Question regarding Censorship Now and Then

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by cristiansoldier, Apr 6, 2021.

  1. cristiansoldier

    cristiansoldier Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2014
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    I have a question for boomers that were around in the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s? Your media sources are that time were TV, newspaper, radio, magazine etc... Which do you believe has a higher level of censorship? Modern social media today or the media of the past. If you submit or say violent, defamatory, racist, remarks to a newspaper letter to editor or classified section or was to say the similar things on a TV or radio interview at that time would they print or air it? From my point of view there seems to be a lot more censorship in the old days then there are now. As a comic collector I remember hearing about the outrage against comic books in the 50s which led to the Comic Book Code authority which had the singular purpose to censor comics. I think the issue may have even been brought up in congress. In the 80s wasn't there censorship and removal of books from schools that portrayed gay parents or gay lifestyle? I am not sure if this happened in the US but I remember hearing about a ban of the bikini in many European countries. Nudity, foul language can been seen in all forms of social media today but I don't recall seeing much on it in newspapers or television of that time. Can we compare the difference in a dating ad in a newspaper in the 60s to what we see online or on apps today? Wasn't there a time when newspapers and TV did not show interracial couples? Could people publicly speak out against religion in the news or print? Didn't television censor Elvis Presley's hips because of his shaking? Today we have Miley Cyrus twerking. I am not trying to troll anyone but you guys were around then so can speak to this better than the current social media generation but do you really think there is more censorship now then there was back then? Was there outrage by the masses back then about censorship at that time? Were politicians and presidents speaking out against the censorship of the time?
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2021

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