Legal Victory for 9/11 Families: Families sue Saudi Arabia, wants Top Secret 9/11 & FBI Reports declassified Read more: Follow us: [MENTION=520]BenS[/MENTION]wann_ on Twitter
Oh yeh! if it can support a genuine substantive discovery into US actions and nonactions the (*)(*)(*)(*) will so hit the fan!
You agree then that the attacks came from al Qaida and their 19 hijackers. Good. That's a step in the right direction.
No, it's a step in the direction of a lie, because the 19 hijackers very clearly did not work for al Qaeda. The links to Saudi Arabia are links to Saudi intelligence services. In fact, the house that some of the hijackers stayed in has direct links to Saudi intelligence. Equally, much of the funding for the operation can be traced back as far as a colonel in the Pakistani ISI. Incidentally, the US authorities permitted this colonel to be internally transferred rather than question him about financing the operation. I have no doubt that if the links are followed to their source, they will eventually arrive back at Israeli intelligence, and the American politicians who authorised them to commit this horrific crime.
What happened on 9/11 was clearly an intelligence backed terrorist operation. Merry Christmas Lonestar.
Yeah, the pressure is amping up. There are a lot of people who want to read those 28 pages of classified documents.
Yeah, Merry Christmas to you too. The truth is not a fairy tale. The 9/11 attacks are serious in nature. The cover up is even more serious. The documents they are hiding point to who was behind the attacks. BrowardBulldog
But it wasn't done by hijackers; it was a US government black operation. "September 11 - The New Pearl Harbor" - Full version
Those are fantastic documentaries on 9/11 truth. Thanks for posting them. The relationship between Saudi Arabia and the U.S. government was very close on 9/11.
So your girlfriends boyfriend tole ya so? Okay. The rest of us should just "believe" whatever you say. Personally, I'm waiting on the declassification of the document.
No they didn't have links to Saudi intelligence.. Saudis have easily gotten US visas since the 1950s because so many were sent to the US to study.. like preferential status. So if you want a US visa, you fake Saudi ID... and go to the consulate in Jeddah or Riyadh. Some of the highjackers were Saudis, but there are six that used phony IDs and no one knows their nationalities or even their real names. Princess Haifa was funding a family of 6 in San Deigo.. and the wife had serious breast cancer.. She wasn't funding terrorists. She is however, very active in charities for cripple children and continuing education for women.. She was/is the head of the Breast Cancer Foundation in KSA.. She is a lovely woman who is being unjustly accused. Time to release the 28 redacted pages......... The Saudis have asked for that for a decade now.
What did he tell you about the five Israeli spies caught after celebrating plane crashes they should have been completely unaware of the origin of? Touring Rabbi punk band?
I am not promoting anything about 9/11. I am asking questions. Some of the questions I have asked are too tough for the truth debunkers to answer. They keep changing the subject.