The boule society is steaming

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by chopper, Oct 29, 2016.

  1. chopper

    chopper Banned

    Oct 14, 2016
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    On October 28, 2016, the FBI decided to look into Hillary Clintons emails again, and boy is the Boule Society (Combination of wealthy black and latino freemasons, amongst other wealthy secret societies) angry. Alot of information is being pushed into black communities by these Boule Members in hopes of starting a race riot. If only those blacks would trace the propaganda to its source. Then they'll know who the specific Boule Member is who's trying so hard to start a race war in their community. The same is occurring in caucasian communities. There seems to be a conceptual cosmic relationship with events and the collective unconscious is responding to them. It seems that in ritual and in ceremony these concepts can be activated in a form that can only be described as magic. Magic loosely meaning that there is no real explanation for the words that have been pronounced and the importance of them being pronounced correctly. There are thought forms that drift in the ether and it seems that their relationships are constantly coming together in a form of causality. The Father of Death, the Dark Patriarchy and Frater Mortis, or the Father of all death and the seduction of extreme dominance has been the powerful force that has kept us under control and under the watchful eye of the Cryptocracy.

    The metaphor of the Saturnalian influence of the mysterious father and how the metaphoric dark family tradition has become egocentric, and using the United States as an example of a large family, abuses its power over others so as to protect itself and feed its own narcissism. It is important to recognize, that the negative patriarchy is the deeper, archetypal process that has seized hold of the militant left wing and is unconsciously playing itself out through Barack Obama and his questionable origins, questionable religious beliefs, questionable political philosophies and his loyalty conflicts that stem from a dysfunctional family and lack of a positive Father figure in his life. We first began to see the metaphor of the darker patriarchy when Disney began pushing their campaign for the film Maleficent. While many already know the story of Sleeping Beauty the Disney view of how Maleficent became an evil fairy can be attributed to the Dark king and secret covenants that would secure a kingdom that is run with the orthodoxy of the darker king or the invisible dark patriarchy. The remedy of course is the return of the matriarchy or a form of leadership that is held by a queen or a woman chief or leader. When Father is bad, when the darker invisible father is nowhere to be seen, when hope is gone, and justice no longer is an option there is always the arms of mother. Not just in the metaphorical sense but in the literal sense.

    The truth is, the dark patriarchy is no longer working and eventually we will see the return of the mother queen to rule the hive. She may not be all that is wholesome but she most certainly will be able to call all of the children together and give them some repose and bliss. Such is the nature of the Dark father metaphor. People think and dream in metaphor. A large proportion of our most commonplace thoughts make use of an extensive, but unconscious, system of metaphorical concepts, that is, concepts from a typically concrete realm of thought that are used to comprehend another. A lot of people may miss the fact that their unconscious mind registers metaphors all the time; some are mystified when they see metaphors for what they are. It is a well known metaphor where either an absent father or a competitive father leaves a child curious about his origins and worth. It is very reminiscent of the Star Wars mythos and the relationship between Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader. Luke lives on a desert vapor farm and is told by an old friend of his Father’s that it would be wise for Luke to follow in his father’s footsteps and become a pilot and a warrior. He later finds out that his absent father is not only alive, but has betrayed his people, his religion, and is the very enemy he must confront.

    The New Star Trek directed by J.J. Abrahams also plays on the absent or dark mysterious father theme as the young James T. Kirk is born while his Father dies while fighting against the Romulans. He grows up on an Iowa farm, and lives through a suicidal adolescence until an associate of his father convinces him to join the Federation Academy and follow in his absent Father’s footsteps. Disney has been responsible for a lot of conditioning with regards to the Dark father motif; they have even captured the essence of the mother goddess, witch and nurturer. Maleficent with her horns, and sweeping huge wings is the dark mother, as she sweeps down over the kings army she is the Morrighan, the dark goddess of chaos and death, she is Kali. The one who lives in the thresholds, one of the old ways, the healing ways, now misunderstood and named evil, bad, wicked. These metaphors are powerful, and that is why we are drawn to them as a culture. That is why we are not aware that as a country we are a dysfunctional family in need of leadership—if not from the Dark Father, then from the dark mother or goddess. A disproportionate number of Disney characters lack one or both parents. Some are killed onscreen, while others are alive but mysteriously absent. Most Disney characters have dead mothers, giving more focus on the patriarchy both positive and negative and how it breeds the idea of “Father the Protector.”

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    The Maleficent character has now opened up the notion that mother now can be just as mysterious and dark – however the metaphor always turns to the power of the male source. It used to be mother… now it belongs to father. Father God, Father Land, Father Government, Father time, Father death. Perhaps the conditioning process will convince us that Father no longer fulfills the needs of power and the masculine will defer to the divine feminine. The metaphor of the Dark Father in our government has been tossed around since the earlier days of George Herbert Walker Bush. Bush became the Dark father of the New World order and his son was in the wings to continue the Dynasty. George W. Bush also was seen as another inspired father of the Dark side and his legacy was war and nightmarish fear. Any possible Father or guardian who has made a pact with the darker edges of patriarchy becomes addicted to power. The sick and dying king passing the torch to another eager narcissistic king continues the process and none is the agent of change, only the purveyor of dualism, dysfunction and lack of loyalty to his people. The dysfunctional Father was once a hero in the eyes of his children and to some of the children he can do no wrong. However when the mythical father is seduced by dominance and power, he will inevitably make a Faustian pact with the devil. It is metaphoric theater that we seem to be witness to. From the Bush Dynasty , to Obama and later perhaps the torch being handed to the Dark Mother Goddess—in this case it appears that Hillary Clinton fills that role.

