Republican AND Christian...? How?

Discussion in 'Political Science' started by Logician0311, Jun 4, 2014.

  1. Ozymandis

    Ozymandis New Member

    Sep 26, 2014
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    Christ would, as a jew, agree that Judaism is a political movement. Christ, as a christian, would agree that Christianity wasnt.
  2. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Uh....Jesus was a JEW...not a Christian.

    And Christianity was/is just as much a Political Movement as Judaism was/is.

  3. Ozymandis

    Ozymandis New Member

    Sep 26, 2014
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    jesus wasn't a christian? He didn't believe himself to be the son of God? He didn't tell Peter that he was starting a church? Paul didn't describe jesus as the head of the church? The vine and we are the branches? Jesus was a subject of the old covenant and made a new covenant. He was both a jew, and a christian.

    You have as little understanding of Christianity as the other guy.
  4. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Jesus was in fact a JEW.


    - - - Updated - - -

    In fact....Jesus was a Jewish rabbi from Galilee.

  5. Ozymandis

    Ozymandis New Member

    Sep 26, 2014
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    I just... really... do you not get this? Let me illustrate for you.

    Let's say you finance a car. Then you finance your house. You entered an agreement about your car, then you entered an agreement about your house. Follow me so far?

    Ok, so which agreement are you a party to? The old agreement, or the new agreement? If you don't say "both", I'm going to (*)(*)(*)(*), right here right now.
  6. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Bad analogy.

    In this case....a Jewish man...and a variant of the religion he follows and thus....his themselves Christian's as they inaptly name this Rabbi....Christ...or King.

  7. Ozymandis

    Ozymandis New Member

    Sep 26, 2014
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    The people God on earth chose to teach were chosen incorrectly? That's your explanation for the reason that Christ wasn't christian?

    I respect your beliefs. Still, this isn't how christians see it. Right or wrong, this is how christians believe, and why they vote the way they do (I'm obliged to put "generally speaking" here lest some harpy swoop down with "NOT ALL OF THE BELIEVE THAT"). You can say you don't see it that way, but this isn't the topic to explain to you why you are wrong. In any case, read the last chapter of like and the first of acts. If christianity can be said to believe the bible, they rightly believe that the Christ is the head of the church. To say he isn't a christian.... silly.

    Anywya, I ended up doing what I said I wasn't going to do, give a lesson in religion to a group of people who already ostensibly know I'm wrong with such assured conviction that my words are a complete waste of time.
  8. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    I am AGNOSTIC...and I do not use my beliefs to post but rather facts.

    A person cannot FOLLOW THEMSELF...thus Jesus cannot be a Christian.

    Those who followed his teachings are Christians.

  9. Ozymandis

    Ozymandis New Member

    Sep 26, 2014
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    Jesus followed his own teachings. He was even baptized. He believed he was the messiah, he followed his teachings, he was baptized. He is part of the Christian church (it's head). When we become christians, we are part of his body. He was party and initiator to the new covenant.

    This is like saying Darwin wasn't a darwinist, Buddha wasn't a buddhist, Margaret thatcher wasn't a thatcherist, Augustus want a part of the Roman empire, or Kermit the frog wasn't a muppet. I've spent enough time explaining this.
  10. Phil

    Phil Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2012
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    Thou shalt not kill
    Democrats unanymously support abortion (killing).
    Thou shalt not steal
    Democrats advocate stealing money (lots from the wealthy but some from all) to finance their agenda of killing babies.
    Thou shalt not commit adultery
    Democrats include the monstrous adulteries of Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Gary Hart, Al Gore, John Kennedy, Franklin Roosevelt and John Edwards.
    Thou shalt not bear false witness.
    Democrats lie about all opponents and their false agendas.
    Thou shalt not covet.
    Democrats obviously covet the wealth of the country just as they once coveted (and plundered) the wealth of Mexico.
  11. Logician0311

    Logician0311 Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2013
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    This goes back to the OP...
    How is it possible to claim you follow the tenants of Christianity (valuing "charity, kindness, forgiveness, compassion, etc."), while supporting a political party that fights against all of these values?
  12. Logician0311

    Logician0311 Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2013
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    You're assuming that a embryo is a living person. Would you like me to provide a list of Biblical references that say that's a faulty assumption?

