Roberts puts the voters in charge of our own future

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by OldMercsRule, Jun 30, 2012.

  1. OldMercsRule

    OldMercsRule Member

    Mar 20, 2011
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    Hi folks, back from a self imposed vacation for a few posts, (until I get micro managed again), prolly will not take long. :eyepopping:

    I've been ponderin' Robert's monumental SCOTUS decision fer a few days now n' decided to post me thoughts here.

    #1 The easy way fer Roberts would have been to side with the three Cornservative Justices, n' the one Moderate Justice, butt: he didn't, n' I fer one think he did the right thing and his decision will make every American voter deal with this massive issue of fraud, deceit and runaway Gubment growth, as we need to do at some point before we blow up.

    Had he blown out the entire law due to the Liberal/dim wit Democrat fraud expanding Gubment under a claimed expansive view of the "Commerce Clause", he would have accepted Nasty Nancy's, Horrible Harry's, n' Obamaprompter's fraud and lies at face value, (as NBC news and most of the Liberal media does all the time).

    This act is clearly a poorly written very regressive tax on young healthy people and the poor or the old who can't afford health care, as it is enforced by the IRS. Imagine that: a spade is actually a spade. (Takes only one brain cell), and the honesty to ponder this massive and crippling law that Liberals and dim wit Democrats lack or fear to use, to see that.

    Are there Cornstitutional limits on taxation and growth of Gubment in this great Republic? Nope. There are only political limits imposed by voters. Time to step up or let 'er go. :tombstone:

    #2 Roberts had to ignore the fraudulent language in the 2700 page law :toilet: and the false rhetoric of the proponents in the political parties and the media to reach his monumental decision, which makes very sloppy Cornstitutional law.

    That torques many Cornservatives, who claim he "rewrote the law". (Torqued me too).

    I think he just called it what it was: a poorly written falsely advertised tax hike on the young and healthy, the poor, and the old. They tax ya fer inaction, that's all. If the IRS enforces said law what else can it be but a tax? Think: people. Ya don't actually believe anything Obamaprompter says do ya? :roll:

    Liberal/Progressive/Marxist/Statists have always wanted ta tax us fer breathin', n' now they have done it and it is clearly: "Cornstitutional".

    The dissenting opinion hammers him, (Roberts), for the flaws in the way the fraudulent law was passed, (shoved down our collective throats), by the dim wit "ends justify the means" Democrats that could have been used to overturn the law. Prolly better that it stands and forces us to act or to accept our fate.

    Dim wit Democrats n' Liberal/Progressive/Marxist/Statists always lie to their supporters, n' the supporters of that political party always elect and support felons, liars, n' anti-Americans when they vote fer their pols. That is not new, (been that way since at least Woodrow Wilson).

    #3 Had SCOTUS overturned the law one unelected branch who's members serve fer life, (tyrants in black robes), would have trumped the two elected branches, (that Americans elected). The dim wit Democrats, Liberal/Progressive/Marxist/Statists would have been livid and energized, and the rest of the voters would have likely been apathetic.

    This our job, the job of the voters, and ya may have one last chance before we hit the rocks.

    We have the least competent most deceitful Chicago thug POTUS in US history at the helm of our ship of state, he has NBC in his hip pocket and at his back, and he has us all headed for the water fall. The Supremes didn't save us, (not their job), we must save ourselves.

    The first week in November will be either the end of us as a stumbling barely solvent Republic in the hands of incompetent radicals, or we will start the process to undo the massive damage that has been done, (I hope it is not too late). Time for all to choose.

    Respectfully, JR
  2. poliblogs

    poliblogs New Member

    Sep 3, 2011
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    JR, I might not completely agree with you, but I respect the thoughtfulness and thoroughness of your post. I know you despise the bill. I also worry about its massive size and potential for escalating costs. However, the free market system had led to insurance companies imposing lifetime caps, refusing people with preexisting conditions, and spending too little on actual direct care. No one, Republicans or Democrats, had done anything to address these problems. This left an opening, and opening that would not have existed if previous administrations had done something about these problems instead of backing down to big insurance.

    Political views from a middle ground perspective
    Political Truth Serum: Innovative political fact checking
  3. Ex-lib

    Ex-lib Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 14, 2010
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    The best thing I know to do is vote against Obama, try to get all possible Conservatives into Congress for now.... and then work on getting a 3rd party to take charge (probably through the vehicle of changing the Republican party).

    Rand Paul and Paul Ryan are the best I see at the moment. I want to see them gain popularity.
  4. Kranes56

    Kranes56 Banned

    Feb 23, 2011
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    Suck it up, it is what it is.
  5. OldMercsRule

    OldMercsRule Member

    Mar 20, 2011
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    Thank you.

    Yes..... I don't care for any 2700 page grow the scope and power of nanny gubment monster that most who voted for it IN CONGRESS never even bothered to read. :angered:

    That said: the majority of Americans who voted in 2006 and 2008 very foolishly with the help of the cheer leading Left wing media, put hard Left radicals, and an incompetent radical POTUS (who with other Lefties have worked steadily since Woodrow Wilson to grow a massive interfering Gubment and in the process destroy our freedom and our fabulous Republic) in charge of two of the most important branches of gubment. :eyepopping:

    We are headed for a train wreck as a Country, Obamacare and the massive cost and risks to business and all of us are part of it, but the exponential acceleration of debt, and a massive economy killing tax increase due 1/2013 is gonna blow us up. :skull:

    In spite of the Liberal/Progressive/Marxist/Statists we have made it past the 200 year mark (1976) and it looks purdy dim to me as for our chances of remaining solvent over the next ten years if we again let our collective guard down this November.

    At least you sense there is something to worry about. That is a start, (a small one), but a start.

    No such thing as a "free market system" in health care: Sir. Ever since the mid 1960s and the passage of Medicare nearly 40 years ago, nanny gubment has dominated all aspects of health care. (More then 50% of all health care transactions are nanny gubment funded), and the 800 lb gorilla, (yuppers that's: nanny gubment), dominates 100% of the billing procedures and thereby creates 99.9% of the colossal problems in the health care system for us all. :eye:

    Both parties have made matters cornsiderably worse, the dim wit Democrats, (now dominated by the radical Left), are by far the greater problem. That said: the Republicans are no saints, (with the exception of a few.... most elected in 2010).

    We see the world very differently. I see nanny gubment as "the problem" and the way I take your post you see nanny gubment as "the solution" (or maybe our salvation), to problems largely, (almost exclusively), caused by said nanny gubment.

    Thanks for your reply, respectfully, JR

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