    Any Father or Mother figure can satiate their unending hunger for power by inviting the devil into their court and it seems that both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have both done their dirty deed with the devil with the Bengahzi scandals and now with the horrific results of devil deals with terrorists and the results of a middle eastern blow back. Much of the chaos was first created with the Dark Fathers and war barons in the Bush Dynasty and then the arrogant narcissist Obama has now opened the gates of hell for the ultimate chaos. The Dark Father in power now, the Frater Mortis or Father of Death has learned that he has given up a bargain for his soul. Irony is not dead nor is it ignored when we learn that Sigmund Freud saw the Dark Father as the Devil incarnate. The Devil has been called the Father of lies the captain of the left handed path. From the left hand of power comes the dark Father of lies. The Devil according to Freud is symbolically related to the archetypal figure of the negative father. The negative father is the devil drunk with power, who wants to control, dominate, and dictate to others. We all have a few small–scale, true beliefs that characterize the human condition, and we can all agree that we share some commonality in this regard. However, we have been constantly encouraged to be divided, and we receive all sorts of confused signals. We have all been subjected to Father figures who are critical, from bosses, to partners and even Government officials. It is the Family tradition to be conflicted and dysfunctional. The task at hand is to defeat he dysfunction and understand what has molded us. How the Dark or Absent Father metaphor has created a “loyalty dysfunction”

    In some Freudian or Nietzsche philosophy you can compare this metaphor with what is known as a developed Master and Slave Morality. It is where the slave decides to adjust his behaviors in order to please the Master. Many of these slaves or children of the master avoid crossing or questioning the “father” or the “father” governing “guardian.” With regards to a political “Dark Father” — the act of adjusting your tolerance of cognitive dissonance in order to appease a leader creates a form of pathocracy. While thinking about The “dark father” metaphor, it helps to understand that there are two worlds within one in this existence: the world you think you know, and the world that is. The world you think you know is being engineered by shadowy puppeteers. You are unaware that you are chained to this reality created by them. We have maintained that which appears to be a group of assorted true beliefs of the “what” of things but we stop short of determining the “why” of things. The family of the United States, speaking in metaphoric sense is beginning to see that the family is dysfunctional because of its Father that has seemed to have abandoned the needs of the family and has decided to take care of the needs of his associates and friends. He is aware that the family is becoming irritated with his actions and his lack of loyalty and so now he has called upon his minions to keep peace within the family. However, his minions are failing and even some of them have abandoned their loyalties to the king and father and have decided to completely pull out of the familial relationship.

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    Ever since Homeland Security gave us their assessment of new threats from homegrown terrorists, there seems to be an onslaught of crimes that have been conveniently exploited to further some trumped up right wing conspiracy against the government. It has led to wallpapering the facts with all kinds of blame, from racism, to conspiracy theory to extremism the latest news is beginning to fan the flames of extremism from the right, when there are more than enough people neither right or left that can see the Dark Father metaphor and know that the deal with the devil has been sealed and there are a lot of people that do not want their blood mixed into the cement that is being used to create the cornerstone for corruption. We have to learn from our experiences with the Dark fathers and Kings who lead the dark and corrupt patriarchy. It may be an old paradigm, it may not sit well with people who know nothing of darker archetypes and metaphors, but brute force has always been the Modus Operandi of the dark father figure. It is imperative that he save face or fall on his sword. If he does neither then there is an exercise known as the “killing of the king” or the symbolic “King Kill” where and open execution or even character assassination brings down the patriarch and he eventually becomes an ignored or even dead king. He will have limited honor and will have a place in history as a monumental failure.

    That is the sad state of the Dark Father, he never learns from past mistakes and while he is being seduced by extreme dominance, he will wound, torture, terrorize and kill millions. If we include every dark father throughout history we see the body coungt as billions and the trauma is immeasurable. The Dark Father is the devil, he is the trickster, clown and joker that sadistically and without prejudice enjoys sending people to die and delights in seeing thousands perish for fake ideologies and crusades. It is criminal really, the real murderer disguises himself as a champion of family and integrity when he clearly is the Frater Mortis. Like any Devil, he appears to be strong and powerful on the surface. But of course deep down to his core is extreme fear and weakness, as it is threatened by anyone who challenges his dominance. At any given time we may find ourselves defending the good father, the good father that is secretly the criminal, the mob boss, the thug. We see it every day, every time we see people defending their various political affiliations as if they were a part of some political cult secretly looking for a father to give them guidance. They think it is simplistic as good vs. evil, the righteous against the profane. They mistakenly think that it is one nation under god when it is one hallucination under god fighting the so called heathen nations and baptizing them by fire into believing that a global empire and civic, homogenized nationalist pseudo- religious dynamic is best for all inhabitants of the earth.

    Well, the so called heathen nations have now risen up against their masters. The master they are rising up against is now showing whose side he is really on. The idea of a cryptocracy using smoke and mirrors to gain control of the world has been spoken of by more eloquent writers than myself. However it seems that the idea is becoming more believable as we tune in to the endless reports of what horrible things are happening on a day to day basis. Every group and alleged secret society is focusing on its very own version of the end times and in essence grouping themselves together to push the proverbial snowball down the mountain so that it will grow, and in its momentum swallow up every last bit sanity on this planet. The Dark Father and wanting Child relationship is similar to the master and slave condition, where trauma and confusion gives us no choice as to what we should do so we do what the “master” or “father” tells us. While thinking about the “dark father” metaphor, you may also want to consider that there are legions of “masters” of “fathers” that are behind the scenes pulling the strings. Thus we realize that there is an unseen world with a secret agenda. It seems that there are no coincidences in magical worlds and as we see the Dark Father fail in every way possible could this all be theater to prepare us for the arrival of mother?

    October 29, 2016

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