    First of all, you have yet to demonstrate that there is any "agenda of killing babies".
    Secondly, please demonstrate what theft you are talking about.... Are you talking about taxes?

    Are you seriously saying that Democrats commit adultery more frequently than Republicans?! :roflol:

    Please provide an example. While you're at it, please explain where the "Obamacare death panels" went, and where the WMDs in Iraq went.

    Democrats overwhelmingly voted to get big money out of politics... It was Republicans who overwhelmingly voted to continue allowing the wealthy to buy their votes!
  13. Ozymandis

    Ozymandis New Member

    Sep 26, 2014
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    Because I don't agree that they do. Like I explained with redistribution, it doesn't help the poor, and I don't feel christianity empowers me to decide where other people's money should go.
  14. Ozymandis

    Ozymandis New Member

    Sep 26, 2014
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    More big money goes to democrats than republicans. Demo may have voted for increased regulation, but on their terms.
  15. Logician0311

    Logician0311 Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2013
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    Let's look at a specific example of a politically partisan issue: raising the minimum wage. First, we can look at it from an economic standpoint:

    - Let's imagine a single individual has $1million, and chooses to spend it in our local economy (rather than overseas)... Perhaps he purchases four very expensive cars, for example. That individual will only be driving one car at a time, so will only purchase fuel and get vehicles serviced commensurate with the amount of driving that single person does.

    - If that same $1million is distributed amongst 100 people (in the form of a wage increase), they could each spend $10,000 on a new car. That would be 100 tanks of gas being purchased on a regular basis, 100 times the number of cars being serviced regularly, etc... Clearly, the same level of money creates more work (and therefore more jobs) if it is distributed over a broad base than if it is in the hands of a single individual.​

    Now we can look at the same issue from the viewpoint of Christianity:

    How do you believe Christianity empowers you to support the individuals who fight in opposition to the message of Jesus?

    - - - Updated - - -

    What are you talking about? What were "their terms" that were unacceptable? Are you even aware of "Citizens United"?
  16. Phil

    Phil Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2012
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    Yes, and so what, since God defends oxen, fruit trees and certain other forms of animals and landmarks. Democrats endorse government funding of abortion and sometimes special protections for abortion clinics.
    Obviously I mean taxes, but overregulation also hurts people from top to bottom of the economy. I'm saying that the biggest heroes in the history of the Democratic Party were notorious killers, adulterers, fornicators and shameless crooks. Republican heroes have been noted for virtue and they've openly shamed the worst of them. Dzokhar Tsarnaev's charges include using a weapon of mass destruction. The bomb killed 3 people and injured about 100, with 100 more claiming injuries when the possibility of making money was involved. Obviously there were weapons in Iraq that could kill 4 people. I think my "What is a WMD?" thread is past 400 views with no replies after17 months.
    The Supreme Court endorses the superpacs and Democrats didn't complain too loudly. Also Obama refuses the Supreme Court's order to give the Guantanamo detainees a fair trial. That's Democratic heresy and you guys should burn him at the stake for it.
  17. Logician0311

    Logician0311 Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2013
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    What the hell are you talking about?
    What does God's alleged defense of random animals, plants and terrain features have to do with anything being discussed?

    How has abortion been funded by Democrats?
    What "special protections" are you talking about?
    Even if this BS was true, please demonstrate where the Bible says an embryo is a living person.

    So you believe that taxes are theft? Perhaps you believe this country would exist, or that your life would be the same, without a military to guard us? Perhaps you don't use roads, or benefit from police and firefighter protection? Maybe you think life would be no different if there were no public education? I guess businesses wouldn't be impacted at all if there was no government (which can't exist without taxes)...

    You clearly don't spend much time considering the implications of your opinions, do you?

    What are you babbling about? Which "heroes" are you talking about?

    Are you totally unaware of the controversy surrounding "Citizens United"? What does this have to do with whether Republican policies align with the "Christian values" you claim to have?

