
Discussion in 'Asia' started by reedak, Dec 16, 2018.

  1. reedak

    reedak Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2009
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    1. The following are excerpts from an article headlined "Chronophobia".

    (Begin excerpts)
    Chronophobia is a specific psychological phobia which manifests itself as a persistent, abnormal and unwarranted fear of time or of the passing of time....

    Sufferers may be aware of a vague feeling that events are moving too fast and running away with themselves, and that it is difficult to make sense of the way events are unfolding. Chronophobia is often marked by a sense of derealization in which time seems to speed up or slow down, and some people may develop circular thought patterns, racing thoughts and symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

    Chronophobia is most often experienced by two main groups: the elderly, and by those incarcerated in prison (where it also known as prison neurosis). The elderly tend to have a lot of idle time on their hands, and often time drags very slowly for them. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it is common for old people, particularly those facing terminal illnesses, to be hyper-aware of their imminent death (death anxiety), and this constant threat of death can cause an overwhelming sensation of chronophobia. As people get older, their metabolism and brain functions slow down, making them even more susceptible to chronophobia. Prison inmates also tend to have extensive periods of unstructured time, which may lead them to excessive contemplation of the passing of time, the length of time of their sentence, the number of days remaining until their release, etc. They also typically experience high levels of anxiety and stress due to their circumstances, which puts them especially at risk.... (End excerpts)


    2. Next I am going to discuss an entirely new phobia which is opposite to chronophobia but more destructive and terrifying to the sufferer.

    It can be defined as the persistent, abnormal and unwarranted fear of no future or the irrational feeling that time has come to a halt for the sufferer but moving, even faster, for all other people around him. Everything to the sufferer seems to come to a navarro (a term coined by me to mean "dead end" in an earlier thread). He feels as though he has fallen into Navarro (a term coined by me to mean the deepest part of Hell in an earlier thread).

    You can imagine the phobia of the sufferer, if you had a nightmare in which you were rendered motionless while seeing all other people surging ahead till they were out of sight leaving you alone in the world. Similarly, it is a terrible feeling for a country to have such a feeling of stagnation or growing impotence while the rest of the world are progressing or surging ahead in development.

    In such a phobia, the sufferer tends to be unduly alarmed and overexcited when he sees others planning for the future because he simply sees no future for himself. For instance, when a champion athlete reaches his peak performance, he may have such a phobia. When he finds his rival training very hard day and night, he will make all sorts of weird claims, saying all other athletes "aren’t going to have a future".

    Taking another example, a boxing champion who has reached his physiological limit may develop such a phobia as though time has stopped entirely for him. No matter how hard he trains, he feels that he can never return to his former self or "make himself great again". Hence when he discovers his rival drawing up plans to train for the next boxing match, he will hurl all sorts of wild accusations, saying all other boxers "aren’t going to have a future".

    As a follow-up to the term “navarro” which I coined in an earlier thread, I call the new phobia about “no future” or “stagnation” or “dead end in time” by the name of navarrophobia”.

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