas Kollerstrom had this to say about the consensus of academia:

    "The fastest way to get expelled from a British university is by saying you are looking at chemical evidence for how Zyklon was used in World War II, with a discussion of how delousing technology functioned in the German World War II labour camps "
    — Nicholas Kollerstrom

    Also, Norman Finkelstein was denied tenure for exposing the Holocaust Industry. These two examples and the fact that it is illegal to express anything but the standard Holocaust narrative cause me to dismiss most of what is maintained by mainstream, Western academia. It's simple. One is not allowed to express anything inconsistent with the standard Holocaust narrative or you are inviting severe persecution so that is why mainstream, Western academia is the last place to find the truth about the Holocaust.

    I feel that you have been professionally deceived by mainstream Western academia for the reasons I just stated. They're simply not allowed to tell the truth about the Holocaust or else they invite persecution and / or imprisonment.

    I'm glad that the information on Yehuda Bauer was helpful but he does not state exactly when Germans allegedly began killing Jews.
    I say "allegedly" because I do not believe that there ever was a genocidal German agenda because there is no hard evidence of one.

    Unlike the victims of Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and others, there are no mass graves containing anywhere near the number of victims claimed, there is no written order from Hitler for the destruction of Europe's Jews, there is absolutely nothing in intercepted secret German radio transmissions to indicate mass murder(1) and, finally, the only objective source, the Red Cross found no evidence of mass murder or a genocidal agenda.

    The only "evidence" to support a genocidal German agenda is the exaggerated and inconsistent claims of some Holocaust survivors, tortured confessions and the academic opinions of some historians who know that they'll get fired and / or locked up unless they parrot the standard Holocaust narrative.

    I know that Auschwitz - Birkenau - Monowitz was a large industrial complex but it's only common sense to see the impossibility of quietly gassing thousands of hysterical people per day. Do you really think that thousands of people would meekly stand in line and quietly wait to be killed? I know I wouldn't and don't know of anyone who would.

    As you know, not all German run camps were said to have had homicidal gas chambers however all the camps received the same amount of Zyklon B per inmate. If some camps had homicidal gas chambers then that camp would have received more Zyclon B per inmate but such was not the case. This is simply more evidence that there were no homicidal gas chambers at any of the German run camps.

    One alleged homicidal gas chamber is claimed to be directly across the street from the hospital and next to the Gestapo office.
    Do you really think that the Germans would chose such foolish location for a toxic killing station?

    You have not explained why there are no blueprints, maintenance requests or work orders for even one homicidal gas chamber. In order to murder millions of people via gas, you would need hundreds if not thousands of homicidal gas chambers which would generate reams of documents yet not one has been found. Why?

    Norman Finkelstein, as you know, was denied tenure after writing "THE HOLOCAUST INDUSTRY" not because he challenges the standard Holocaust narrative but because he exposed the extravagant lifestyles and fraudulent practices of those who run the Holocaust Claims Commission. Among those fraudulent practices was the coaching of fake "survivors" and the receiving of kickbacks from money collected. The result was that tens of thousands of fake "survivors" collected money and learned how to polish their fake survivor stories to deceive others.

    I believe I've already addressed the fact that there is no evidence of a genocidal German agenda.
    After it became known that there are no mass graves in any of the German run camps, the Holocaust Industry / Lobby changed it's focus to the Einsatzgruppen which was created to deal with ruthless partisans, Jewish and non Jewish.

    Since the Eastern Front was a free-for-all where there were no rules and no independent entities, the victors who write the history can and do make any claim.
    It is estimated that there were about 20,000 Jewish partisans on the Eastern Front who were as ruthless and sadistic as any member of the Einsatzgruppen. When partisans / terrorist torture, disembowel and mutilate members of an occupying force I can think of no army that doesn't retaliate disproportionately.
    From the book "FIGHTING BACK":

    EXCERPT "The unit of young Jews--both men and women--received air drops from the Russians, wiped out local German garrisons, blew up German trains, and even shot down German planes." CONTINUED(2)

    We only need to look at how early Zionist terrorist gangs or how IDF deals with Palestinians to see how harshly occupying forces deal with civilians after a partisan / terrorist attack.
    Imagine the scale of a retaliation if a group of IDF members were found hanging, naked, disemboweled and castrated.
    That's what Soviet partisans, Jewish and non Jewish did to German soldiers in uniform before running to villages and using villagers as human shields.
    I've known German WW 2 Veterans of the Eastern Front and the savagery of these distant partisans was nothing like any European soldier had ever seen.


