The Covid-19 Pandemic Does Not Exist

Discussion in 'Viral/Biological' started by Eleuthera, Nov 18, 2021.

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  1. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Some things I never fail to be disappointed by are the never changing behaviours of conspiracy theorists. In this case denial. No matter how irrefutable the proof is, no matter how obvious it is - the conspiracy theorist is just afraid to back down and see reason. They are incapable of doing this.

    Very easy for me, not so much for you it seems.
    You are a dishonest person. The report itself quite clearly shows your stupid claims to be wrong. I actually found the source for your plagiarized batshit:

    Fact Check: Pfizer Document Does NOT List Thousands Of Side Effects From COVID Vaccine -- It's Required List Of Potential Side Effects | Lead Stories


    You are a gullible conspiracy theorist who is incapable of making their own decisions on the crap you get sucked into. I asked you a dozen times what Table 7 is and you finally came out with some idiotic answer that showed you KNEW it was their list of adverse events and failed to understand the line after about Safety Signals. I don't think I've come across anyone who has presented such ludicrous denial of in-your-face evidence. It's truly bizarre that you think you are doing anything other than showing how foolish you are.

    For liars and deniers:
    Why Adverse Events of Special Interest Are NOT Side Effects! | Tech ARP
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2023
    bigfella likes this.
  2. UntilNextTime

    UntilNextTime Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2022
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    It's you sunshine, gullible to the official narratives. The age of lies, deceptions and deceit is what we live in. You've been caught along with so many in the fly trap.
    Please stop. auiqs.jpg.gif Adverse events are not side effects of the covid injections! WTF are they then? Internal enhancements that mess you up? OMG, who is gullible that believes that let's say "BATSHIT" crazy, they are auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif
    If they are referring to the very long list called APPENDIX 1. LIST OF ADVERSE EVENTS OF SPECIAL INTEREST, and are not related to the studies/document then WhyTF have them listed then, for posterity? auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif

    Gives an actual medical paper that even comes close to what you think APPENDIX 1. LIST OF ADVERSE EVENTS OF SPECIAL INTEREST and what it actually means before I even consider taking you seriously. I wonder how much Dr. Adrian Wong, try and find out "about" Dr Wong and you get this –––– auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif Yeah, credibility is in the septic tank.
    auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif
    Calls me a gullible conspiracy theorist?, auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif when you try and justify that the Pfizer document is NOT, what it is, that just priceless! auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif

    When the title of the document contains ANALYSIS OF POST-AUTHORIZATION ADVERSE EVENT REPORTS &
    Pfizer is responsible for the management post-authorization safety data on behalf of the
    MAH BioNTech according to the Pharmacovigilance Agreement in place. Data from
    BioNTech are included in the report when applicable.
    Pfizer’s safety database contains cases of AEs reported spontaneously to Pfizer, cases
    reported by the health authorities, cases published in the medical literature, cases from
    Pfizer-sponsored marketing programs, non-interventional studies, and cases of serious AEs
    reported from clinical studies regardless of causality assessment.

    How can anyone misinterpret the above? Hmm, I wonder. Is it because they're clutching at straws from their strawman? auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif OMG auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif
    Navy Corpsman likes this.
  3. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    How can you take seriously a troll who does that?! What kind of person peppers their idiotic post with nearly 100 stupid emoticons?

    I have never come across an honest "truther". Zero integrity and very often extremely clueless.
    bigfella likes this.
  4. UntilNextTime

    UntilNextTime Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2022
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    One that deserves them! auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif
    Did you actually count them all? :applause::applause::applause:I don't think there are that many, perhaps in the high 60s, low 70s
    MADE UP BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!
    Avoiding this question?
    It's amazing that some want to continue to interpret that is as clear as day and in black and white. But yet they insist vehemently that it's not what it means. All I ask for is that interpretation of the quoted, too difficult I presume? Wait for it, I feel a table 7 response coming... auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif

    Talk about lunacy... auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif auiqs.jpg.gif
    Navy Corpsman likes this.
  5. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Rather idiotic post with your multiple exclamation marks. Adverse effects are just that, effects that occur within a set time of a vaccine that have no established causality. Your idiotic question about what they are is answered by the thing you quote.

    They are events with unestablished causality! Your idiotic question about what they are is answered by the thing you quote.

    I have never come across an honest "truther". Zero integrity and very often extremely clueless.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2023
  6. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    "Truthers" huh?
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2023
  7. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    Covid-denial has become a cult.
  8. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    It's not a cult. It's called science.
    Navy Corpsman likes this.
  9. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Comedy post. You have to laugh when a follower of batshit, complete anti-science, deceptive sources and disinformation thinks their junk is "called science".