    You mean the same Guantanamo that Bush established on foreign soil to ensure he could violate the Constitution and hold people (including a couple of US citizens) indefinitely without trial? You suddenly become concerned about the legality of that Guantanamo only once a Democrat is in the White House?!
    Besides, what does this have to do with whether Republican policies align with the "Christian values" you claim to have?
  18. Phil

    Phil Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2012
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    If God cares about animals enough to include commands like "don't tear down a fruit tree to make a weapon he certainly cares about unborn humans. I think Psalm 139 is the one that mentions God's specific interest in unborn babies.
    For many years the US government funded abortion clinics in and out of the US. They are non-profit groups so they save on taxes, therefore getting money by keeping it at the expense of other taxpayers.
    I have no problem with the taxes the US imposed on the people as of 1829. Income tax-at the federal level-is unconstitutional as the Supreme Court ruled in 1894. Therefore it became a Constitutional Amendment in 1913. Salaries of government employees were smaller then and should not have increased except in accordance with the cost of living (which would be lower if the federal budget was balanced and much smaller). Obamacare-as Roberts pointed out-is legal only as a tax and also should be a Constitutional Amendment.
    Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren founded the Democratic Party. Jackson killed men in duels, married his wife before her divorce was final, was responsible for the Trail of Tears, ruined the banking system, and was a terrible person. Van Buren was nicer so they drove him out of the Party. Roger Taney was tyrannical with the Supreme Court and his Dred Scott decision caused the Civil War. Grover Cleveland fathered a child out of wedlock. Woodrow Wilson was racist and hypocritical. FDR was an adulterer and manipulator. JFK was a serial adulterer. Lyndon Johnson was a monster. Ted Kennedy killed a mistress. Bill Clinton burned US flags on foreign soil then got worse. Name one virtuous Democrat who died fewer than 15 years ago?
    Incidentally, I'm not a Republican and I've been against Guantanamo from the start and voted for Obama in 2008 hoping those people would get a fair trial. He said, "That's easy!" I want that vote back.
  19. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Look up the definition of Christian.

    This is simply a semantics issue.

  20. Ozymandis

    Ozymandis New Member

    Sep 26, 2014
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    You might be correct.
  21. Logician0311

    Logician0311 Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2013
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    That's got nothing to do with the preservation of fruit trees... That talks about the fallacy of destroying something nourishing to produce something destructive.

    Psalm 139 makes no mention of "God's specific interest in unborn babies"... Here is one that does:
    Oh, and before you mention that this was "before Jesus", let's not pretend that Jesus's teaching somehow made OT law obsolete... After all, in Mark 7:9 Jesus criticizes the Jews for not killing their disobedient children according to Old Testament law.​

    You mean they're non-profit's just like churches? How dastardly! :roll:
    The difference is that these medical facilities (abortion was only one of many services provided) actually helped people.

    You are aware that Obamacare (or the Affordable Care Act), in it's current form, has been deemed constitutional by a very conservative SCOTUS, right?

    See what you just did there? You picked a handful of names (many of which were from an era when Democrats were the conservative party - prior to the Dixiecrats becoming Republicans), and passed judgement on their entire contribution to our political history on the basis of cherry-picked behaviors.
    Who cares if JFK was an adulterer? What qualifies you to "cast the first stone"?

    Besides, are you seriously going to state that the character of Republicans is any more "Christian"?:roflol:

    If you're not a Republican, why are you responding to a this thread attempting to demonstrate how Republicans are Christian?
  22. Phil

    Phil Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2012
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    Exactly, God gives specific commands consistent with both the environmentalist agenda and common sense, hoping that in obeying the letter of the stated law people will use the brains God gave them to extrapolate the proverbs and truisms that follow.
    Have you ever heard of the universal speeding law: safe and reasonable at all times? I tried to use it to contest my last speeding ticket. The judge never heard of it. My point was that if you drive at a safe reasonable speed you will rarely exceed the arbitrary numbers posted and can drive more safely by observing weather and traffic conditions instead of reading annoying signs.
    Hosea was prophesying against the northern kingdom (Israel, sometimes called Samaria) at a time when things were so bad the idea of peaceful annexation by a nearby power might seem attractive. It would have been an improvement except that they'll kill the babies. God respects the unborn. Ancient Assyrians and modern Democrats don't.
    If you wish to make this a parable, I'm like Hosea, an Independent trapped among wayward Republicrats warning them that the babies they find inconvenient today and abort might le4ad to a future in which the babies they want are also killed and themselves in the process.
    God gave permission for parents to execute underproductive adult children. That's permission, not an order, and carried out in public.
    Would you remain friends with a man who just had his lazy 29-year-old son stoned to death? I don't think the ancient Israelites would either.
    Churches are trying to help people into Heaven when they die of old age after a virtuous and abstemious life. Abortion clinics help prostitutes, tramps and the ignorant sin as often as possible and go to Hell.
    I think if you read it you would see Obamacare is only legal as a tax. I might have supported it if it was a simple tax bill like the ones on alcohol or tobacco.
    Can you provide a list of 10 Democrats famous for virtue? 10 Republicans is not hard.
    I've never once been drunk in my whole life,
    I've never even cheated on my wife.
    I've never had a chaw or pinch of snuff.
    I could go on, but I think that's enough.
    If I had been with Jesus on that day.
    I might have kept him talking till everyone went away.
  23. Logician0311