    I believe that I addressed that earlier but anyway, if the RC and Vatican helped Germans escape the grotesque post war "Trials", they were not escaping "justice" since countless innocent Germans were being tortured and executed for such fraudulent "crimes" as operating a homicidal "Vaporizer"(3)

    Thank you, along with trying to keep an open mind and being objective, that is exactly why I don't believe the complete, standard Holocaust narrative.

    There is no hard evidence to support it except for some stories from some Holocaust survivors whose stories are inconsistent and contradictory. There are no significant mass graves, no order from Hitler, nothing in secret German radio transmissions(1), no homicidal gas chamber blueprints and, according to Jewish sources, no drop in the world's Jewish population(4).
    So, that, to me, is evidence that the truth is contradictory to what we're told by MSM, the Holocaust Industry / Lobby and heavily censored Western academia

    Here are a few(5) but MSM rarely publishes anything contrary to the standard Holocaust narrative.

    I hope that I have answered your most compelling questions and, above all don't want you to think that I'm attempting to trivialize the suffering of Jews or anyone else during the WW 2 era especially toward the end of the war when disease and starvation were rampant. Arno Mayer even admits that more Jews died in Auschwitz of typhus and natural causes than were executed.(6)

    A fact that is rarely considered is that Germany's work camps were also for Germany's real criminals; murderers, rapists, pedophiles, thieves etc so, not every inmate was an innocent civilian.

    There is plenty of evidence that the Germans did all that they could to fight disease, provide adequate food & keep inmates healthy. At Auschwitz there was even modern (for the time) dental care in addition to medical care, a library, soccer games, theater, music and other facilities and activities unknown(6) to those who rely only on MSM and heavily censored Western academia where any complete examination of the Holocaust or WW 2 is prohibited.

    Please let me know what questions I've left unanswered, next, I'll respond to your additional comments as time permits and hope that your holidays are enjoyable.


    EXCERPT “In 1941, British Intelligence analysts cracked the German “Enigma” code. This undermined the German war effort—but also threw new light on day-by-day events in the Nazi concentration camp system. Between January 1942 and January 1943, encrypted radio communications between those camps and the Berlin headquarters were intercepted and decrypted.

    Oddly enough, historians have largely ignored the information furnished in these intercepts relating to “arrivals,” “departures,” recorded deaths and other events at these camps.The only reasonable explanation is that the intercepted data contra-dicts, even refutes, the orthodox “Holocaust” narrative.

    The information does not expose a program of mass murder and racial genocide. Quite the opposite: it reveals that the Germans were determined, desperate even, to reduce the death rate in their work camps, which was caused by catastrophic typhus epidemics.”CONTINUED

    (2) "Fighting Back"

    (3) "Auschwitz: Myths and Facts"

    EXCERPT "At the Nuremberg Tribunal, chief US prosecutor Robert Jackson charged that the Germans had used a "newly invented" device to instantaneously "vaporize" 20,000 Jews near Auschwitz "in such a way that there was no trace left of them." [8] No reputable historian now accepts either of these fanciful tales."CONTINUED

    (4) Was there Really a Holocaust?
    EXCERPT "The World Almanac for 1947 states that back in 1939 the world Jewish population was 15,688,259. The Almanac's figures were supplied by the American Jewish Committee. Next the Jewish-owned New York Times of February 22, 1948 stated the world Jewish population for that year amounted "to 15,600,000 to 18,700,000 in addition to the 600,000 to 700,000 living in Palestine." How could the Jewish population increase so rapidly over the war years if they had lost 6,000,000 people? " CONTINUED

    (5) "Historian claims Hitler personally approved officers of Jewish descent to fight for Nazis"
    ADOLF HITLER personally allowed at least 77 army officers of Jewish descent, including 25 generals, to fight for the Nazi cause…

    EXCERPT "Many brothers, cousins and sons of these officers were not on this list, although they should have been there," he wrote. "The list is very spotty and there are most probably many other cases of this type."

