Obama’s People

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by Flanders, Sep 27, 2012.

  1. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    By all accounts at least 50% of American women oppose abortion. That number skyrockets when you add in taxpayer-funded abortions on demand, yet the press tells us Hussein has the female vote sewed up. That is not possible. The best Hussein can get is 40% and that’s assuming 40% of American women are hardcore Democrats. Forty percent is generous based largely on this:

    It’s safe to say most women do not vote on the abortion issue alone, but base their vote on how they and their sisters are doing overall. If women vote on a combination of Hussein’s economic policies he’ll play hell getting 40%. Throw in foreign policy and he will be lucky if he gets 5% of the private sector female vote.

    NOTE: Women in the Democrat base, teachers, government employees, labor unions, and so on are part of Hussein’s solid vote. Definitive question in this race: Can those Americans living on tax dollars win without private sector votes? If your answer is “Yes” move the cursor to 2:30 and take Dennis Miller’s advice:


    Now, let’s look at the media’s favorite subdivision; college-educated women. Do they base their vote on the women in Hussein’s administration because they agree with them? Once again Hussein comes up short. I will never believe that college-educated American women are pleased with Janet Napolitano. Ditto well-informed women without a college degree:

    It’s not only Janet Napolitano. Go down the list of women in Hussein’s Administration —— his cabinet, his czarinas, his advisers, his ambassadors and judges, and it’s hard conclude educated American woman want 4 more years of the same. Should they vote for Hussein’s POLICIES & PEOPLE a refund on their expensive educations is overdue.
  2. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    Did you see the short audio video clip of that woman (one of obama's point hags) named stephanie cutter or something like that saying that women don't care about the last 4 years? Only FOX News is showing this clip for obvious reasons. Incredible to think that women in general don't care about the economy and the fact that millions of women have lost their jobs these past 4 years under a hussein administration.
  3. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    To Libhater: Here’s the audio:

    Incidentally, the O’Reilly link in the OP is not working. Here’s Miller’s advice:

  4. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Here’s a working link to Miller’s segment. Move the cursor to 2:10 to hear Miller’s full comment’s:


    Not that O’Reilly avoids using the words parasite, and parasite class.
  5. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    At least one of Hussein’s people is in trouble or should be. Compare Rice to Todd Akin:

    Peter King calls for Susan Rice’s resignation
    By BOBBY CERVANTES | 9/28/12 6:44 PM EDT Updated: 9/28/12 11:09 PM EDT


    Rice deliberately lied about 4 murdered Americans, while Akin misspoke. He said “legitimate rape” instead of saying legally defined rape. Voters in Missouri will decide Akin’s political fate. The media will decide if Susan Rice stays in her job and in government. My guess is that she will land in a soft spot in the academy no matter what happens.
  6. mamooth

    mamooth Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Women support Democrats because Democratic policies favor women more.

    It really is that simple. These desperate deflections and red herrings aren't helping the Republicans. If Republicans want more support from women, they need to change their policies.
  7. Captain America

    Captain America New Member

    Jul 25, 2012
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    By ALL accounts?

    The polls asks a question that other pollsters have not been asking and that Stone thinks is critical to testing public sentiment: who should decide whether or not a woman has an abortion.

    "Regardless of how you personally feel about the issue of abortion," the polls, which surveyed 1,000 adults, asks, "who do you believe should have the right to make that decision regarding whether to have an abortion…should the woman, her family and her doctor make the decision or should the government make the decision?"

    Predictably, 89 percent of Democrats believed "strongly" that the woman should decide.

    More remarkably, 71 percent of Republicans and 80 percent of independents also believed strongly that the woman should decide. An additional 10 percent of Republicans believed "not strongly" that the woman should decide, and a total of 81 percent who identified as "pro-life" responded that the woman should decide.
    <snip> http://www.trust.org/trustlaw/news/voters-let-women-decide-in-recent-abortion-poll

    Gallup ( a traditionally right leaning pollster) reports that as of May, 2012, 77% of women approved of abortion under any or certain circumstances with only 20% opposing abortion under any circumstance. http://www.gallup.com/poll/1576/abortion.aspx

    Regardless, Obama has a huge lead amongst women due to their positions on women's healthcare, particularly abortion. If as many people as you wanted us to believe supported the repeal of abortion rights would not the scale be tipped in the other direction?
  8. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    To mamooth & Captain America: For decades the infanticide crowd sold the story that a majority of WOMEN were in favor of all abortions on demand. Failing to sell that story they settled for a fifty-fifty split. That has been the accepted split for quite some time.

    Who decides has been the biggest red herring of all. The problem for liberals is that they don&#8217;t like it when a woman decides to have the baby. Example: Sarah Palin deciding to have Trig knowing he would be born with Down syndrom is why liberals so hate her. I am certain liberals would have been far less venomous had Sarah aborted Trig.

    &#8220;Choice&#8221; was another sales pitch liberals used to disguise their culture of death. By choice they meant American women would have the same choice as China&#8217;s women.

    For all of the lies liberals told since 7 lawyers decriminalized infanticide John Kerry finally told the truth behind abortion in his losing run for president:

    Crooked thought
    William F. Buckley
    February 26, 2004


    As to your poll, Captain America, I&#8217;ll offer these two:

    This one cites a Gallup poll as well as covering the Planned Parenthood-Komen Foundation story that showed media support for abortions on demand PAID FOR WITH TAX DOLLARS:

  9. mamooth

    mamooth Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Someone is being hateful and venomous here, but it's never been the liberals.

    You weren't reasoned into your position, so you can't be reasoned out of it, so there's no further point in trying. We'll just smile and walk away, leaving you to yourself, raving some insanity that gives you justification to hate those nasty liberals. Congratulations on so decisively defeating the cartoon liberals that only exist in your imagination.
  10. Captain America

    Captain America New Member

    Jul 25, 2012
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    No kidding. That was some really crazy stuff, hey?

    But, for the record, I am "pro-life" too. I am just a bit more reasonable about it and don't feel the need to persuade others by using falsehoods and half--truths. I stood responsible for my offspring. In the "perfect" world, everyone else would too. Unfortunantly, it is not a perfect world.

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