Saving our world.

Discussion in 'Environment & Conservation' started by Brett Nortje, Dec 29, 2016.

  1. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    There is a lot that can be done by people to save our world. one of the best things to do in an oil spill is to flood the area with sponges to absorb the oil, scoop them out the water with various means, then crush them to release the oil for reuse.

    With the problem of sewerage, we could merely 'proliferate the production' or up the breeding of crayfish and prawns. they will eat all that much going into the oceans.

    With the chemical dumping, the best solution to this is to flood the area with salts, so, they will absorb the chemicals. then, it will be easy to get rid of them with spades and those dumper things with the huge spade in front.

    Then, there is also the danger of litter on the beaches and in the oceans. they could be cleared by using 'trawler nets' for the ocean - a quick run through should do it - and a spiked wheel buggy that will pierce all the pieces of litter on the beach.

    As for global warming, the world is getting cooler in the winter and hotter in the summer due to the density of carbon dioxide in the air. to get rid of all this carbon dioxide we are making plans for the future, but we need a solution now, yes? the solution now, as far as i can tell, is proliferation of plankton and sea weed, as that will breathe the carbon dioxide in from the sea, so it can be done quickly. growing 'stuff like this' out at sea is easy, as, with heat, they will spiral out of control and feed the whales while doing it.

    But, that is not all for global warming. maybe we could observe since carbon dioxide is a heavy gas, it will sink to the bottom or surface of the earth? maybe we could build bombs to be detonated in the atmosphere that will decompress the earth?

    Maybe we could do that with some helium bombs, and, oxygen bombs? i know there are tsar bombs out there that could be modified for quick results, where, the detonation could electrify the air for a while drawing all the carbon 'together up there.' this would be possible if we were to create a 'storm' up in the atmosphere full of precipitation... sounds good so far, yes?

    Precipitation is caused by moisture in the form of overheated hydrogen and oxygen. it gets so high, then it falls when it cannot go any higher, in a cycle of rebirth, if you will. so, how do we speed this up - maybe we could ignite the carbon itself through 'bombing the desert?' this is a desolate place, and, seeing as how all the carbon will settle evenly around places on earth surface level, maybe this is a good place to start.

    Observing the 'refrigeration technique,' we need to use heat to make heat move, yes? this would see us detonating a bomb that emits 'cold air' or 'less dense air' through a 'heating technique' that burns the carbon?

    Carbon dioxide is a gas from fires and industry that 'stays hot.' this will be where the 'fire' that ignites the carbon dioxide to 'burn away,' could be electromagnetic, so, splitting electrons and protons, in other words splitting atoms, would be the general ideal; they don't have to be nuclear, they merely need to be big, in the form of a tsar bomb, maybe a few hundred of these will blow the carbon to a much thinner state.
  2. sawyer

    sawyer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 29, 2012
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    What grade are you in?
  3. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    I think the best way to save our oceans is to cultivate rock lobsters and prawns - mass produce them and do not fish them!

    This will see the oceans get rid of all the rubbish, like radio active waste and poop in the oceans. without these natural eaters of these things, the oceans will overflow with poop and waste through the ages.

    Then there are oil spills, simply filling that area with sea sponges will absorb the oil and float to the top of the ocean where they can be harvested from the ocean easily.

    But, what about plastics? is there a way to get rid of plastics and tins in the ocean as well? if we were to go beneath the oceans - beneath the plastics too? - we could raise the sponges in a cloud to collect all the plastics to the top of the ocean with the plastics on top of them, or, tangles into them.

    Manufacturing these sponges could be accomplished by making them 'prolific.' this could be done by sieving the top layer off all sea sponges, maybe by some 'manufactured disease' where they lose a fraction of their body mass, and, that fraction would raise in the sea, clearing it of all non living 'non direction optional' fish who would just swim away, and the plastics could be sieved out of the ocean.

    This 'disease' should be similar to leprosy or some other disease that separates tissue from the living host. this will also lead to prolific fish generation, as the fish will be able to eat 'the spongy stuff' or whatever natural predators they have will benefit and breed more offspring for us to eat, of course.
  4. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    But, we still need to collect the plastics, that are now on top of the oceans, into one place so we can scoop them up and recycle them - this recycling incentive will see it done, as, it is worth money and a good image for the company involved, of course.

    To do this in the ocean, all we need to do is cause swell with shipping. by deviating a few angles off course, we could separate the oceans waves into a pattern, where they could see one area here and there carrying all the plastic. then, with the help of thermal satellites, we could find areas saturated with this 'semi biological stuff,' and go scoop it up.

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