    It basically amounts to 99.9999% of the scientific fraternity being wrong because the batshittery says so.
  10. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Still waiting for your proof of a virus, and proof that the PCR actually detects the presence of an actual 'viral genome'.
    Navy Corpsman likes this.
  11. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    They're wrong because they're getting all their info from institutions & medical schools, and believing what they're taught without doing their own research. It's the reason why so many doctors fail at helping their patients (800,000 annual deaths due to medical treatment) and why Americans are getting sicker & sicker. They're not trained to know how the body really works & what it needs to remain healthy.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2023
    Navy Corpsman likes this.
  12. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    I currently have the virus. There is your proof.

    I tested negative ever since the test came out in the year 2020. Finally tested positive in early February. After probably at least 50 tests. Test was a very weak positive on Saturday but then Sunday morning my symptoms were back and low and behold another test was a very very strong positive actually came up positive in a matter of seconds.

    So go ahead and tell me that covid is fake.

    I will simply laugh.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2023
  13. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Gotta laugh again at this guy. Someone fed him the batshit and the request to go with it and now he thinks he knows more than virologists.

    This has to be an actual comedy act. A follower of batshit "knows things" and all the incredibly intelligent people have all been hoodwinked. A suggestion of such epic stupidity that only a conspiracy theorist has the audacity to make it.
    MuchAdo likes this.
  14. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    Just took another rapid test.

    Came back positive almost instantly, which means i still have a high viral load.

    I cant visit my mom until i at least get a weak positive. :(
  15. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Those so-called 'tests' are meaningless because they're based on a non-existent virus. Plus, they can't detect the presence of an actual virus even if one existed.

    The rapid-antigen test is being used to test for a 'viral' protein (antigen) and is considered less accurate than PCR, while the PCR (which takes much longer) is being used to test for the presence of a 'viral' genomic sequence. Both tests are notorious for producing 'false positives'—which is a moot point anyway because you can't test for something that hasn't first been confirmed to exist. The genomic material of the alleged virus (or any other virus in question) was never physically extracted from an actual isolated & then purified virion (whole virus), but instead the sequence (actually, a tiny portion of the sequence) was derived from a computer database (GenBank, GISAID, etc.), the sequence of which originated from in-silico (computer-generated) modeling.

    This is how they do it.

    If you're feeling well, disregard the tests.
    If you're ill, again disregard the tests and don't worry—unless you were vaccinated and suspect you're experiencing an adverse reaction.
    Navy Corpsman likes this.
  16. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    No, i have to stay home from my job with a positive result for 5 days, symptoms or no symptoms.

    Pretty stupid of you to tell me i have no virus after testing positive for a virus and after feeling better from antiviral drugs.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2023
    MuchAdo likes this.
  17. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    If you're feeling better after the medicine it's likely it acted as an anti-inflammatory. Other medicines act as anti-fungals which can have the same effect. This is how flu & cold medicines work. They don't target any virus but rather inflammatory symptoms. But you still have to contend with potential side effects, so it's not good to take any for very long (if at all). You didn't need the medicine in the first place unless it's a life & death situation.

    There's no virus being targeted by any of the medicines because there's no virus.
    Navy Corpsman likes this.
  18. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    If there is no virus, how did i give it to my wife?????

  19. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Are you saying your wife 'tested positive' too, or that you became symptomatic and your wife also became similarly symptomatic?

    I'll assume you're talking about the latter, because if you're talking about the former, the 'test' results would be meaningless.

    And if you were both recently vaccinated, your sicknesses could likely be due to that (doctors won't blame it on the vaccine, but on 'covid').

    Anyway, if you became ill and your wife later became ill, you didn't give anything to your wife. There's no contagion. You and your wife live in the same house/area under similar conditions and eat similar foods, and are exposed to the same EMF (electromagnetic fields like 5G/cell towers, etc.), man-made toxins, vaccines, etc. You two also share a bond and can effect one another on an energy/electrical level, and this is something that's also being looked at by parapsychology researchers, but is not yet well understood. We're also affected by solar cycles (eg, solar maximums/minimums, sun spots, solar flares, seasonal sun exposure, etc.). It would appear the 'black plague' & other plagues of old (before vaccines, EMF, and industrial toxins) were the result of solar minimums/maximums because they coincided with solar highs or lows.

    Anyway, each person's constitution can be different, which is why some people in the same house will become ill while others do not. Also, everyone is affected to some extent by EMF. Some are extremely sensitive while others less so, but all are affected on some level. EMF, beginning with the days of the telegraph, began humanity's epidemic of chronic disease.

