Political Race Agitation and the Vote

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Gatewood, Apr 12, 2014.

  1. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    (Note: the title really should read something along the lines of Political Race Agitation and Class Warfare and the vote. But Alas there was not enough room in the title block)

    President Obama has decided that the most important issue currently plaguing this nation is voting rights:

    Fair enough. Now the interesting thing is the commentaries section beneath the article in which poster after poster (most of them tearing Obama's race-agitating and class-baiting arguments to shreds, by the way) responded in a variety of interesting ways. Then this one poster (identified as Beth) pointed out something that was veeeeeeeery interesting:

    So pretty much there is already a form of universal identification at use in the United States of America. So Mr. President, can you say "Oooops!"? I'll bet you could if you really tried.

    It's fascinating to watch the current leader of the Democratic Party bitterly clinging to class and race warfare issues that are no longer meaningful issues. This president who by word and deed in his time in office to date has been a relentless divider of the people of this nation rather than any sort of uniter.

    ALSO (one of my pet peeves -- though it's not really all that relevant to this topic) he has kept us engaged in the Afghanistan conflict years past the point in which an ETHICAL president concerned about his nation and its people would have pulled us out of that sink hole of wastage of the lives of military personnel and of taxpayer funds.

    Anyway, this is a president who takes every available opportunity to do the wrong things on every possible issue. Is it by accident? Is he really just that STUPIDLY inept and clueless or is it on purpose? Does he have a nefarious agenda of some sort?

    He's either clumsy and stupid or a nation hater. But then again . . . that's just my opinion . . . :cool:

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