Reasonable talking heads in the USA media

Discussion in 'Media & Commentators' started by dudeman, Mar 25, 2012.

  1. dudeman

    dudeman New Member

    Apr 16, 2006
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    I often change the channel when main-stream liberal freaks like Anderson Cooper, Soledad O’brien, Brian Williams and Ariana Huffington talk on television shows as their positions are “Kool-aid based” (i.e. stated as mantra without critical thought about applicability to the current circumstance). Unacceptably bizarre weirdos include Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow and Bob Beckel.

    I also find many conservatives difficult to listen to or watch due to their abusive style towards their guests (i.e. Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh).

    I’ve compiled a list of what I determine to be some acceptable liberals based upon their intellectual capacity to defend an argument without name-calling, talking over their guests with opposing points of view and their capacity to understand that money is finite.

    Tolerable liberals:
    1. Ralph Nader (author, activist)
    2. Kirsten Powers (current Fox News host)
    3. George Stephanopoulos (current ABC host)
    4. Fareed Zakaria (current CNN talk show host)

    Tolerable conservatives:
    1. Joe Kernan (CNBC co-host of “Squawk Box”)
    2. Bernie Goldberg (Fox News commentator)
    3. Dick Morris (Fox News commentator)
    4. Neal Cavuto (Fox News commentator)

    Ideally, the news would only be presented by John Stossel, Judge Andrew Napolitano and Ron Paul. However, the media is what it is.
  2. mikezila

    mikezila New Member

    May 30, 2009
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    Dick Morris is a liberal and Ralph Nader is his generation's Al Gore Jr.

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