    The most senior general of Jewish origin was Field Marshall Erhard Milch, who rose to be general inspector of the Luftwaffe and was convicted of war crimes after 1945." CONTINUED


    [Even if you disagree with the text of this source, I think that you will enjoy the rare photos]
  19. zalekbloom

    zalekbloom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 27, 2016
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    I distinguish between propaganda and between the academic research. Many WWII propaganda stories were exposed by academia after the war as false information.
    For example the stories about Germans making soap from humane fat were exposed by academia as fake stories:

    I agree that it is difficult to break consensus of academia on every subject – after Einstein wrote his theory, 100 scientists wrote a book:

    Today doctors are fired if they suggest that the new vaccine is ineffective against covid-19.
    Even when suggestions of Dr Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis reduced mortality to bellow 1% - his ideas were rejected by the established scientific and medical opinions of the time:

    And I can bring more such examples. Is there a vicious conspiracy when academia rejects some ideas? IMHO - not in democratic countries. Should we reject academia recommendation / suggestions / theories? Academia is run by humans and humans are not perfect, but if you are not an expert and you don’t know what each side is saying – in the MAJORITY cases the academia is right, so I will stay will consensus. Of course, everyone is free to decide to whom to believe.

    As to Nicholas Kollerstrom – he is not the best example of scientists:
    He ‘proved’ not only that the gas chambers in the Auschwitz concentration camp had been used for disinfection purposes only, he also ‘proved’ that that Paul McCartney died in 1966 and was replaced by a look-alike, he ‘proved’ that the men accused of the 7 July 2005 London bombings had not carried out the attack and more.

    BTW – recently 97 year woman was convicted in Germany for serving in Stutthof concentration camp

    According to Wikipedia in Stutthof there were gas chambers used to kill people:
    I think we have evidence that Germans started to kill Jews almost immediately after invading the Soviet Union. Why after invading the Soviet Union? It not my theory, I read it few times – Hitler believed that the Soviet Union is run by Jews and killing the Jews in occupied Western Poland will upset Soviets who according to Molotov-Ribbentrop agreement occupied Eastern Poland and to protect Jews, the Soviet Union will attack Germany.

    It looks there is a proof Hitler wanted to murder all Jews:
    As far as I know there have plenty of German reports from mass executions like documents described here:

    I am not a historian, just searching the Web I found:

    There is also evidence of mass shooting of Jews like:
    I have totally different opinion based of relation of people who saw it. First of all people were not aware they are going to be gassed. Yes, there were rumors, but German denied it. After leaving the train victims were surrounded by armed soldiers with doges. People who refused to go were beaten or bitten by dogs. And they were mostly families, with kids and grandparents.
    Just put yourself in the same situation – there rumors you will gassed, but the German officer tells that you will be sent to work. You are there with your kids, wife and grandparents, surrounded by armed soldiers with dogs. The commanding officer tells you that first you need to take shower.
    Would you rebel, risking of being killed, beaten or bitten by dogs? Would you be hysterical or you would just follow the officer order and quietly enter the shower room? And after the door of the ‘shower room’ is closed, nothing can be done.

    I am not aware of the gas chamber location, I will look into it.
    Homicidal gas chamber does not require any blueprint, it was regular shower room, the only thing required to convert the regular shower room to a gas chamber was to add a strong doors, strong windows and a hole in the ceiling. What required blueprint and special construction was crematory and we know exactly who planned it, we have a blueprint.

    Part 1 (too many characters, have to split my answer)
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  20. zalekbloom

    zalekbloom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 27, 2016
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    ------------------- Part 2 ------------------------

    Lets make a simple math: according to AI ( https://chat.openai.com/chat ) gas chambers in Auschwitz could gas in one session at least 2000 people. It means in 300 days 1 session/day it could gas at least ½ million people, in two years Auschwitz could gas at least million people. According to AI more than 1 million people were murdered in Auschwitz so the math is correct. What documented we needed? How many people were brought by train to Auschwitz and how many were transferred to other camps. I am not sure if these documented survived or were checked, but we know that Himmler issued an order to destroy evidence of mass murder.

    Here is what AI said:
    The discussion is not about sadism, the discussion is about mass murder. Einsatzgruppen did not kill Jews out of revenge, Einsatzgruppen only followed orders.
    No doubt, Jews whose families were murdered by Germans wanted revenge, the only differences is that Jewish partisans killed soldiers who invaded their country and killed their wives, children and parents and Einsatzgruppen killed civilians.
    But comparing Einsatzgruppen to partisans makes no sense. According to academia the duty of Einsatzgruppen was to fight partisans and to murder Jews – men, women and children.

    Actually there were cases were where IDF soldiers were tortured and killed, but Israeli army prohibit revenge. I served in IDF and we were explicitly told that we have a duty to refuse an order to kill innocent civilian. Israeli army will not accept excuse – “I was only following the order’. About 1 year ago an Israeli soldier was found guilty, because he killed a wounded terrorist who killed his friend.

