Obama's two terms: success or failure?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Latherty, Jan 24, 2017.


How do you rate Mr Obama's performance as POTUS?

Poll closed Jan 31, 2017.
  1. Great

  2. Good / solid performance

  3. Average / unremarkable

  4. Bad / underperformed

  5. Unmitigated disaster

  1. Latherty

    Latherty Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2008
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    Well, we've had some eight years, so what do we think of Mr Barack Obama's two terms as POTUS:
  2. Latherty

    Latherty Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2008
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    I voted that he was a great president.

    Firstly because he inherited a crisis economic situation and steered it expertly back to stabilization, outperforming OECD even though the USA was the source of the crisis.

    Secondly, because he was a gifted orator. However, he never got the "clincher" rhetorical line that would embed him in history (ie "ask not what your country can do for you...", "The nine most terrifying words in the English language... ", "government of the people, by the people, for the people.."). Ironically, it might be his "zig-zag" line: "We zig and zag and sometimes we move in ways that some people think is forward and others think is moving back. And that's OK." that might be his historical bookmark - not for any particularly powerful rhetorical construction, but for the wide practical application of the principle.

    Thirdly, because he was the first non-white president. Its really unfair and racist that this counts, but it does nonetheless count. His presidency marks a distinct line in the annals of US history, and will always be remembered for such.

    Finally, for instituting universal health care. Trump is going to restructure it, but the underlying nature of universality would now appear to be established.

    There might be some wrangling about his dealings with Syria, Iraq, Israel, Ukraine or otherwise, but there wasn't a significant terrorist attack in the US during his watch so I reckon his reputation regarding foreign matters will escape any long-term fall-out.
  3. lemmiwinx

    lemmiwinx Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 29, 2016
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    He kept us out of war in Somalia and Chicago. Murder rates were up a bit but no special ops troops had to be deployed.
  4. gc17

    gc17 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 7, 2016
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    Point 1, any 2nd year economics major could 'steer' the economy to some semblance of a 2.0% gdp with historically low interest rates and a trillion dollar check in his pocket.
    Point 2, He does have his catch line that will live forever in American history, "You can keep your Doctor".
    Point3, Orlando 49 dead, San Bernardino 16 dead, Fort Hood 12 dead. Those are major attacks in the minds of millions, especially for the 77 families of the victims.
  5. AKS

    AKS Banned

    Jun 20, 2010
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    He was bad. The ACA was exactly as harmful as predicted. But on balance.. It could have been worse.
  6. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    Granny says his first term was good...
    ... but he screwed it up inna 2nd term...

    ... an' dat's why he didn't get nominated fer a 3rd term.

    Uncle Ferd says he screwed it up with Obamacare inna first term...

    ... an' he tried to make up fer it inna 2nd term...

    ... but he ran outta time an' didn't get nominated fer a 3rd term.
  7. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    No question that President Obama's 8 years in the White House were a resounding success.

    His haters, of course, prefer that he extended traitor Bush's Great Recession and create another war. But that is because they hate America and want the nation to fail, just like their ideology and all they stand for.
  8. slackercruster

    slackercruster Banned

    Feb 14, 2011
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    Didn't vote. Depends on what side of the fence you are on.

    If you are queer you are loving the homosexual agenda of Obama. If you don't go in for 2 hairy homosexuals swapping spit in front of you kid and saying 'I do' as a hairy husband and wife, then you hate Obamas destruction of American values.

    I will say Obama has done a great job at making America what it is today...a confused society where they think a man with a penis is a woman and criminals here illegally are law abiding immigrants. The brainwashed Obama devotees think Islam is a religion of peace and our borders should come down and people be allowed to come and go at will.

    You tell the dems, this person is not an immigrant, they are a illegal alien. Or you try to tell them that is a man, he has a penis, he is not a woman. You point out the atrocities of Islam, how they throw acid in women's faces, cut their noses and ears off, behead people they don't agree with, stone girls to death that they say dishonor the family or behead a woman for going out of the house alone and on and on.

    The dems will say no, you're wrong. That is not a criminal, that is a legal immigrant. The borders should be open, we don't want any borders. The dems tell us Islam is a peace loving religion, you reps are Islamophobic and full of hate. And that is not a man with the penis, it is a woman.

    ...this is the legacy Obama has given us.
  9. SillyAmerican

    SillyAmerican Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2016
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    Okay, I'll chime in with a vote for bad / underperformed.

