Pride is the precursor to arrogance. The most severe sin is being arrogant against God Almighty by rejecting submission and worshipping Him. Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said: “One will not enter Paradise if one has an atom’s weight of arrogance in his/her heart.”
Depends on what you mean by pride. If pride means selfishness, arrogance, and ego, then it's generally not a good thing. Usually, these are compensations for insecurity. But true pride, just feeling content with the results of hard work and accomplishment, and holding oneself to a high standard without putting down others or otherwise being negative is okay.
Submission is pointless, particularly to something which cannot be demonstrated to exist. Worship of anything is silly. Waste of time. Why would an omnipotent being be so insecure that it needs to be worshipped by puny humans? Worship just looks like the desperate act of a being that cannot otherwise come to terms with its own limited existence.
Maybe it doesn’t need you to worship it due to insecurity, maybe it needs you to worship it for your own well being.