    Yes, you addressed RC with a document we couldn’t find and I showed RC document which showed RC helped suspected murders to escape justice and another one where RC has publicly expressed its regret regarding its impotence and the mistakes it made in dealing with Nazi persecution and genocide.

    Uff, it was hard work to search for all info.

    Merry Christmas!
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2022
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  21. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

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    I realize and appreciate the fact that you have put a lot of time and work into your responses so I will respond to them as fully and thoroughly as possible.


    My point in mentioning the the "human fat soap, "human skin lampshades", shrunken heads the homicidal Vaporizer(1) and other blatant hoaxes is to illustrate an early, fraudulent and ongoing willingness to make the Germans seem as evil and sadistic as possible by members of the Holocaust Industry - Lobby and complicit Hollywood movie moguls with the same agenda.

    When the German run work camps were captured at the end of the war, the Allies spent days altering the "crime scene" to make a dismal situation look even worse.
    For example, I believe that it is Auschwitz where a pile of shoes is on display. Gullible tourists are not told that Auschwitz had a shoe repair shop which accounts for so many shoes or that the shoes were placed on a plywood pyramid to make the pile appear larger. This is just one example of thousands of deliberate and premeditated deceptions about which we know and a good reason to distrust an Industry - Lobby with a proven history of deliberate deception.

    I'm afraid that you're overlooking the "elephant in the room".

    There are about 17 "democracies" in which any form of countering the standard Holocaust narrative(sHn) will get you fined, locked up, beaten and, like Francois Duprat,(2) even murdered so even if a Western academic found a document that debunked even part of the sHn, it is illegal in many countries to even present it.
    Even in America where the 1st Amendment protects you from government persecution, you risk being defamed as a "Holocaust denier" and / or retaliations like Norman Finkelstein's being denied tenure for exposing the corruption in the Holocaust Industry.
    Other retaliations include death threats, beatings and murder by JDL terrorists etc (3) so I hope you can see how it is impossible to get an honest and complete account of WW 2 era Germany so what we really have now is a false narrative in an echo chamber where critical thinking and true freedom of expression are prohibited.

    I did not mean for Nicholas Kollerstrom to be the topic but, rather the fact that intercepted German radio transmissions have been ignored because they, too show no evidence of homicidal gas chambers being used or of a genocidal German agenda(4).
    It seems to me that if millions of people were being gassed in homicidal grass chambers that there would be at least one mention of homicidal gas chambers and / or a genocidal German agenda but, like interviews with thousands of former inmates reveal, there is absolutely no mention(5) of homicidal gas chambers except through Allied propaganda(6)

    It was so well known that homicidal gas chambers were a hoax that former inmates who spoke of them were to be arrested and charged with perjury:

    EXCERPT “Major Miller of the Allied Military Police HQ in Vienna signed memo/order #31/48 on Oct. 1, 1948 declaring that since the Allied Commissions of Inquiry had established that no one in the 12 German concentration camps was killed by poison gas, that any former inmate maintaining otherwise was to be arrested and charged with perjury.” CONTINUED (7)

    Still more evidence that there were no homicidal gas chambers or genocidal German agenda is that there is no mention of either in the post war books written by Churchill, Eisenhower or de Gaulle. If they would have existed, one of these men would have mentioned them in the thousands of pages of their collected works especially since they all hate Germans.

    I believe that is further conformation that there were no homicidal gas chambers because if millions of people perished in them there locations would be well known and they would have to have been plentiful because of the long periods of time it takes to ventilate and empty the bodies.

    The more that I think about the simple logistics of herding, gassing, ventilating and body removal, the less credible the homicidal gas chamber story sounds.

    Earlier, I explained the frequent confusion over the word "exterminate" which, in reference to English translation really meant something similar to " place beyond boundaries" not to destroy, kill etc.

    *exterminate (v.)
    EXERPT "1540s, "drive away," from Latin exterminatus, past participle of exterminare "drive out, expel, put aside, drive beyond boundaries," also, in Late Latin "destroy," from phrase ex termine "beyond the boundary," from ex "out of" (see ex-) + termine, ablative of termen "boundary, limit, end" (see terminus)."

    At any rate, I think that even mainstream historians agree that there is no written indication that Hitler wanted to kill off Europe's Jewish community.
    If Hitler were the frothing and genocidal anti Semite of Hollywood lore, he wouldn't have promoted and honored Jews in his military, had a Jewish "Pen Pal" or maintained Jewish friendships and professional relationships with Jewish doctors, art dealers and landlords.

