Kathy Griffin jokes in France 1774-1799

Discussion in 'Humor & Satire' started by Phil, Jun 6, 2017.

  1. Phil

    Phil Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2012
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    Jokes someone like Kathy Griffin might have said in France in the years 1774-1799 (not quite in chronological order):
    Marie Antoinette says she was misquoted with that "Let them eat cake" line. What she really said was, "Let them eat their own poop."
    Why did Marie Antoinette marry Prince Louis? Because she already slept with ever nobleman in Austria and Hungary.
    Of course some of them weren't really noblemen. They were faking. Most of the time, so was she.
    Louis XVI lost the throne. He wasn't removed. He just took a long walk one day and couldn't find the throne again.
    What's the difference between a prisoner in the Bastille and a bastard? That's not a joke. I don't know.
    Have any of you women ever said no to Sieyes?
    What's under your Robes, pierre?
    If that young soldier Napoleon Bonaparte comes near me he'll get a boner.
    Madame Pompidour's hair is up so high now they found a homeless man in it last week.
    I wonder how high her pubic hair stands up.
    Louis XV, Louis XVI, Louis XVII. That's how Josephine Beauharnois counts her lovers.
    They chopped of Monsiour Beauharnois' head. Now Josephine will just be committing fornication, not adultery.
    King Louis was overthrown. King George is losing his mind. Queen Catherine's been sick. King Charles in Spain might take over Europe soon if he can lay off the Bourbon.
    They're dividing Poland in 3 pieces. I know some people who should be cut in 3 pieces.
    Marat has to take baths all the time for some type of skin disease. Let's boil all the skin off!
    Marat has been receiving women in his bedroom for years, but he made a mistake letting one in his bathroom.
    They even chopped Lavoisier's head off. He's the guy who discovered oxygen. Now it can go directly into his lungs.
    Those Americans know what they're doing! No king. George Washington only gets 4 years to make everyone sick of him.
    Thomas Jefferson's replacing Benjamin Franklin as Ambassador. That puts 25 prostitutes out of work.
    Of course Benjamin Franklin was so fat it took at least 3 women at a time to keep him happy.
    Jefferson likes his women dark and in chains, kind of like our Casanova the Marquis de Sade.
    The Marquis de Lafayette. I don't have any jokes about him but at least I get to hear one laugh before I go.
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