Presidential Law

Discussion in 'Immigration' started by Flanders, Jun 16, 2012.

  1. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    I hope Hussein’s amnesty law is not another excuse for Congress to make noise and do-nothing:

    It sounds good until you read the caveat:

    'Obama violating Constitution and oath of office'
    Rep. Steve King prepared to fight immigration 'edict' in court
    Published: 10 hours ago

    http://campaign2012.washingtonexaminer. com/blogs/beltway-confidential/obama-its-right-thing-do/601271

    If the GOP leadership won’t oppose the president at the same time the Democrat leadership protects the president there is not much chance anything will be done. The fact that Rep. King doubts his party’s leaders on so clear a matter proves an immediate need for a lot more true Tea Party conservatives in Congress.

    Aside from a possible legal challenge Hussein should be called out on his excuse for bypassing Congress: “It is the best thing to do for the American people.”

    Hussein is lying through his teeth AGAIN. He never does what is best for the American people. He never has and he never will. Open borders is best for the UNIC (United Nations/International Community). He knows it, I know it, and so does every American know it —— including his supporters. He does the things he does because he knows that all-powerful global government forces will protect him.

    Make no mistake about this. Increasing the president’s authority is behind everything presidents do. They know that the New World Order crowd will never let Congress, or the Court, diminish presidential authority. The reason is obvious. One man with all of the authority is unstoppable in the march to global government; whereas, relying on a majority in both houses of Congress is uncertain under ideal conditions. The plan has been: Empower the presidency and neuter Congress. Hussein’s amnesty law is the biggest bite out of the apple to date.

    Just once I’d like to hear the liar say “To hell with the American people.” His pal and pastor Jeremiah Wright had no problem saying worse while Hussein sat and listened to him for 20 years.

    Incidentally, I give left-handed credit to guys like Jeremiah Wright, Al Sharpton, Calypso Louie Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson and all religion hustlers. Preaching hatred alone never lasts very long. To have staying power the sermons must incorporate love. Hustlers successfully balance preaching love with preaching hate.

    Basically, successful black hustlers all master the same technique. I suspect they learn it in divinity school for con artists: “We’s all God’s chillun. We gots to love everyone —— xceppin’ dem white debels.”

    The love/hate message gave a few black hustlers some indirect political power and a lot of money while everybody else got an empty sack with a hole in it.

    Hussein is the most successful race hustler of all because he acquired enormous direct political power by combining those techniques common among religion hustlers and racists. Claiming he is doing the right thing for the American people while advancing socialism’s tenacious hatred is a masterstroke of misdirection.

    Lest I be called a racist, let me remind everyone that at one time or another priests in every major religion have preached their particular brand of hatred disguised as love. You must hate a despised group in order to love everyone is the way it usually went. Torquemada and his fellows during the Spanish Inquisition is probably the best-known example. Race hatred is the only thing that has been added to the age-old formula. Bottom line: Racism was not seen or recorded until the twentieth century. Racism is an invented sin turned into a crime.

    Finally, Hussein is trying to turn his amnesty law into a moral issue. The kids are not to blame so they should not be deported. Okay, wait until they are adults then deport them. Let them grow up knowing they will be deported once they are old enough to take care of themselves in their homelands. They can then put their names on the list of immigrants waiting to come here legally. If an illegal alien is still a child deport the parents. Presumably, the parents will take the kid(s) with them. Put the onus on the lawbreakers where it belongs.

    Let me add that the number of legal immigrants allowed in from Mexico ONLY should be increased dramatically. Mexicans are neighbors and should be given special consideration LEGALLY.
    waltky and (deleted member) like this.
  2. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    Obama gonna stack the election in his favor by lettin' dem Hispexicans vote fer him...
    Obama’s Bedfellows: Aligns Himself With Bush, McCain, Corporate CEOs on ‘Immigration Reform’
    June 15, 2012 – President Barack Obama said the executive action to waive deportation of young illegal aliens and grant work permits to them, which his administration announced today, was only a first step, and he linked his actions to both former President George W. Bush and the nation’s CEOs in calling for comprehensive immigration reform legislation from Congress.
    See also:

    Obama Immigration Move ‘Possibly Illegal’
    June 15, 2012 - Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) took to Twitter Friday to attack President Obama’s move to grant effective amnesty to young illegal immigrants
  3. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    New citizens not exactly wild about amnesty for illegals...
    New citizens have mixed feelings about amnesty for illegal immigrants
    2/06/2013 — When Anton Kilpa raised his right hand and became an American citizen Wednesday, the Ukranian chemical engineer did so after five years of flipping burgers, cleaning chimneys and driving trucks while working his way through the complicated citizenship process.
  4. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    Granny says, "Dat's right - he wants to get `em in here so's there'll be more new Democratic voters...
    ICE Agent Reveals Shocking Details About Obama’s Dismantling of Immigration Enforcement
    April 1, 2013 - Chris Crane, president of the National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council 118, made a number of stunning revelations during his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee — and he’s begging Congress for help. The ICE union boss argued that agents are no longer allowed to arrest illegal aliens solely for illegal entry or expired visas and morale is at an all-time low.
  5. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    Obama tryin' to make it easier for illegals to cross border, skirt law...
    Obama’s budget a blow to immigrant enforcers; funding cut for detentions, states
    Thursday, April 11, 2013 - President Obama’s budget would rewrite the federal government’s interior immigration enforcement priorities, cutting funding for states that try to help enforce immigration laws and scaling back the number of immigrants the federal government will detain while they await deportation.

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