    I think that I mentioned that I served in a US Army paratrooper unit in Laos during the Vietnam war and I believe you wrote that you had been in the IDF so we both have had experience dieting with hostile partisans, civilians and military trained forces. I know of several US WW 2 Veterans that admitted that the German soldiers were among the most disciplined and that included treatment of civilians and, apparently, some Jews:

    Punishment of Germans, by Third Reich authorities, for mistreatment of Jews (1939-1945)

    EXCERPT “The German army severely punished its own soldiers for crimes committed against the civilian population, including Jews.

    Examples are given, such as a case in the spring of 1944 occurring when a German anti-aircraft battery on its way to Budapest was held over and the soldiers stayed in a house belonging to Jews. Permission was granted to the men by the commander of the battery, a young sub-lieutenant, to confiscate various items from the house, including jewellery and radio sets. A Jewish woman who wanted to report this crime was killed. The sub-lieutenant was sentenced to death and executed for this crime, and several NCOs and service personnel received long prison terms

    I don't doubt that there were mass executions of Jews but I think that the Germans have born the brunt of the blame for massacres done by Ukrainians, Poles, Communists and others exploiting an opportunity.
    At any rate, based on what I've both read and heard from Veterans, the entire Eastern Front was a cruel and grisly bloodbath beyond imagination.

    The consensus among German Veterans of the Eastern Front was that suicide was preferable to being captured, tortured and mutilated by the partisans. Based on what I've read and heard, I can imagine that even the most disciplined soldier could be driven to take out their rage on a civilian population under the same circumstances but I can not believe that any of the German WW 2 Veterans I have known would coldly murder innocent. and unarmed civilians as a matter of policy.

    I have watched as the focus of the Holocaust narrative shifted from the camps to the Eastern Front since so few human remains exist in or around the former work camps.

    Finally, a homicidal gas chamber as you describe would not work. There is a photo of the ventilation system needed to introduce and remove gas from a delousing chamber in the following source. I suspect that a homicidal gas chamber would have to work the same way:

    [Even if you disagree with the text of this source, I think that you will enjoy the rare photos]

    I appreciate your patience and I hope that you and your family had a wonderful Hanukkah.
    Please let me know if I missed a question or would like clarification.
    Now, I'll get started on your Part 2

    (1) "Auschwitz: Myths and Facts"

    EXCERPT "At the Nuremberg Tribunal, chief US prosecutor Robert Jackson charged that the Germans had used a "newly invented" device to instantaneously "vaporize" 20,000 Jews near Auschwitz "in such a way that there was no trace left of them." [8] No reputable historian now accepts either of these fanciful tales."CONTINUED

    (2) "Attacks on revisionist"
    EXCERPT "[If you read the media you will think people like Irving are neo-Nazis, Denialists, and/or anti-Semites, and if you look into the subject you will be one as well. Basic Word Game propaganda. It is telling that only the revisionists have ever conducted forensic examinations of the alleged gas chambers and alleged mass grave sites: The Leuchter Report; the Rudolf Report; Richard Krege Report (ground radar at Treblinka) not forgetting the aerial Ball Report. Truth doesn't need to kill people, maim them, or put them in jail. That is Big Brother.]" CONTINUED View attachment 200580

    (3) "The Zionist Terror Network Background and Operation of the Jewish Defense League and other Criminal Zionist Groups"
    EXCERPT "This booklet documents the background and criminal activities of Jewish Zionist terrorist groups, and especially the Jewish Defense League. Particular emphasis is given here to terror -- including murder -- against "thought criminals" who question the Holocaust story that six million Jews were systematically killed during the Second World War." CONTINUED

    (4)"The Enemy Is Listening!"

    EXCERPT "Oddly, only a very few Holocaust historians were interested in the information on the concentration camps. The reason for this astonishing lack of interest is presumably due to the following remark by author Hinsley:

    The messages from Auschwitz, the largest camp, with 20,000 inmates,[4] mention disease as the chief cause of death, but also include references to executions by hanging and shooting. The decoded messages contain no references to gassings.

