Moses, Jesus Christ, Einstein and Hawking ...after them who/what could be next.

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by polscie, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. polscie

    polscie New Member

    Mar 31, 2009
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    Moses = 10 commandments = guiding rules.
    Jesus Christ = Leader

    Einstein = Theorist
    Hawking = Physicist, Subscriber

    Long after this homo sapiens, Man started to create,
    name and label.

    Man created the story of moses and jesus christ
    and made a book called The bible to serve as a
    universal rule or law to guide Man.

    And then Man got through with his business with
    the surface of the earth, Man started to go to the

    Enter.... Einstein. The theory of relativity. Time
    and on so forth.

    Then Man has Hawking as a die hard subscriber of
    theories related to the work and beliefs of Einstein.

    And so after moses, jc. einstein or let me include who could be next after say 100
    or 200 years?

    Everything, all that we have is purely Man-made.
    Man-made to put himself in an order that is so
    self serving
    to the interests of the very few and privileged.

    Nothing is so complex or comprehensive about
    the evolution taking place to this species.

    It is just The Master calling
    all the self serving shots
    to his Slaves.

    Man is just making a political,
    economic, cultural and social
    on day-to-day basis.

    Moses and jc are both lies.
    One day einstein will become obsolete.

    Hawking is stupid in his belief in time travel.
  2. Bishadi

    Bishadi Banned

    Apr 26, 2010
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    book of the dead (egypt) 'the commands'

    jesus brought injil, 6 commands (mark 10:19) , forgiveness (each can)
    and then the last word: name of the boss

    a paradigm shift in comprehending nature.

    Then the whole understanding of life, is comprehended by nature (mankind) itself.

    ie.... the pinnacle of evolution being existence comprehending itself (by us/conscious life)

    it's actually kind of 'stupid easy' if you think about it.

    MAYTAG Active Member

    May 28, 2010
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    I think the master/slave dynamic will always exist in humanity. As long as there are people too weak to carve out a niche for themselves, those people will complain about the ones who do, and whine about being their slaves. Even today in America, where every person has access to a free college educatio (paid for by taxes gathered from the wealthy), people still claim to be slaves to the wealthy. It is clear, we can give them the world, they will squander the world, and then complain about being slaves.

    I wonder what it will do to our species in the future now that propping up the least fit and paying for their offspring has become systematic. Half the population does not even have value as slaves because they will not work. What a disaster we are rushing towards. I weep for the future of our species.
  4. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    Like the Energizer Bunny, he keeps going, and going, and going...
    Stephen Hawking discharged from Rome hospital
    December 3, 2016 - British physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking was discharged from hospital on Saturday after two days of checks, the Rome-based hospital said.
  5. jrr777

    jrr777 Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2015
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    What did Einstein or Hawkins do for the poor, the ill, and the faithless? They did nothing! Rather enjoyed their luxurious life with riches, while others suffered dramatically. This is why a camel has a better chance of walking through the eye of a needle, than a rich man does entering into heaven. How could somebody have loads of money, and yet do nothing to help others, rather do whatever they can to add to their riches? This is greed, selfishness, pride, and unrighteousness.

    It's funny how everybody claims Jesus is a story or myth. Yet He is the most popular man in the entire history of mankind!!! Evil wants to destroy Him, evil uses lies and deceptions to do so. Such as Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny. Both taking the place of days for Jesus Christ. Young children being taught a lie about Santa Clause, and society excepting that lie even as a tradition. Thou shall not lie. Yet we do this on the Biblical days of Jesus. This should show anybody that evil is most certainly at work in trying to hide or disregard our lord and savior Jesus Christ.

    People have the nerve to tell their kids, "this present is from Santa". Literally lying to their child about something that doesn't even exist. And then turn around and tell them someone who did exist, never did. How pathetic.

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