    Your flu-like illness is not an actual disease, but rather the body's way of cleansing itself. That's why we get fevers. The fever assists with clearing waste/toxins, enhancing blood circulation, and activating specific enzymes. Microorganisms (not viruses) that are always in the body and cannot be removed remain dormant, but come alive when conditions are conducive. They then go to work to aid the body in clearing toxins & weakened/dead cells.

    Be careful about taking ANY medical drugs with a flu-like illness. You can end up seriously ill by interfering with the body's natural biological processes. I met a girl who became diabetic after getting the flu. I asked her if she had taken any medicine and she said yes. These serious adverse effects are more common than one would think. And of course vaccines are far worse.

    If you have flu-like symptoms, you have the flu (not from any virus). You don't have 'covid'. There is no 'covid'.

    You cannot assume a 'virus' (or any other microorganism) causes a disease until...
    (1) a virus has been confirmed to exist,
    (2) that virus is then proven to be pathogenic, and
    (3) that virus is then proven to be infectious/contagious.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2023
    Navy Corpsman likes this.
  20. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    So, not only did my wife NOT catch covid from me (both of us tested positive, none of us have been vaccinated since Fall last year), but Influenza is not a virus???

    Wow, just wow. Learning a lot about Covid Denialism today. Not only does the covid virus not exist, but the influenza virus also does not exist.

    And we got sick from EMFs.

    Last edited: Feb 16, 2023
  21. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Yes I know. It's hard to believe for someone hearing this for the first time, but it's true. There's a mountain of literature & research, but this is a good place to start in educating yourself about the truth of virology.

    A Farewell to Virology (pdf)

    Yep. Again, there's a mountain of research available, but a good place to start is to read Arthur Firstenberg's densely researched book The Invisible Rainbow, and Evidence that dirty electricity is causing the worldwide epidemics of obesity and diabetes (pdf) by Dr. Samuel Milham.

    It's becoming harder, however, to differentiate between the effects of EMF and vaccines since their arrivals were not far apart. But these are, without a doubt, the two biggest culprits behind the growing epidemic of chronic illness since the late 18th to early 19th Centuries.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2023
    Navy Corpsman likes this.
  22. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Incredible, all these people hospitalized and dead and it doesn't exist. The wonders of science all fake, because the batshittery says so.

    Cue all the crap about how they didn't die from complications caused by the virus.
  23. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Right there is your major problem. You have clearly not been educated and your whole "knowledge-base" is a matter of BELIEF! Your mountains of batshit and utter stupidity may be compelling to you, but to people who have been educated they are ludicrous hogwash.

    And highlighting another problem. You aren't qualified to determine what is and isn't "good research". Falling on deaf ears of course, but anyone who thinks EMF radiation is dangerous at the levels used for cell-phones is an imbecile.


    Moronic again. Your "doubts" are irrelevant. You have simply no idea what you are talking about. You have been completely suckered by the batshit industry and have become a talking-piece for them. Poor life-style decisions, lack of suitable exercise, obesity, diabetes, cancer and you want to blame it on EMF and vaccinations. The appalling ignorance is staggering.
  24. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    It's funny, but I used to believe as you currently do. Why? Because I didn't question what I was being told. I was a blind follower & lemming like you. I mistook authority to be truth rather than truth to be authority.

    If you want to know the truth, you have to make the effort and dig for it. The govt & its institutions would prefer you remain a blind, unquestioning follower because that's how they keep getting away with corruption.

    There's a thing called logic, and curiosity, and the ability to ask the right questions, and science doesn't have a monopoly on these things. Anyone can apply them, but most don't.

    Even despite the growing healthier shift in lifestyle & diet, the rate of debilitating chronic illness continues to grow, and I was curious as to why this was. It's not human physiology that's at fault. The causes must be exogenous / environmental. It's a fact that the emergence of the epidemic of chronic diseases & many never before seen diseases began with the advent of electricity & vaccines. It's not rocket science to see what the culprits are.
    Navy Corpsman likes this.
  25. JCS

    JCS Well-Known Member Donor

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Directly from VAERS:

    * 149,916 pages listing 1,499,156 documented adverse reactions from the covid vax.

    * Children's deaths listed as "Age UNK" (unknown) to hide harm done to children by covid vax.

    * Reported deaths from covid vax are not physically entered on the actual date listed.

    NOTE: These are only entered case reports. We have no idea how many adverse reactions/deaths were reported but not entered, nor how many adverse reactions/deaths were unreported.
    Navy Corpsman likes this.

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