So the final stage in refugee crisis begins...

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by MarkusS, Sep 20, 2016.

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  1. MarkusS

    MarkusS New Member

    Nov 24, 2013
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    Those hordes go mad now. They burned down the their intern camp on the greek island lesvos. 5000 of them run now wild on the islands. Greece cancelled all ferries there.
    Those there are blocked entry. The camp exists only to store them until deportation. It must be guaranteed that not one escapes.

    They burned their camp down to force entry into Europe. If we allow this all would be lost. Its important to show no mercy now.

    Since Merkel said yesterday she regretted her last year decission to show compassion it is clear that this attempt will be crushed down!
  2. The Prophet

    The Prophet Member

    Oct 25, 2015
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    Ugghh this whole thing is a mess. obama bore no false witness when he screamed from the rooftops in 2008 that he would "fundamentally transform America." It's just that it has worked even better than he could've imagined. obama and his BFF, Hillary, set the entire Middle East on fire, forcing only white countries to accept Muslims.

    When Trump gets elected, the atmosphere around the world is going to go wild. You're going to see many of the European countries leave the EU, and ship all of the Muslims back. Especially in Germany, Merkel is really pushing her luck. The people will light the ovens again and toss Muzzies in them. I fully believe that in the near future, Merkel will be beheaded and her head put on a post and paraded down the streets of Berlin. The atmosphere is just right to allow another Hitler figure to arise.

    But if Western Europeans get the wisdom to elect, what passes for right wing governments, and they build walls and put a stop to all immigration and say, "Look what we did. You are now safe! We stopped the invasion!" it will only delay the inevitable. In order to fix things, you have to un-f*** the situation; you must physically remove all the Muslims in your lands, they are just ticking time bombs waiting for the chance to launch jihad.
  3. MarkusS

    MarkusS New Member

    Nov 24, 2013
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    my country italy already started speed deportations. They get rounded up, locked in parking buildings and then send to somalia.

    We will face 1 or 2 hard years ow that produce ugly images. But it must be done.

    Merkel admitted her mistake yesterday. I respect that, since most leaders never do that. She said her core policies now is deportation, deportation, deportation.
  4. ChoppedLiver

    ChoppedLiver Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2015
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    Great friggin' post!
    The Prophet likes this.
  5. Michael Corleone

    Michael Corleone Banned

    Nov 11, 2015
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    They are going to Greece still cause Greece isnt deporting them back at all.
  6. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    She admitted her mistake only because she is trying to save her political career. Don't think for a second she would do anything different if she could go back and do it again.
  7. zbr6

    zbr6 Banned

    Jul 29, 2013
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    Hillary wants at least a million of these things here in her first year.

    If they have to come, send them to California so the libs can reap what they sow.

    Of course that's not where they will go.

    They'll be deposited, in secret, into Red states and Red cities where they will undoubtedly cause problems and when opposition arises the libs will undoubtedly scream racism.

    Lib overlords get a 3-for-1 with this refugee garbage.

    1. They get to weaken America by infesting her with legions of people who will breed legions more all becoming dependent upon government aka permanent Democrat voters.

    2. They get to strengthen Islam's and lay the foundation for a Muslim grip on the West.

    3. They get to benefit from millions of clueless SJWs who will be scammed into crying racism at the top of their lungs as we all burn.
  8. MRogersNhood

    MRogersNhood Banned

    Jul 20, 2015
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    They better be careful which ones they send them to;Just sayin'
  9. Angrytaxpayer

    Angrytaxpayer Banned

    Mar 20, 2011
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    Good. This is one time the US wont be saving the EU. I'll enjoy watching it burn this century.
  10. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    Very good information that's worth paying attention to and the last statement is highly accurate. We can't allow what's happening in Europe so, as Americans, we need to do things differently.

    The first lesson we should understand is that these aren't criminals that are to be internment camp like criminals. These refugees are the victim of criminal acts committed by terrorists and you don't put them in a virtual prison.

    When they first apply for refugee immigration status we need to inform them of the fact that the process is slow and will probably take up to two years and perhaps more. It's not a deportation process but instead an immigration process and they need to be informed of that up front. While they need to be secured it shouldn't be in a prison but instead a relocation facility with good housing, entertainment, sports facilities, other social comforts, and schools. because they're going to be there for an extended period of time. The schools are very important because they will have the time to learn English, that's important for living in the United States, and begin to learn about the American political ideology that they've never been exposed to in their life. These people are typically coming from place where the natural rights of the person have never been recognized much less protected.

    So while the long and tedious vetting process is taking place we can begin to assimilate these victims of terrorism into our American society which is something the Europeans haven't been doing or at least not very well.

    Additionally, to ensure their further integration into our uniquely American culture where they can learn to appreciate what America has to offer, we should be seeking out Americans that are willing to be sponsors of these refugees once the long process of vetting is complete. This will give them someone to know when they finally get here that will be their first American friend. It's probably important to provide training for the sponsor as well in both the customs of the refugee as well as how to share more about the American political ideology that makes America unique in all of the world.

    It's this type of attitude that's responsible for the problems in Greece and other countries in Europe. These refugees are the victims of terrorism, not terrorists, and to refuse mercy is unquestionably one of the most immoral actions that any person could commit. Why not just spit on the family members of those that died on 9/11 because they're victims of terrorism identical to the refuges now fleeing from the horrors of ISIS in Syria and Iraq,
  11. MarkusS

    MarkusS New Member

    Nov 24, 2013
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    spare me this nonsense, Europe is based on old cultural homogenous nations formed over millenia. Those "refugees" are not able to integrate in any way. They hurt us. They cant be allowed here.

    We have zero responsibility for them.

    If tables would be turned they would cut my throat and enslave my sisters, my girlfriend.

    Muslims can take refuge in muslim countries.
  12. Josh77

    Josh77 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 3, 2014
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    Why would anyone sponsor these animals unless they are already terrorist sleepers here in the US? Sure, some may be good people, but the bad ones ruined it for them. Security for Americans is more important than helping these (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)s. True, we are a nation of immigrants, but that can't last forever, especially when so many refugees are so anti American. We need to stop immigration from middle eastern countries. Pro western civilized people only. Savages need not apply.
  13. The Prophet

    The Prophet Member

    Oct 25, 2015
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    These refugees are mostly economic migrants, and criminals that intend to take over the West. If you notice, their points of destination are always the countries that fall weak to the poison that is political correctness. China says "f*** no we don't want these people here!" Gulf states won't take them, and that's f***ed up, as they'd easily be able to fit into their societies. It's only white countries that fall for this crap. I said on another thread, that if you go back in history, Europeans could've turned the entire world white, except we had a moral dilemma about killing non-whites. The Muslims don't have such a quandary, in fact, they tell the left and their pc culture to "f*** off!"

    No other US President would force his people to accept foreign migrants by the 1000s, especially when it's clear as day that the vast majority of them adhere to a violent ideology that states that we are the "infidel."

    If obama were a secret Muslim, can you tell me what exactly he would be doing differently, because I can't.
  14. Shangrila

    Shangrila staff Past Donor

    Aug 21, 2010
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    Rule 11 thread closure

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