Respectable Citizens not Always Oppose Murder, Racism, and Sexism

Discussion in 'Civil Rights' started by CCitizen, Jul 10, 2021.

  1. CCitizen

    CCitizen Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2014
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    In this nanoessay I describe acceptable unjust practices of Past and Modern Societies. I argue that Respectable Citizens are much more likely to condone socially acceptable unjust practices. Social outcasts are much more likely to reject socially acceptable Injustice.

    By 2021, all English-speaking and much Global Society has been converted to the secular religion of Social Justice. Injustices common in the past are condemned. Those who express formerly common prejudices are subject to the most severe repercussions. Nevertheless, new Injustices and Prejudices are becoming common. Misandry and discrimination against men is widely practiced and acceptable. Men get 63% more time for the same crime. Male victims of Domestic Violence are treated as offenders. Men accused of Sexual Misconduct are presumed guilty by employers and universities. Male-bashing and Misandry are very common on Mainstream Media and Social Media.

    Anyone who speaks against Misandry and anti-male discrimination is subject at least to hostile reaction and at most to loss of career. Liberals cancel anyone who asks for fairness toward men. According to the secular religion of Social Justice, opposing Reverse Discrimination is one of the worst crimes which one can commit. Social Justice Inquisition does not tolerate Heretics. Unlike medieval Church that had an official position of Devil's Advocate, SJWs do not tolerate Dissent even in jest. Conservatives do protest Reverse Discrimination, but their focus is almost entirely on Reverse Racism which is far less common.

    As a result, almost no Respectable Citizen is going to mention gender issues related to men. Almost no Respectable Citizen is willing to lose his/her reputation for defending unpopular victims of Abuse and Discrimination. Incredibly, there are a few exceptions to this rule -- truly humane men and women who speak for male victims and protest Misandry. On the other hand, many of those who already have bad reputation and low social standing may be willing to point out Society's Injustices. The same pattern of acceptable Injustice has been present for Millennia. Injustices have changed, but Society did not become more humane.

    One of unjust practices globally common during the first two Millennia before Common Era was human sacrifice in general and sacrifice of the first-born sons in particular. Human Sacrifice was common on every continent. It was already practiced in Americas. It was practiced by Europe's Druids. Archeologists are finding countless bodies of those sacrificed and thrown into bogs during the First Millennium BCE. In Middle East, everyone except Observant Jews sacrificed their children. Having established the colony of Carthage, Phoenicians continued the practice of sacrificing first-born sons.

    A truly righteous Respectable Citizen of Carthage would sacrifice his/her first born son to Kronos. A less righteous citizen would be more hesitant. According to Diodorus Siculus, many nobles sacrificed slave boys instead of their own first born sons. A non-pious commoner would not even think about sacrificing his/her child. He/she would rarely sacrifice an inexpensive animal. An outcast, a professional livestock thief, and a pirate would go as far as to mock the practice of child sacrifice.

    During the First Millennium Common Era, most of Europe became Christian, while many Middle East and North African Nations became Muslim. Old injustices became History. The Pagan practice of human sacrifice was recognized as Evil. Europe of XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries proclaimed Christian values of Kindness and Humanity. Unfortunately, that Society was far from being fair or just. Jews were regarded as Heretics and suffered Discrimination and Persecution. The Evil of Slavery reached it's peak in American Colonies established by European Nations. In East Europe and Russia, about 50% of peasants were serfs.

    Under many Monarchies, accusing the King or Queen of injustice was a crime. No Respectable Citizen would have dared to imply that the Monarch was unfair to serfs. Only an outcast like a thief or a pirate would have dared to claim that the Monarch was unjust to a large number of his/her subjects.

    Revolutions abolish old injustices to create new ones. During the end of XXth Century, old prejudices became unacceptable. By 2021, anyone can be fired and blacklisted for an offensive tweet they posted a decade ago. Unfortunately, both Mainstream Media and Social Media are saturated with Misandry. TikTok is the worst. Constant abuse and vilification do have enormous impact on their target. Once again very few Respectable Citizens defend the targets of socially acceptable prejudice and injustice.

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