The Current Republican Suicide Mission Has Reached Its First Weekend

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Brtblutwo, Oct 5, 2013.

  1. Brtblutwo

    Brtblutwo New Member

    Mar 23, 2013
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    As the House Republicans continue to commit political suicide to impress an ever-shrinking minority of U.S. voters, it is entertaining to watch as FOX News and others like Limbaugh and Palin try, unsuccessfully, to spin this conservative/neoconservative disaster to make it look good.

    Undoubtedly there are a small number of the 800,000 furloughed federal workers who blame their temporary unemployment on Obama and the Democrats, denying it is Boehner holding things up. But the longer this slim-down or slow-down (the right-wingers’ spin on the government shutdown) lasts the worse it is going to become for the G“NO”P.

    Will the House Republicans double-down and add federal default to their federal shutdown? They have only a few more days to decide. Hopefully, they will hold raising the debt ceiling hostage as well, it will further impress the rabid right-wingers, while driving ever more moderates away from the GOP.

    The shutdown coupled with default will be damaging to the nation indeed, but it will also prove to the American citizens just how far the Republican Party has slipped into insanity and self-delusion.

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