POLL: Ben Carson vs Rand Paul

Discussion in 'Opinion POLLS' started by reallybigjohnson, Sep 24, 2014.


Who Do You Prefer?

  1. Rand Paul

    3 vote(s)
  2. Ben Carson

    0 vote(s)
  1. reallybigjohnson

    reallybigjohnson Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    This is obviously mostly for people who are going to vote GOP although some liberals like Paul because of his anti war stances.

    I was and to a lesser degree still am a Rand Paul supporter. Unfortunately because he has been extremely inconsistent on some issues I am beginning to slowly lose faith in him. Ben Carson seems to be the only other decent candidate so far. Rice looks like she will be working for the NFL so I can't count on her anymore. Obviously this could change in a blink of an eye if someone else jumps in but as of now the two best candidates seem to be Carson and Rand Paul. My only real knock against Carson is that he is a social conservative. However, he isn't the obnoxious overbearing kind that you usually see bloviating on TV talk shows. Issues like abortion and gay marriage are also not dealt with by the Executive so his opinions on those issues don't even really matter to me since they are irrelavent. What say you? Ben Carson or Rand Paul?
  2. Moriah

    Moriah Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2013
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    I say neither is electable. Can you think of anyone else?
  3. reallybigjohnson

    reallybigjohnson Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    As of now no. Might change down the road but I don't see anyone I really like. I liked Herman Cain a lot until he turned out to be a womanizer.
  4. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Neither is going to be the GOP Nominee...for quite simple reasons-

    1. Rand Paul has said things that alienated key GOP voting blocs. Primarily Neo-Cons, the Rapture Ready "Christian Zionists", the pro-Drug War Social Cons, and the Racist Enablers who defend the GOP's policies on voter suppression.

    Rand has criticized or gone against them all at one time or another.

    Ergo, they are all going to be distrustful or even hostile to him as a Primary candidate and vote "Anybody But Rand". Nor will the RNC want a divisive Nominee as Nominee. They won't allow Rand to win.

    2. Ben Carson is a "show candidate".....like Herman Cain or Alan Keyes before him. Carson is being USED by the GOP and Right to try to claim "See? See? We Republicans are diverse. We have a black guy running in our Primaries"....and to also allow racists in the Party to CLAIM they "love and support Carson (as they did Cain, Keyes)".....

    but once in the privacy of the voting booth....vote for a white guy, not the black guy they CLAIMED to "love and support" (as they did Cain, Keyes).

    Like Cain and Keyes, Carson will be cheered and applauded in debates by the Right......receive all this "praise and admiration" on Talk Radio and the rightwingers on the blogs.......and then come in 5th or 6th in Primaries.......and finally bow out by Super Tuesday.....exactly as Herman Cain did, exactly as Alan Keyes did.

    And then like Cain and Keyes.....Ben Carson will find that Sean Hannity isn't returning his phone calls anymore.....some new black Republican is getting the air-time.

    This isn't a criticism of Dr. Carson.....he's being USED.
  5. Moriah

    Moriah Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2013
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    Gorn Captain, I agree with you. And if by some fluke he does look like he might win, watch how fast some scandal from his past will spring onto the 6 o'clock news. Then it will be see ya later, Ben Carson.:roflol:
  6. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Exactly....and naturally the Right and GOP would blame the scandal on "Democrats" and the "Lib'rul Media"....even if it was Fox News discovering a sex tape between Carson and Ann Coulter......"somehow" "the Left' would be blamed for it.

    But actually Carson will just receive an inverse ratio of "claimed support and love"....and ACTUAL votes.....from the Right. About 1 in 5 or 1 in 7. (For every 5-7 rightwingers claiming they "support Carson"....ONE actually votes for him)

    Carson probably takes his candidacy seriously....and believes the "support" he's getting is genuine. We....and the duplicitious guys promoting him to run....know differently.

    The fact is....you won't see a black GOP Nominee for President or even Vice-President for a generation. The Republicans have to wait on a "certain segment" of their voters to die off.

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