RIP ammo test in jello

Discussion in 'Gun Control' started by gorte, Apr 20, 2015.

  1. gorte

    gorte Banned

    Mar 31, 2015
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    jello testing is bs, especially 20% jello, but it makes for really good video! :) My design for the 9mm bullet is better in the real world, but it pierces kevlar vests. While it's not illegal to sell or possess my type of ammo, it's going to be a huge hassle for its maker to sell it commercially

    I consider this RIP stuff to be too small of a "petal-fragment" and too fragile, at too low of a velocity. But it should upset the statists to see me post this. :) A big chunk of this post did not appear at first, so I must re-enter it. Some company took the financial risk to develope and promote this defensive ammo, folks. The anti-gunners have no IDEA how much resistance they really face! :)
  2. alakazam

    alakazam Banned

    Feb 19, 2015
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    The only thing gellitan is good for is helping the bullet mfr. show you what their bullet can do under ideal conditions. Ideal conditions rarely happens on the streets. What they dont tell u is in a study by the U.S. border patrol many years ago that only 53% of all hollow points they usd opened up or distorted. But of course its better to have 53% than nothing.

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