Questions for Covid Propaganda Consumers

Discussion in 'Coronavirus Pandemic Discussions' started by RedStater, Sep 13, 2021.

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  1. RedStater

    RedStater Active Member Past Donor

    Nov 5, 2016
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    At this point, I seriously can't comprehend any rational, intelligent, informed person actually believing this has ever been about "public health". The conflicting messages, obviously intentionally packaged the way they are, pale in comparison to the hypocritical actions of the bureaucrats who are attempting to advance their agenda at the cost of our freedom as a people, our individual liberty, our economic prosperity, and of course our national security.

    For those of you who have bought into the narrative being advanced by this sham of an "administration" -- are you really that gullible? Do you not realize that the flood of hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants across our southern border the past eight months are mostly unaffected by the mandates being proposed? Is it any wonder we see the kinds of case spikes along the border region as well as in other locations to which these people have been relocated?

    But let's make sure we blame all the unvaccinated Americans who believe that their personal liberty to manage their own health is theirs - and theirs alone. Let's make sure we demonize people who don't believe it's justifiable to destroy our small businesses, jeopardize our children's education, and change our entire social structure in the futile attempt to eradicate a virus with a 99.7+% survival rate. Yeah - that's an easy train to jump on.

    If the Biden administration cared one bit about public health, why would they not only allow, but actually encourage these people to violate our border, flaunt our laws, relocate themselves wherever they please on the taxpayer's dime, and spread Covid as they "better their lives"?

    Same goes for all those Afghan refugees. How many thousands of people - about whom we know very little - got mixed in with those with Special Immigrant Visa holders? What is their Covid status? Are they decent, respectable people? Do we even know where they all are right now?

    If the Biden administration truly believed vaccination is the crux of the solution to Covid, why didn't they require vaccination before releasing them into our communities? If public health were actually foremost in their thoughts, wouldn't they require vaccination for entry of any kind into our country?

    I’m sure someone is already crying about that being a violation of those poor people’s civil liberties. What about the liberty of our own citizens? Are you OK with this administration actually proposing to force private businesses to comply with what is an unconstitutional “mandate” to deprive American citizens of the right to decide whether they want to trust a hastily-developed inoculation that causes an unnatural response to a virus inside their bodies?

    Follow this mandate or lose your job. Do you have a grasp of what this is? Seriously?

    Does that even register in your partisan thought processes?

    Both sides of the political aisle in our broken two-party system have been failing this country and the American people for decades. No doubt about that. However, what this administration is doing is so far beyond competent, reasonable, sensible governance that it should make everyone deeply concerned if not flat-out alarmed.

    I suspect the majority of you who have bought into this, are not actually this gullible and you fully realize what is taking place - and you're perfectly amenable to the costs associated with advancing your party's ultimate goal. I don't have to tell you what that goal is - you know perfectly well. "By any means necessary" -- and you know that means exactly what it says.

    If you are on-board with the "Biden agenda" and honestly don't realize what is taking place, you seriously must be one uninformed propaganda consumer. To be that blissfully detached is incomprehensible.

    Democrats used to keep their tyrannical Leftist underpinnings at least slightly hidden -- but now it's right here in all our faces. How much longer are we going to ignore this obvious and despicable subversion of our national sovereignty?

    This assault on our system is 100% directed toward creating a situation in our country in which American citizens' rights and privileges are put on the back burner in order to introduce as many future dependent Democrat voters into our midst to cement their ability to remain in power.

    To even attempt to deny this is not even in the realm of sensible thought anymore.
    Eleuthera likes this.
  2. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Much, about half maybe, of the herd is still in full stampede.

    The other half has come to their senses for the most part.

    The serious trouble is that world governments including the one in DC are pushing the fear agenda. Fear, ignorance and superstition drive the masses, encouraged and delivered by mainstream media.

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