    To sum up, the following facts may be considered established: The messages deciphered at Bletchley Park undoubtedly constitute one of the most reliable sources on the course of events during the Second World War. They provide information on undertakings of the German army, navy, and air force. They provide an insight into the events occurring behind the Russian front and the conditions in the concentration camps. Since the reports from Auschwitz contain no information on mass killings, the question of whether the British Intelligence Service "knew about the Holocaust," can be answered with a single word: "No!"CONTINUED

    (5) The Problems of Mass Gassing
    • EXCERPT "The Vatican and Red Cross interviewed thousands of freed camp inmates at the end of the War about alleged gas chambers. The response was always the same, "The detainees themselves have not spoken of them" (Red Cross document No. 9925, June 1946). CONTINUED

    (6) “Auschwitz: Myths and Facts”

    EXCERPT “Allied Propaganda

    The Auschwitz gassing story is based in large part on the hearsay statements of former Jewish inmates who did not personally see any actual signs of extermination. Their beliefs are understandable, because rumors about gassings at Auschwitz were widespread. Allied planes dropped large numbers of leaflets, written in Polish and German, on Auschwitz and the surrounding areas which claimed that people were being gassed in the camp. The Auschwitz gassing story, which was an important part of the Allied wartime propaganda effort, was also broadcast to Europe by Allied radio stations. [15] CONTINUED

    15. Nuremberg document NI-11696. NMT "green series," Vol. 8, p. 606.

    (7) “The Holocaust Myth”
  22. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Thanks for the good wishes; I hope that you had a great Hanukkah.

    I'm not familiar with the source you cited & couldn't access it but I don't think that it's possible to make estimates like that without even knowing the size of the room, the details of the procedure, the ventilation capacity, and even the time needed for cleaning the floor.

    Additionally, the author of the source you showed doesn't seem to know how much space 2000 people take up

    Again, I know nothing about your source and feel that the number and scope of massacres committed by the Germans was no greater than the Poles,(1) Ukrainians, rival Communists who could kill off anyone and blame the Germans like Katyn.

    The folks that maintain that 6 million Jews were murdered during Hitlers rule used to focus on the German run work camps as where the majority of Jews were murdered. However after decades of searching the camps, very few human remains have been found so to still claim that 6 million had been killed we have books like "Holocaust by Bullets" where the evidence is as unverifiable and nebulous.

    I don't know about your unit but IDF, in general, has a pretty dismal reputation for human rights violations:

    - “Video Shows IDF Snipers Shooting Palestinian Children For Fun, But Facebook Won’t Let You Share It”

    - "The Israel Massacre Forces"

    EXCERPT "The shooting on the Gaza border shows once again that the killing of Palestinians is accepted in Israel more lightly than the killing of mosquitoes"CONTINUED

    - "Independent investigation details Israel’s deliberate targeting of civilians in Gaza"

    Additionally, Zionist terrorist gangs were among the most ruthless and sadistic ethnic cleansers in modern history yet there were no trials or reparations for mass murder, home, farm, land or property theft.
    In a similar vein, there is no mandatory study of the Nakba in schools, no memorials, no Hollywood movies and rarely a whisper of the Nakba on MSM.

    - “Israeli Massacre Of Deir Yassin”

    EXCERPT “A process of cleaning up the village was, then, conducted by the terrorist groups which included the rape of some women, the cold murder of many Palestinians, and the blowing up of homes. Men and women were lined up against the walls in the main street and executed in cold blood. Members of whole families were murdered in their homes even after surrendering. Girls and women were raped and then murdered. The Zionist terrorists had bayoneted the wombs of Pregnant women and crushed the heads and bodies of dozens of children and babies. This cleanup process continued through the next two days, Saturday and Sunday, and demonstrated the savagery of the Zionist Jewish terrorists.” CONTINUED

    The degree to which the persecuted can so quickly become the persecutors is a tragic irony to someone like me who has spent time both with Holocaust survivors and Nakba survivors. One would think that if a people really suffered as severely as claimed by the Holocaust Industry - Lobby, they would shun the tormenting, persecution and ethnic cleansing of Palestines native residents but, instead, almost half of all Israelis support the same ethnic cleansing they claim to have suffered; so much for the "lessons f the Holocaust."

    - “Nearly half of Israeli Jews believe in ethnic cleansing, survey finds”

    The earliest Red Cross Report (1946) is the most credible because later financial and political pressure from the victors and influential Holocaust Industry - Lobby compelled them to get more in line with the standard Holocaust narrative.
    Even with the outside pressure, I don't believe any Red Cross report mentions "genocide" or "homicidal gas chamber"

    I feel like there are Posts of yours to which I have not yet responded. If so, please tell me where.
    Also, please let me know what's needs further explanation or clarification.