    Logician0311 Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2013
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    I have no idea what this Gish Gallop has to do with the OP.

    I find it somewhat amusing that you believe it would be easy to provide a list of 10 Republicans "famous for virtue"... Please feel free to do so, as long as you pick Republicans whose ideologies align to the contemporary Republican party (since that's the question at hand).

    The only aspect of your post that seems relevant to the topic is your assertion that Democrats enable abortion to occur. This is a 'free will' issue. Democrats are not forcing anyone to have abortions, nor is there any biblical case against early-term abortions.
  24. Phil

    Phil Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2012
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    Those are replies to your last set of questions. In any case, I've revealed plainly that the two minutes I sent in the Democratic Party made me feel dirty. when David Ciccilini shook my hand I felt contaminated. my one date with a practicing Democrat was unsatisfactory.
    Virtuous Republicans include Mitt Romney, Orrin hatch, Jon Huntsman, Rick Santorum,Ron Paul, George W. Bush, Bob Taft, Mike Huckabee, Martin Luther King and William Rehnquist.
    I have good reasons to remain Independent, but if forced to choose between the two-as many are, Democrat is not an option for anyone who takes Christianity seriously.
  25. Logician0311

    Logician0311 Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2013
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    Sounds like your preconceived notions had more to do with that than the individuals involved.

    You've got to be kidding me... The back-flip kid?! Seriously, you have no idea what the guy's positions were and you're calling him "virtuous"?! Isn't this the same has-been who was charged with racketeering?

    Whereas he did act correctly in relation to Memogate - and pointed out significant corruption within the GOP - any claim that this exhonerates him from his defense of those involved int he Iran-Contra scandal would be total BS.

    You mean the guy that was nominated as the US Ambassador to China by Obama, right?

    Even if we ignore the old "rape babies are a gift from God" issue... Isn't that the guy facing a sex scandal regarding a romp he had with some dude named "Isaac"? I guess it would explain why his wife had an affair with an abortion doctor 40 years her senior... No scandals here. :roll:

    This guy is a conspiracy theorist obsessed wth "secret plots" involving bankers, diplomats, the Trilateral Commission, secret plans to merge the US with Mexico and Canada, etc. (He calls it the North American Union.) If that sounds like the kind of stuff that John Birchers and right-wing militia racists say, well, he's very popular in that crowd too. (Read the Stormfront and other neo-Nazi websites if you dare, and you'll see.) I guess it would explain why he's on record as saying he would have voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act...

    Do I even need to touch on this guy's cocaine history, or should I just stick to the fact that he lied to the American people about why he sent thousands of American troops to their death in Iraq?

    Are you talking about the guy who was the first governor in Ohio's history to be convicted of a crime after pleading "no contest"?

    You mean the guy who got a rapist released from prison (who then raped and killed two more women)?
    You mean the 'family values' guy who squelched an investigation when his son tortured and lynched a dog? So much for "personal responsibility", right?

    Clearly you mean MLK Sr, because MLK Jr wasn't a Republican...
    How are the views of MLK Sr aligned with the contemprary Republican party given that he was head of the NAACP chapter in Atlanta and fought for civil rights?

    You mean the Supreme Court Judge who backed Plessy v. Ferguson, which upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation?! Yeah, great guy... if you're a neo-nazi.

    Calling yourself "Independent" while saying that only Republicans are worth voting for illustrates that you are not independent.

    Except that you still have to provide a single example of how the contemporary Republican platform is in any way more aligned with Christianity that the Democratic one...

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