    The reasons are as follows:

    The plusses? He is a gifted orator, and he was elected the first black president, which represents an important barrier that was broken through.

    The neutrals? A lackluster economy throughout his tenure, and a so-so record on his response to terrorism (he can take credit for removing Bin Laden, but he has to also take credit for allowing ISIS to expand unnecessarily).

    The minuses? On race relations, a complete disaster. (So much could have been done and wasn't). On foreign policy, another complete disaster, with red lines drawn with no consequence to those crossing them, with inadequate responses to foreign hacking (China's known hacking into computers at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation from 2010 until 2013 and the stealing of 22.1 milion records from OPM databases). On law enforcement, a dismal failure (just ask the residents of Chicago). On foreign policy, several questionable items, including being played by Iran (who will end up with a nuclear bomb, just not as quickly, but that's ok because we've given them all kinds of cash that we didn't need to), leaving our friend Israel to fend for herself, letting Syria get away with murder, and causing a general loss of respect by friends and foes alike. Domestic policy? The ACA represents a disaster by not delivering on what was promised (affordable access to healthcare).

    I feel "underperformed" is being a bit generous, but I wouldn't put his tenure anywhere above that...
  10. Latherty

    Latherty Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2008
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    Point 1: Well, George W's MBA didn't prevent him from sending us into a spiralling financial crisis. The vast majority of economic forecasts when Obama took office did not predict such a successful economic recovery, even though the forecasters had significant economics education and experience.
    Point 3: I'm sure you are right in that the impact is significant to the families of the victims. But the impact would be significant to any family that lost a loved one for any reason. The question relates to whether any of the attacks were significant from a national security point of view. Given that the majority of the shooters in these cases were home-grown, the numbers killed are within the parameters of normal psyho-mass-shooter events over the past half-century (Although Orlando was the biggest, Virginia Tech was the second biggest), and had no discernible control from any off-shore organisation, they would not ordinarily be considered historically significant from that standpoint.
  11. gc17

    gc17 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 7, 2016
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    1, the recession was over a few months after O took office. 8 years of gdp under 2.0% you can't defend that when every president before him from the 30's has had at least 1 month of 3% or better.
    2, you somehow missed, you can keep your doctor will live in infamy.
    3, every one of these shooters were on the FBI's radar, was it because of Obama's islam first policy that the FBI didn't act?
  12. Latherty

    Latherty Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2008
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    1. You are conveniently avoiding the period of the Great Depression. George W's economic wreakage was of a similar scale. Comparatively speaking, and considering, Obama steered us very well. Indeed the spiralling recession was not only curtailed but reversed.
    2. Its a non-point either way. He didn't have any rhetorically memorable line.
    3. No, you can't arrest someone just for gun possession. They all were acting legally until they started killing people. The laws are inadequate to the task.
  13. Genius

    Genius Active Member

    Jan 10, 2016
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    He saw his being elected in and of itself the great accomplishment.
  14. PapaGeek

    PapaGeek Member

    Nov 23, 2016
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    I chose Bad / underperformed, but seriously considered Unmitigated disaster.

    My biggest issue with Obama is that I was very hopeful that race relations in our country would greatly improve as minorities saw that color did not matter at all. Instead, and largely because of the way he handled things, race relations are at a 50 year low!

    On top of that he ruled as a dictator, not a president. He constantly used his pen to ignore congress, the constitution, and the law.

    His job as President was to unite our country, the sides are farther apart than ever!
  15. Latherty

    Latherty Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2008
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    What do you think he did wrong in terms of race relations? What actions did he do that caused the decline?
    I'd suggest that the decline in race relations has been due to the ease by which ordinary citizen-witnesses can distribute their testimony online.

    He has been aggressive with congress and law-making, I'll give you that. "Dictator" is a bit hyperbolic, though - he would have been much more "effective" in completing his agenda if he was a dictator. The Congress was exceptionally aggressive with him, mind. Trump will not need to be as aggressive during his first (only?) term because he will have Congress and Senate on-side. But I think Trump is more personally inclined towards dictatorial rule.

    My view is that the polarisation occurred during George W's administration, which lead to unusual levels of blocking tactics by Congress (how many times was the budget held to ransom?). One can't be so obstructionist and then cry when the opposing side reactes accordingly.

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