    (1) "1946 US report said ‘Poles persecuted the Jews as vigorously as did the Germans’"

    "Post-war declassified State Department document found long history of Polish anti-Semitism before, during and after Holocaust"


    EXCERPT "A US State Department report from May 15, 1946, found “evidence that Poles persecuted the Jews as vigorously as did the Germans” during the World War II Nazi occupation of Poland.

    The declassified report was distributed Thursday by the Simon Wiesenthal Center, the same day that a Polish law making it a crime to accuse the Polish nation of Nazi-era atrocities took effect. Also Thursday, senior Israeli and Polish diplomats met in Jerusalem in a bid to resolve differences over the law." CONTINUED
  23. zalekbloom

    zalekbloom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 27, 2016
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    As I said – I trust academia, but understand that academia is not always right. There reason I trust academia is not because scientists are smart and honest people – I trust it because of the scientific method – peer review. Scientist needs to prove his/her point.

    Yes, after the war people from German occupied countries hated Germans and many rumors were accepted as the truth, specifically in communist countries, but some rumors were actually true.

    The fact is that Germans brought hundreds of thousands of people to Auschwitz – these people came with suitcases full of clothes and shoes had to leave their clothes and shoes in Auschwitz, children had to leave toys. People who died or been gassed left glasses, so the story about shoes and glasses seems true to me.

    As I said – people who support theories which contradict academia consensus have problem, does not matter if they contradict Holocaust, Global Warming, evolution or support theory that the earth is flat. But still these people have their own papers or they can create an internet pages.

    As to Francois Duprat – we don’t know who killed him, he had many enemies, Jews, communists, opponents of Moise Tshombe or people who accused him of being police informant. So saying that people who oppose standard Holocaust narrative will get fined, locked up, beaten or even murdered is little exaggeration.

    I support the American way – freedom of speech, even to racist or Holocaust deniers.

    Disagree, if someone didn’t write about gas chambers it only proved he didn’t write about gas chambers. If they didn’t write about the rape of German women by Russian soldiers, it only proves they didn’t write about the rape of German women by Russian soldiers.

    I think the code for killing Jews was ‘the final solution’.

    The above site does not exist, but I read that some Germans were punished for robbing Jews. The official accusation was robbing of government property and criminal behavior.

    Yes, German soldiers were very disciplined AND THEY FOLLOWED ANY ORDER, also orders to kill civilians.

    Revenge killing may involve few of hundred of partisans, but German soldiers killed tens of thousands, including women and children. There are documents left by Einsatzgruppen like "Einsatzgruppen report":


    From this site tabs “Technical Reports”, “Short videos”, “Feature length Documentaries”, “Blog pasts” and “About” are not working.

    I didn’t find description why gas chambers wouldn’t work, but if gas chamber could work for cloths disinfection, it could also work for killing people.

    I checked few names from this site, some look like knowledgeable people, but as I said – I trust the academia consensus. Today we have knowledgeable people who have totally different view on Covid-19 – I try to understand arguments, but if I don’t – I would stay with academia consensus.

    Instead to look for detail information I chose the easy way - I asked AI:

    Question: Do we have any German documents which mention gas chambers for killing people during wwii?
    Answer: Yes, there are several German documents that mention the use of gas chambers to kill people during World War II. The use of gas chambers as a means of mass murder was a central aspect of the Holocaust, in which millions of Jews, Romani people, homosexuals, disabled individuals, and others were systematically killed by the Nazi regime and its collaborators.One example of a German document that mentions the use of gas chambers is a letter written by SS officer Rudolf Höss, the commandant of Auschwitz, in 1943. In the letter, Höss describes the construction and operation of the gas chambers at Auschwitz in detail, including the use of Zyklon B gas to kill prisoners. Another example is a report written by SS doctor Johann Paul Kremer, who served at Auschwitz in 1942 and 1943. In his report, Kremer mentions visiting the gas chambers and witnessing the killing of prisoners with Zyklon B gas.There are also numerous other documents from various sources that mention the use of gas chambers to kill people during World War II, including documents written by SS officers, camp officials, and prisoners who were held at concentration and extermination camps. These documents provide a clear and detailed record of the horrific acts that were committed using gas chambers during the Holocaust.

    Browsing through the internet I found this information:
    In September 1942, Stangl supervised the building of new, larger gas chambers to augment the existing gas chambers. The new gas chambers became operational in early autumn 1942. It is believed that these death chambers were capable of killing 3,000 people in two hours, and 12,000 to 15,000 victims easily every day,[1] with a maximum capacity of 22,000 deaths in 24 hours

    He was tried in Germany in 1970 and he didn’t deny people were gassed in Sobibor.

