The number of homeless people in Los Angeles is skyrocketing. In just one year, the figures revealed that the homeless population in the city grew 20% while the numbers for the wider Los Angeles County were even higher at 23%. As if looking at those numbers isn’t cringeworthy enough, The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority reported Wednesday that 6,000 homeless young people were tallied across the county in January, a 61% increase over the 2016 total. Most of the young people are ages 18 to 24. All the youth shelters have waiting lists and affordable housing is tough to find, even with a rent voucher, according to Heidi Calmus of Covenant House California, an international youth homeless services agency with a branch in Hollywood. “The system is overwhelmed,” Calmus said Tuesday night as she and a colleague, Nick Semensky, delivered toiletry bags and sandwiches to young people living in the streets. Read more here:
what aspect of liberal politics do you think causes it? I'd say the anti-religion aspect. It leaves people without direction or purpose in life.
I'd say the not actual belief in what they spew. They have huge mouths, telling everyone how they should be, but never do it themselves. Los Angeles should have zero homeless and zero poor. They are in the realm of probably the largest benefit of any area. Actors, Actresses, Sports players, etc. So much wealth from so many hypocrites that don't do what they tell everyone else to do. Walls=bad in Hollywood, except for the ones by their houses. Refugees are great, but they won't take a damn one near them when they could EACH take multiple. Climate change is so important, but I have an enormous energy using house, private jet and yuge yacht. I can go on. You get the point. HOLLYWOOD=HYPOCRITES. Really sad.
Well the folks in Hollywood may give a lot to charity, realize it is not enough, and so expect govt to contribute more to the point where it solves the problem. So, more than hypocrisy, stupidity(imagining more charity will work) may the most important element in liberalism.
It's not the govt's responsibility, initially. The govt merely helps out after the fact. People choose homelessness (when they're not insane, or underage and dumped by family).
yes and when you have no religion why not be dysfunctional and addicted? Both are the absence of religion yet our deadly liberals attack religion?
You are an idiot. No excuse for these do as I say, not as I do privileged pieces of dung. God bless capitalism, but not the scum that decry every part of it that has made them loads of money. They don't care about you.