    ---------------end of part 1 -----------------------------------------------
  24. zalekbloom

    zalekbloom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 27, 2016
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    ---------------------- part 2 ------------------------
    As to AI: https://chat.openai.com/chat
    I found it very useful. It is free, but in order to use it you need to register - IMHO it is worth. It is not foolproof, I found sometimes it gives incorrect information, so always I try to verify it against the web. And you can ask it any question, even to write a poem. Sometimes I am asking AI how to fix computer errors.

    As to gas chambers - I am not a chemistry specialist, but I think it is not a rocket science to calculate how much cyclone-b you need to kill specific number of people in a given space, in specific time and how much time you need to ventilate the chamber after the killing. As far as I know the first experiments with gas chambers were done on Russian POW – the result of this experiments for sure were saved.

    I think it is irrelevant in our discussion how many Germans were killed by Russian, Poles or Ukrainians, specially because during WWII Russian, Poles or Ukrainians could kill only German soldiers. Germans killed also women and children.
    If there is any evidence – all crimes should be persecuted, does not matter if criminals were Jews, Russian, Poles or Ukrainians.
    As far as I remember in Katyn Russians killed about 20 thousand Polish officers.

    Israelis are like other people, there are some good and some bad, the same as in other countries. I agree that Israelis have very bad reputation – which proves Jews do not control the world media. If you look how police treats Blacks in the US – and there are tons of videos to prove it, you have to come to conclusion that the US police have worse reputation than IDF. I don’t want to defend inhumane behavior IDF or US police, each crime should be punished and again – it has nothing to do with shooting innocent men, women and children by Germans.

    I think you don’t know the modern history. In Dir Yassin Jews killed about 100 Palestinians, in May Lay in Vietnam Americans killed more than 300 civilians, in Srebrenica Serbs killed more than 8000 people, in Rwanda more than 500 thousands were killed, in 1947 in Kashmir 20-100 thousand people were killed, in both Chechnya wars Russians killed over 100 thousand Chechnyans, in Syrian in 1982 in Hama massacre more than 20 thousand people were killed, in the current civil war in Syria more than a half million people were killed and I can quote more - so question is why Jews were called the most ruthless and sadistic ethnic cleansers in modern history? I think from the same reason – an ancient tradition. For years Jews are called Christ killers, communists, capitalists, rulers of the media and more.
    In 1948 UN decided to divide Palestine to Jewish and Arab parts, Jews agreed and Arab not, Arab countries and Palestinian attacked new Jewish country, there was a war and Arab lost. Arabs expelled ALL Jews from their territories and Jews only from territories which they consider strategic – and the rest is history.

    No doubt there are Jews who would love to see all Arabs expelled, but I cannot believe 50% believe it. Here is what the research says:
    A study carried out by the Pew Research Centre found that around one in five adults questioned “strongly agreed” with the controversial statement, which amounts to ethnic cleansing under some definitions.

    One in five adults means 20%, so I am not sure where they get 50%, maybe they asked children too? Or maybe they count 'weakly agree' - and what 'weakly agree means'.

    And what Arabs think about the Jewish state? Here is a part of an old Hamas charter:
    From Hamas charter:
    The Day of Judgment will not come until Muslims fight the Jews, when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say, 'O Muslim, O servant of God, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.' Only the Gharkad tree would not do that, because it is one of the trees of the Jews.

    The site http://www.searchforthetruth.co.uk/holocaust does not exist. Didn’t find memo/order #31/48 on Oct. 1, 1948 signed by Major Miller of the Allied Military Police, but I found some Holocaust deniers site mention it.

    I don’t see any problem, people from trains were surrounded by armed soldiers with dogs, were told they are going to take a shower, they entered shower room – and the end. Crematories were built to burn about 2000 bodies per session, 2 sessions/day means 4000 bodies a day – sound very credible for me.
    As I said – I trust the academia consensus, I don’t see a reason to suspect all world academia and German courts for any conspiracy. The fact that Auschwitz had crematories which were able to burn 4000 bodies a day, that trains brought hundreds of thousands people to Auschwitz, that in late 1944 Heinrich Himmler ordered to stop killing Jews and to hide evidence of Nazi crimes, all these convince me to believe Germans gassed Jews in Auschwitz.

    And not only in Auschwitz, also in Treblinka:




    Anyway - Happy New Year!
  25. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    This only shows Elon Musk is a poor leader by flip flopping around with rules and giving it a spin to justify it all.

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